LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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It is. "queer" is actually a slur, like the f word, so it's not part of the acronym (or at least it shouldn't be).
ehm no, queer is not a slur. people identify as queer. it's a thing. just cause some people use it in a generalized way to demean others doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
also used in genderqueer
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It is. "queer" is actually a slur, like the f word, so it's not part of the acronym (or at least it shouldn't be).

Queer is apart of the acronym and so is questioning. Queer is still occasionally used as slur, but as a community we've been reclaiming it since the 70's and as such many people identify with the term. It has just as much right to be a part of the acronym as any other of the letters.
I love this whole "I might be straight, but you can be gay. That's okay with me."
I don't need your approval??

And the whole "Sure, I love you, and your state validated SEX PARTNER (as my cousin described it)! But you're still gonna burn in hell!" mentality that all of Utah has.

I hate this because I'm totally being a martyr and I know I am.
And I keep finding myself saying mean as hell things like, "Oh yes, you poor straight white oppressed person."

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My sister told me that the Bible was put out there by Satan to test people on humility and we're all failing miserably.
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"Oh yes, you poor straight white oppressed person."
My sister told me that the Bible was put out there by Satan to test people on humility and we're all failing miserably.

you forgot to add cis. (although i'm getting annoyed by cis people overusing this word in recent years, cause it's trendy. it takes language away from people who really, really need it to survive.)
i do agree with the rest too.
i'm sick and of having to constantly justify my existence and being forced to explain myself and having to educate the people who are oppressing me/us. it's like every day, constantly, everywhere and just by being.
it shouldn't be the job of the oppressed to educate their oppressor. it's the job of the oppressor to educate themselves, use their brain and not be ignorant. (someone famous said that but can't remember.)
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I love this whole "I might be straight, but you can be gay. That's okay with me."
I don't need your approval??
when people do this its so annoying. like wow, thanks for being a decent person for respecting me? that doesn't give you much brownie points tbh.

This thread gives me headaches sometimes.
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you forgot to add cis. (although i'm getting annoyed by cis people overusing this word in recent years, cause it's trendy. it takes language away from people who really, really need it to survive.)
i do agree with the rest too.
i'm sick and of having to constantly justify my existence and being forced to explain myself and having to educate the people who are oppressing me/us. it's like every day, constantly, everywhere and just by being.
it shouldn't be the job of the oppressed to educate their oppressor. it's the job of the oppressor to educate themselves, use their brain and not be ignorant. (someone famous said that but can't remember.)

Oh and Straight Pride? Like, f off guys.
I should really get off of facebook. All my cousins are these douche nozzle super Mormon people who couldn't form a thought without asking God first.
There I go being a martyr again!!

And there is no queer representation.
My mom was saying how there's always a token gay person in a show and it's super irritating, so my fiance butted in and said something like, "Well, it's helped me a lot. Seeing another lesbian on TV helped me come to terms with myself and know I'm not alone."
Needless to say, my mom is all for gay representation on TV now. (My mom and grandma are super cool. My mom was the black sheep though, so she gets it.)
i also hate it when straight/cis people call themselves allies. i dont think you need a special title to show that you're ok with being around the LGBTQA+ community honestly.

This thread gives me headaches sometimes.

Just punch yourself in the head. Rub some dirt on it. Have a dog lick it.
Hah! I'm so freaking funny.
That was all def a joke. ;v;

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i also hate it when straight/cis people call themselves allies. i dont think you need a special title to show that you're ok with being around the LGBTQA+ community honestly.

I'm gonna disagree with this one.
I really appreciate allies. My sister is an ally and fights like crazy for me and my fiance.
Before I met my fiance, I identified as cis/straight and fought endlessly for my transgendered best friend.

I just don't like it when people make a point of saying stuff like, "Sure, Im straight and that won't change, but your free to be gay!"
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I'm gonna disagree with this one.
I really appreciate allies. My sister is an ally and fights like crazy for me and my fiance.
Before I met my fiance, I identified as cis/straight and fought endlessly for my transgendered best friend.

I just don't like it when people make a point of saying stuff like, "Sure, Im straight and that won't change, but your free to be gay!"
whoops i think i made an error in my post :0
those are good people. the kind of "allies" im talking about are, for example, the ones who think that after gay marriage was legalized in the entire U.S., that's it, and the fight has been "won". there's a lot more to do after that?? or the allies who support the LGB part but not the T part :/
your sister is kind hearted though.
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Just punch yourself in the head. Rub some dirt on it. Have a dog lick it.
Hah! I'm so freaking funny.
That was all def a joke. ;v;

Sounded like you were trying too hard on this one bud.

I'm too stress to date. Money is my only love and support.
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