I feel like I started a war
Julian can be whoever anyone would like him to be. This is Animal Crossing for goodness sake![]()
You're right, but you didn't start a war, so don't worry about it. It's my fault.
I feel like I started a war
Julian can be whoever anyone would like him to be. This is Animal Crossing for goodness sake![]()
If you read my posts after that you would have seen I reconsidered my earlier choice. Don't just pick one post from earlier and decide to attack me for it. It makes no sense if you ignored the posts after that, plus the fact that it's childish to call someone that based on one post without looking at all the other posts. That's like going to a court and having one piece of evidence, but forgetting to bring all the other pieces. I'm not going to debate with someone over something I didn't mean in the long run though. Peace.
^ I believe ACE's point is that the matter had been mostly resolved when you brought the initial post that caused it back up again without factoring in the most recent posts on the subject. Don't fret over it though.
On the topic of possibly homosexual villagers - Marshal keeps shipping himself with everyone regardless of gender. I love the smug personality type!![]()
New topic. How did you come out to your parents/friends?
My dad use to threaten me if I was gay, that he would kill me. So I grew to be afraid of him and hate him. One day when he was yelling at me for God knows what, he left for a bit and my mom asked me why I was so afraid of him. I told her I'm gay and about his death threats. She didn't really like it I guess but she was like "whatever. I can't change it." Better than nothing, I guess. A year later my dad confiscated my phone where I was in the middle of a texting conversation where I was kinda flirting with my crush. He read all my messages and came in yelling, "Stephen, are you gay?!" I figured to just tell the truth. He freaked out but obviously he didn't kill me. Also he didn't hit me, which was a surprise considering his violent abuse record like choking me when I was 5 because I pronounced 14 like 13, or how he beat me because I said "sexy" to some girl when I was 6 when I didn't even knew what it meant. The argument lasted like 2 days. Sometime down the road, he asked me if I liked girls yet. Like you can change.. I decided to lie though so now my family thinks I'm straight. And for a couple of years, I tried to be. But it didn't work out. I'll tell them again when I invite them to my wedding. If that ever happens.
My friends accepted it for the most part. In fact, a lot suspected it since I got called a f*g a lot. In middle school and some of the high school, people would ask a lot of questions like "why are you gay?" and "how did you realize you like men?". They were just really annoying. Like why are you straight? Nowadays, people will just say cool if I come out.
The end.
you know there are some reaaaaally homophobic parents out there. of course they wouldn't murder them, but disowning them and driving them to suicide is likely. once a parent finds out you're gay/lesbian/bi/trans*/etc and they dislike the idea about it - they don't want the best for you anymore. they want the best for them. meaning they're going to try to change you.I don't think he would kill you. Unless the parent is mentally insane they're not going to kill their child because of a choice they make. That's pretty rough though. And rude, nobody should judge you because of the choices you make. Unless it's a bad choice, of course. All sane parents want what's best for their child, and for them to be happy.
Basically me.i thought i was bi for a while but i realized i wouldn't mind dating people who identify outside the gender binary so yeah
im sorry to hear that though. my parents don't really care but they assume im straight
New topic. How did you come out to your parents/friends?
I kinda have/haven't. I'm Asexual & wish to identify as neutral gendered. I've told my dad & I think he gets it, but I haven't told my mom yet. She keeps asking me when I'm going to dress girly. I had to keep myself from bursting out laughing last time. Buck Gender Roles! >:U
My friends are okay with it. They get it. My boyfriend has a hard time understanding sometimes though. He got upset when we came to the conclusion that I like to crossdress, and then was like, "wait, you do that already".
New topic. How did you come out to your parents/friends?
My dad use to threaten me if I was gay, that he would kill me. So I grew to be afraid of him and hate him. One day when he was yelling at me for God knows what, he left for a bit and my mom asked me why I was so afraid of him. I told her I'm gay and about his death threats. She didn't really like it I guess but she was like "whatever. I can't change it." Better than nothing, I guess. A year later my dad confiscated my phone where I was in the middle of a texting conversation where I was kinda flirting with my crush. He read all my messages and came in yelling, "Stephen, are you gay?!" I figured to just tell the truth. He freaked out but obviously he didn't kill me. Also he didn't hit me, which was a surprise considering his violent abuse record like choking me when I was 5 because I pronounced 14 like 13, or how he beat me because I said "sexy" to some girl when I was 6 when I didn't even knew what it meant. The argument lasted like 2 days. Sometime down the road, he asked me if I liked girls yet. Like you can change.. I decided to lie though so now my family thinks I'm straight. And for a couple of years, I tried to be. But it didn't work out. I'll tell them again when I invite them to my wedding. If that ever happens.
My friends accepted it for the most part. In fact, a lot suspected it since I got called a f*g a lot. In middle school and some of the high school, people would ask a lot of questions like "why are you gay?" and "how did you realize you like men?". They were just really annoying. Like why are you straight? Nowadays, people will just say cool if I come out.
The end.
New topic. How did you come out to your parents/friends?
I didn't. x) I don't keep secrets, but I also don't feel the need to state it. I've no doubts that people know, but the only person I've confirmed it with was a (male) friend who directly asked, "Are you bi?" when we were working abroad earlier this year. I just said yes rather than elaborating that the spectrum is a little wider than that.
Hello everyoneI have a question, what does queer mean? I also hear people talking about the whole LGBTQ thingamabob, but I can never understand what being queer would be.
This is the best explaination I've seen: http://community.pflag.org/page.aspx?pid=952
I thought queer meant like weird but as an insult means gay. Just like how gay originally meant happy but it's more commonly used for homosexual.