LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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i do not agree with homosexuality. it goes against my religion, my beliefs, and other personal things. however: ...
what you need to understand is that whether you agree or disagree doesnt matter. lgbtqa+ people exist and are fully valid, whether you disagree or not. it's cool that youre cool with being straight, but lgbt people exist and are humans and it's just not about you. the fact that lgbt+ people exist doesnt devalue your existence, but saying you disagree with their existence is the equivalent to erasure of their validity. there is a thin line with being supportive and being homophobic. just be aware of that, ok?noone is asking for your approval.
lgbtqa+ people have feelings and are full human beings whether people wanna see that or not.
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ok, here I go... please note that i am not in any way trying to offend anyone.
i am heterosexual, always have been and always will be. i NEVER had any doubts about my sexuality,(or whether i was a boy or a girl. i knew i was born a girl and i would die a girl) i knew that i would always love/feel sexually attracted to the opposite sex. but now i see that gay marriage has been allowed, that there are alot of people that do question their sexuality. i do not agree with homosexuality. it goes against my religion, my beliefs, and other personal things. however: this doesnt mean that i mistreat or bully LGBT people, oh no! i treat them just like i treat any other people, i just dont agree with what they're doing. i have an open mind and im always willing to try/explore new things, but my sexuality/gender isnt one of them.
phew... that was a load of my back. i wanted to say that for a long time but my parents would never listen >u<

I'm bisexual, always have been and probably always will be (but since sexuality is not always a static thing, I won't say that my sexuality is set in stone for all my life). I do not agree with heterosexuality. It just boggles my mind how people could only like the opposite sex. However: This doesn't mean that I mistreat or bully heterosexuals. I treat them just like any other people, I just don't agree with what they're doing.


Now how does that feel? Very supportive of straight people, right? No one is asking for your approval. You say that you support gay people but really, you can't support something that you don't agree with.
[size=-2]Pandycake, don't delete your comment because you feel "too many people are getting offended". It's great that you voice your opinion, and you should be allowed to as I'm failing to see how it's causing any harm. This is a discussion thread, is it not? :)

Something else to note, homosexuality has always existed. The fact that we are only just now allowing (<-I hate that word, more on that in a bit.) same-sex marriage is not in any way related to people "questioning" their sexuality. It's not like straight people all of a sudden decided they might be gay just because they would have the same rights now that they had before...Seems kind of silly, doesn't it? You don't choose who you fall in love with, nor should you have to.

I really hate saying we "allow" people to do something now, mostly because in my opinion "allowing" someone a basic human right is still showing control over it. I still have a very hard time understanding why any of this was a "problem" to begin with, similar to back when interracial marriage and couples were a "problem". I just don't get why people are denied their rights as human beings to love by other human beings.[/size]
Could what I'm explaining be some "branch" of asexual? Or am I just being odd?
it's all a bit....
but yeah, does it really matter, you are in a relationship. just cause you wonder or have thoughts, doesnt mean you need to explore them to reach fulfillment. (unless you do, but then you'd know :p)
don't sabotage a functioning relationship cause you wonder about things that you're not sure about.
there is such a thing as homoromantic asexuality of course.. it sounds tho, that you are generally more attracted to masculinity and look for these things in partners.. there are very masculine girls out there tho, as well as feminine boys and everything in between. so you can find the things you seek anywhere and you might find new things you didnt know you like, in different people.
it's ok, that you're open, but i'd say dont overthink it too much or try to rush it. it's not relevant for your current situation, so you shouldnt waste time on it. you say you dont think you could be intimate with a female person, but that might change, if you ever fall in love with someone, or of course you might see that your thoughts were right and you are asexual with females (there are plenty asexual women in this world tho, so no worries... also strong female friendships are a beautiful thing, no? it doesnt always have to be a relationship or based on attraction to be meaningful.).. in the end only you decide what kind of mashup of sexuality works for you and will in the future, your views might change. people change , peoples likes and dislikes change.
but as you said, just be mindful how you word things, especially when talking with or about transgender people about your specific attractions and exclusions, that can be touchy easy and might hurt some people. just be empathetic and not too blunt, ok? ^^

things like 'masc only' etc are generally rather frowned upon too..

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@pandycake: it's ok, we're just trying to make you see, how these things might affect others, so maybe you can understand things more and maybe come to accept it. we're all just trying to coexist and learn from each other.
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Maybe I worded my post wrong.
I (think I) said that even though this is a LGBTQA thread and im heterosexual, Im still ok with LGBTQA people. Its not like they're 'different' than me or any other heterosexual/LGBTQA person. The only thing thats different is their sexuality.
Maybe saying that I dont 'agree' with it isnt the right thing to say.
Let me put it this way:
My parents and my church have always told me its wrong and its a sin, but to me its never been 'wrong' or a 'sin', and I dont think LGBTQA people will go to Hell either, like my church has said.
Maybe my parents and my church doesnt agree with it, but im perfectly ok with it.
I dont like how people say 'I dont like THEM' or 'THEY are disgusting' like if they're some kind of disgusting creature.
You have ever right to love anyone, no matter their sex/gender, and Im glad America finally noticed that and allowed gay marriage.
Phew. Is that better?
I personally actually have a genuine question that may sound rude. But don't mean for it to.
But, I do have a boyfriend. But I feel like I've been someone questioning my sexuality lately. Though we've been together for over 3 years. I love him, and I do enjoy being with him intimately.
But at the same time, I've thought about it and I feel like I could love a female (I am female) but I just couldn't be with them intimately. I've also felt this way about transgenders. I have a close friend who is FtM and my friend dates him. Before she started dating him, I thought to myself that I could be with someone who is transgender, but not intimately. As for transsexual, if they were FtM transexual, I feel like I actually could be with them intimately because they are physically male. I'm sure this all sounds awful because I'm saying basically "I could never have sex with a girl" but obviously there are people who are asexual, who normally, in most cases, don't have sexual desires but do have love for the person they are with. Could what I'm explaining be some "branch" of asexual? Or am I just being odd?

Edit- just to add, I have kissed females and have no problem with it. It's just the intimate portion I feel would bother me. I suppose I would never know until I try, but I'm engaged XD

Then you're heterosexual and biromantic (or panromantic, whichever). It is very much possible to have different sexual and romantic orientations, I know of several people including myself who are like that.
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My super, super bigoted, self-righteous cousins are now trying to use the word "bigot" against the gays!
My stupid 16 year old cousin posted probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Why does she think her opinion holds any weight? She's 16 for Christ's sake. The video didn't even include sources. Seriously?
Don't internet fight if you're a freaking idiot.
I cited back with sources on how Gay marriage is great for both the economy and family.

I generally stay away from Facebook fighting, but not when it's my own family, you know?
I should start pointing out all her logical fallacies. But I won't, because I'm a better person than she is.

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Then you're heterosexual and biromantic (or panromantic, whichever). It is very much possible to have different sexual and romantic orientations, I know of several people including myself who are like that.

I'm heterosexual, but panromantic and engaged to another woman!!!
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am i lesbian? am i bi? who knows! i just want to stop liking men

But men are mucho hott.


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