LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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In your opinion, is that young/old/average age to realise your sexuality just out of interest?

Everyone is different. Some people know at a young age (14 is young in my opinion) that they are queer, others need a few years longer. I came to realize my sexuality when I was 19 and I've met quite a lot of other people who also took that long to realize. And of course, there are always people who suddenly start questioning their sexuality in their 30s or 40s or even later. So this is different for everyone. I guess it's most common to realize one's sexuality during puberty though.
Cool :) I identified a little over a year ago, just before I turned 14. In your opinion, is that young/old/average age to realise your sexuality just out of interest?
im not sure if i undetstand what u mean? i think it doesnt matter what age you are when you find out youre gay (the post above me is good)
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about time america!!! took long enough -_- ... really embarassing for the states that stuck it out till the end
(those are states you should probably avoid alltogether ^^
but i'm happy it finally happened and hope more countries follow now..
if even ireland has gay marriage, there's really no excuse..
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about time america!!! took long enough -_- ... really embarassing for the states that stuck it out till the end
(those are states you should probably avoid alltogether ^^
but i'm happy it finally happened and hope more countries follow now..
if even ireland has gay marriage, there's really no excuse..
My state was one of them. Smh. SCOTUS wins today.
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about time america!!! took long enough -_- ... really embarassing for the states that stuck it out till the end
(those are states you should probably avoid alltogether ^^
but i'm happy it finally happened and hope more countries follow now..
if even ireland has gay marriage, there's really no excuse..

I'm not a red state fan so I was planning on avoiding those states anyway! ;P

forgive me for asking, but what is a pansexual?

Attraction regardless of gender identity is how I understand it. To some people there's no difference between bi and pan but to others there is a difference. For example, I was accused of being transphobic for identifying as bi and not pan even though I said I would be totally fine with dating someone who is trans (and I have actually dated someone who is trans).
btw. Lush has a "gay is ok" soap now.. and the proceeds go to lgbt charities.. that is pretty awesome 'gay is ok' soap link
it's only ?4 too and looks neat
might get one later ^^

Dang, now I want to go shopping >_< Thoigh then I'll go in the nearest lush shop intending to spend ?4 and end up coming out with ?15 worth of bath bombs or something too...
I personally actually have a genuine question that may sound rude. But don't mean for it to.
But, I do have a boyfriend. But I feel like I've been someone questioning my sexuality lately. Though we've been together for over 3 years. I love him, and I do enjoy being with him intimately.
But at the same time, I've thought about it and I feel like I could love a female (I am female) but I just couldn't be with them intimately. I've also felt this way about transgenders. I have a close friend who is FtM and my friend dates him. Before she started dating him, I thought to myself that I could be with someone who is transgender, but not intimately. As for transsexual, if they were FtM transexual, I feel like I actually could be with them intimately because they are physically male. I'm sure this all sounds awful because I'm saying basically "I could never have sex with a girl" but obviously there are people who are asexual, who normally, in most cases, don't have sexual desires but do have love for the person they are with. Could what I'm explaining be some "branch" of asexual? Or am I just being odd?

Edit- just to add, I have kissed females and have no problem with it. It's just the intimate portion I feel would bother me. I suppose I would never know until I try, but I'm engaged XD
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Dang, now I want to go shopping >_< Thoigh then I'll go in the nearest lush shop intending to spend ?4 and end up coming out with ?15 worth of bath bombs or something too...
haha you can always just go with ?4 and nothing more to make sure you dont get tempted xD
ok, here I go... please note that i am not in any way trying to offend anyone.
i am heterosexual, always have been and always will be. i NEVER had any doubts about my sexuality,(or whether i was a boy or a girl. i knew i was born a girl and i would die a girl) i knew that i would always love/feel sexually attracted to the opposite sex. but now i see that gay marriage has been allowed, that there are alot of people that do question their sexuality. i do not agree with homosexuality. it goes against my religion, my beliefs, and other personal things. however: this doesnt mean that i mistreat or bully LGBT people, oh no! i treat them just like i treat any other people, i just dont agree with what they're doing. i have an open mind and im always willing to try/explore new things, but my sexuality/gender isnt one of them.
phew... that was a load of my back. i wanted to say that for a long time but my parents would never listen >u<

Alrighty then...?
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