• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Join My Shiny Hunting Club!

I was casually training in the Winding Woods and I came across a Shiny Noctowl, I started freaking out xD
Fun fact: the SV Method of getting shinies might be about to be stopping in its tracks. Trade server went down for maintenance. Watch eggs become untradable now.

so did eggs being untradable happen?
Thanks for the explanations on how Masuda affects the chances mathematically guys. Sorry it's taken me 3 pages to reply, I'm in the UK so you guys get to chat while I'm sleeping, then I come on here all on my ownsome... :)
so did eggs being untradable happen?

Nope, eggs can still be traded. I just traded for a 5IV eevee egg[female]

edit: Oh, and I finally got my hands on a female eevee with 5 perfect IVs, so I'm now mass producing good IV eevees[or I should be. Using a male with 5 perfect IVs and destiny knot]
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I was casually training in the Winding Woods and I came across a Shiny Noctowl, I started freaking out xD

If you provide a screenshot of the summary screen, the the judges might give you a point in the shiny hunting competition. When I say probably, I mean they are extremely likely to.
Woot! Another shiny eevee[once again, can't be used for the competition though. SV Method was used(wasn't planning on using it again for another eevee but.. that eevee was too good to pass up getting her to be shiny{Eevee (F) - Serious, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\31\22})]

Oh, and we've all seen shiny eevees before, so I'm not posting a picture of her
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Woot! Another shiny eevee[once again, can't be used for the competition though. SV Method was used(wasn't planning on using it again for another eevee but.. that eevee was too good to pass up getting her to be shiny{Eevee (F) - Serious, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\31\22})]

Oh, and we've all seen shiny eevees before, so I'm not posting a picture of her

Awesome! Glad it worked out! Can't find anybody with 7 as their number XD
Try http://www.reddit.com/r/svgiveaway or http://www.reddit.com/r/SVExchange/new/

That's where I've been going to find SV matches. Currently doing an eevee egg giveaway there. Anyone who matches the SV gets the egg they match.

Basically.. free shinies. xD

edit: Course, if the method ever catches on around here; I'd do the giveaways here too. Though.. I probably won't do anymore now that I have so many fuzzballs xD(and a male and female shiny eevee)
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Woot! Another shiny eevee[once again, can't be used for the competition though. SV Method was used(wasn't planning on using it again for another eevee but.. that eevee was too good to pass up getting her to be shiny{Eevee (F) - Serious, Adaptability, 31\31\31\31\31\22})]

Oh, and we've all seen shiny eevees before, so I'm not posting a picture of her

Serious nature huh...what do you plan to do with it?

EDIT: By the way, to everyone, at this point its a low chance that the first egg you get will have a value match with anyone on the spreadsheets and such. I always breed at least 20 before searching for matches.
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Kokoro is going to be a pretty Flareon in due time.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Man, there's nothing on Reddit with my SV...

Just keep watching[try searching for your SV with the search bar, that's how I just found a 5 perfect IV female shelder that I'm a match for. Can't wait to see her.]
Just keep watching[try searching for your SV with the search bar, that's how I just found a 5 perfect IV female shelder that I'm a match for. Can't wait to see her.]

I did that. Nothing. Literally nothing. XD
well, the method was only just discovered. Give it time.

edit: now.. if I could just come up with a name for my orange shellder....
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Found a pokemon matching my sv in a giveaway! Hopefully I can get him. He is a shiny vulpix!

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Got the egg. Now to hatch it!
Lucky! I've been trying to nab a vulpix that matches my SV[but so far no one's bred one]. Got a shellder though.

by the way, Scribbler.. when did you plan on picking up that eevee you asked me to save for you?
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