LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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with the speaking up i meant more in a public environment.

I figured but I'd thought I'd ask since you seem pretty wise *u*
I won't ever give up on it!!!
Yes, I do have friends that I can be VERY open with, haha. I try not to let it bother me but it just...does? I get bothered pretty easily about a lot of things though. I should probably start looking for grey hairs now, haha @u@
I should probably start looking for grey hairs now, haha @u@

hehe :)
I'm glad you have a support net, that's very important.
of course it bothers you, how could it not. don't let it stop you from being you. people often waste time not being themselves, because they need to be accepted first, before they can start living. if the support doesn't seem in sight, you just can't waste time on it. life is just too much fun to miss out, you know :)
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hehe :)
I'm glad you have a support net, that's very important.
of course it bothers you, how could it not. don't let it stop you from being you. people often waste time being themselves because they need to be accepted before they can start living. if the support doesn't seem in sight, you just can't waste time on it. life is just too much fun to miss out you know :)

I'll try to keep your words of wisdom in mind every time I'm bothered, okay? I actually do need to enjoy life more anyways xD
my great grandma says gays and transgenders are sinners, and all they do is sin. i wanted to blurt "well i guess that makes me a sinner lol bc im gay"
my great grandma says gays and transgenders are sinners, and all they do is sin. i wanted to blurt "well i guess that makes me a sinner lol bc im gay"

My family's just like that. Like even my sister says she's "she's scared of lesbians" and "dislikes gay guys". and i live in ****ing california sooooo

the two posts above me are actually rlly similar to what my parents do when they hear abt transgenders and/or gays they always use slurs and say its not right but im literally and gay trans so its like scary how i have to be closeted (only my gender is closeted tho) for a really long time because if i ever come out that im transgender my parents would probably disown me or deny that im a boy and that scares me smh my mom probably still thinks im straight even tho i told her im pan because its a "phase" honestly it was terrifying and sad when she laughed after i told her i was pan, anyway my parents r transphobic and homophobic too so yeah
Well I'm none of those above but I fully support it
My dad is against gay people
My brother is against gay people
My grandparents are against transsexuals (did i say that correctly?)
Mymom is against all of the above

I'm all for it
I'm a Christian but I support it 100%
You go, guys!<3
Show those haters who is boss
Mm, I've been questioning my sexuality lately(which is good, I'm discovering myself).
Lately I've been uninterested in relationships period. It's probably stress since I have a lot on my plate already and I really don't want to get in a relationship in where I feel as though I'm taking care of myself and you. Maybe it's the thought of that makes me uninterested.
Maybe I'm just interested in platonic relations atm.
I'm not sure, I believe im demisexual but I also feel close to being asexual. But then there's this process of me wanting to be in a relationship but as soon as I get into one, I get uninterested. I'm not uncomittable, I had relationships that lasted years worth, this is just how I'm feeling now. Meh
im like. sex repulsed from childhood trauma but tbh i dont like calling myself asexual coz i hate the ace community on tumblr lmao
I'm pansexual :) If there are any other pansexuals out there maybe we can talk about it together? I rarely meet other pansexuals...
I'm a genderfluid pansexual.
I had a gender crisis this morning because I was going to hang with my friends and didn't know what to wear. Did I want a skirt or my flannel, meaning I had to wear pants? Also realized I need a bigger variety of guys clothes.

Oh well.
I'm bisexual... although strictly speaking, I'd have to call myself pansexual. However, to be honest, I don't really see a need to make such a clear distinction in that regard. For me, personally, being bisexual means being into guys and girls so for me, naturally, this also includes genderqueer people. Where I'm from, people don't even know the label pansexual, so everyone just assumes that you could potentially like anyone regardless of gender when you say that you're bi. Of course, I don't mind other people calling themselves pansexual, it's just that for me, this is not so important.

Other than that, I'm pretty much out to anyone that matters to me. What makes me kind of sad is that my mother has been acting weird about it ever since I told her. She denies it and I don't know if she is ever going to come to terms with it.
I'm a genderfluid pansexual.
I had a gender crisis this morning because I was going to hang with my friends and didn't know what to wear. Did I want a skirt or my flannel, meaning I had to wear pants? Also realized I need a bigger variety of guys clothes.

Oh well.

Another member of the pan clan :3

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I'm also pan c: like it says above i think there are quite a few pan people on here

Join the pan clan :p

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i dont mind at all actually! ive been pan for like a while now idk i feel like it started when i was younger but i was scared to think abt that i was gay af

Cool :) I identified a little over a year ago, just before I turned 14. In your opinion, is that young/old/average age to realise your sexuality just out of interest?
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