Long hair or short hair?

Do you have long hair or short hair?

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i guess my hair's more on the longer side. i don't mind either, but when long hair reaches the floor that's pretty gross.
Long. It's kinda annoying though, always getting in my way. So 9 times out of 10, you'll find me in a ponytail.
I have somewhat long hair. I really, really wish I can have short hair. I think it would look cute plus it would be easier to maintain (easier to wash, less time to style). The only thing is, I have really dry, curly hair so I need the "weight" of the long hair to make it look decent. Otherwise, it's a short frizzy mess. :( I envy people with beautiful hair texture.
My hair is medium length atm. It reached down to my butt before, but I cut off a lot during the summer. I loved having long hair, but I got sick of it. Currently liking how short hair looks better than long hair.
My hair is long I guess, it's nearly halfway down my back. I wish it was longer though. :c
I prefer long hair over short hair, but short hair can look cute too.
short hair but not too circular
HE SAID HE WAS IN A HURRY.. and my hair looks really circular now
I like both. I fluctuate a lot. The minute I get my hair long...I grow bored, donate it, and keep it short till I miss having it long again.
Right now, I'm currently growing it back out since the last time. It's been about a year since donating. It's down to my chest. I'm hoping within another two years it'll be back down to mid back. :)
I'm a guy and I always used to have really long hair. I mean, it was down to my ass. I had it like that since I was in high school, so roughly like 10+ years. It helped that I've always been into metal music, and long hair is kind of 'the look' for metal.

I got it cut short last year though and honestly, I prefer it so much more...Especially in Summer when it's hot. I really don't miss all that nasty sweaty hair sticking all over my hot sweaty face *shudder*. It also helps that all my jobs tend to be in an office or something where long hair on a guy is more often 'frowned upon'.
I can't headbang anymore though...It just looks stupid when people with short hair 'mosh'. That kind of does make me sad...But it's at least something I can live with.
I went with short hair, because it's much easier to take care of it because I won't have to use a lot of shampoo and that simplistic haircut is kinda charming. I don't plan letting my hair grow past that anytime soon.
I've had many phases of longish and clean shaven hair but right now it's longish and wavy and I'm really diggin it
I have natural short hair. Used to be curly ( wish it still was lol ) but that changed. To be honest, I kinda want long hair to actually do something with. Just sucks, y'know?
I got it cut shoulder lentgh when I was in 5th grade and now..
Just a bit past my shoulder ;-;
I love long hair, but I hate managing it especially in the mornings since I don't ever blow dry it. If I could, I'd also cut my hair short (shoulder length) but I feel as if I don't pull it off that well.
wtf is with the (female) and (male) after. thats not necessary.
i like both but i have short(ish) hair. im supposed to get a haircut soon.
wtf is with the (female) and (male) after. thats not necessary.
i like both but i have short(ish) hair. im supposed to get a haircut soon.

Because stereotypically, males have short hair whilst females have long hair. If it was only 'short' and 'long' as the options, it would be very difficult to know any real difference between the results as all the male and female answers would blend together to make it a pointless poll since you would have to assume everybody that voted 'long' was a women.
This is 2014, both genders can have both lengths, though it's still more common for them to have the generic lengths.

I mean, just looking at the results says enough. If the results were merged, all we would really be able to say is "there are more people with long hair than short...so logically, there must be more women than men on this forum" which whilst true (there are more women) isn't what the poll was really looking at.


It is necessary.
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