Join My Shiny Hunting Club!

I hatched a shiny female 5IV Pawniard. Missing Sp. Def and has Inner Focus, but I am still happy :)
I don't think perfect Special Defense will save you from a flamethrower or focus blast anyway so you are probably good.
I got a 6IV shiny Cresselia in a trade. And a 5IV shiny Espurr, and some other shinies. I really, really want a shiny Delphox though ;o;
I like Mawile, I just don't have anything good to trade right now unless you want a 5IV Smeargle.

I'd certainly take a 5IV smeargle. Perfect for breeding to get a shiny one with 5IVs later on(once I have my shiny mawile, and then breed another shiny fennekin for somebody)
I just got a shiny Ho-oh for a non shiny Reshiram and a shiny Whiscash for a Tyrouge. I know the Whiscash is legit, as my friend accidentally bred it. The Ho-oh, I don't care if it's legit or not, I have one, that's all that matters.

My shiny count is up to 15 on X, most of which I will trade

2 each of Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, and Magikarp. (All legit event shinies)
1 each of Gothorita(not for trade), Mewtwo (got from Dr. J here on the board) Moltres, Gabite, Suicune, Whiscash, and Ho-oh

Ask if you want one and make an offer.
Currently breeding for a shiny Cyndaquil. I am hatching my 9th box atm >.< How many eggs is that? I know for sure over 100.
that's probably about where I am with my mawile hunt. I say probably because I'm being picky on which ones I keep for now. 6IVs and 5IVs with Sheer Force only(6IVs don't need to have it, due to how rare they are as it is)
I'm right now trying to breed a shiny Shinx I hope I get one soon!
Currently hunting for a Shiny Hawlucha and Galvantula in the friend safari.

I'm surprised I'm still keeping my paitience.
Going for Charmander. Got a french one over wondertrade for my Squirtle, so foreign starter for foreign starter!
So I load up a video on youtube and BOOM, a Shiny Hawlucha shown up.

I uhh...have one problem though.
It's a Modest nature.

...Do I attempt to find another one?