Long hair or short hair?

Do you have long hair or short hair?

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I have short hair and tbh I prefer it that way but I'm in the process of growing it out so
I'd say both short and long hair are great. It just depends on the person's own preference, really. I personally like both.

I like short hair because it's easier to maintain and it looks different. I also like long hair because I think it's pretty and I can do multiple of styles with longer hair. xD

I kind of dislike having to choose this or that tbh but it makes sense. Again, whatever floats your boat. As for other people, I can't say this or that unless you asked about a specific person or something like that but even then, I'd say both just because.
My hair does weird things when it's short so I keep it long. Short hair is nice though, so sometimes when I get sick of long hair I donate it. I'm conflicted about what I want to do with my hair right now.
I don't really care on other people, but on myself I prefer short hair. I've had super long hair before, and since my hair is really fine it got tangled A LOT. Sucked to deal with. Now I have a pixie cut, and it's amazing <3 Plus I look waaay better with one so yeaaahhh
grew out my hair long and going to cut it soon
Because stereotypically, males have short hair whilst females have long hair. If it was only 'short' and 'long' as the options, it would be very difficult to know any real difference between the results as all the male and female answers would blend together to make it a pointless poll since you would have to assume everybody that voted 'long' was a women.
This is 2014, both genders can have both lengths, though it's still more common for them to have the generic lengths.

I mean, just looking at the results says enough. If the results were merged, all we would really be able to say is "there are more people with long hair than short...so logically, there must be more women than men on this forum" which whilst true (there are more women) isn't what the poll was really looking at.


It is necessary.


ok whatever i dont want to argue with people right now
Long, I guess? Idk. I don't even know how long and short are defined anymore tbh. Where's the line? I'm in the process of growing mine out after cutting all my hair off in summer 2012, but despite that I sometimes just get the urge to cut it back to a pixie cut. Friends usually manage to talk me out of it haha. Other times I wish it was nearer waist-length, but then I remind myself I'm pretty lazy with managing it already.

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I've got long hair but am planning to cut it off soon.

(pixie cut, maybe?)
Because stereotypically, males have short hair whilst females have long hair. If it was only 'short' and 'long' as the options, it would be very difficult to know any real difference between the results as all the male and female answers would blend together to make it a pointless poll since you would have to assume everybody that voted 'long' was a women.
This is 2014, both genders can have both lengths, though it's still more common for them to have the generic lengths.

I mean, just looking at the results says enough. If the results were merged, all we would really be able to say is "there are more people with long hair than short...so logically, there must be more women than men on this forum" which whilst true (there are more women) isn't what the poll was really looking at.


It is necessary.

Adding in your gender to the votes is necessary so stupid people don't have to stop being stupid and making dumb generalizations.

Kinds depends, the way I see it. Some people look good with long hair, some with short hair.
Personally, as someone with a natural straight-and-curly combination of hair (that is usually extremely messy), I like to keep it what you'd call medium-length. I've had short hair before and it was ugly, but I can't maintain my mop if it reaches any farther than my chest.
I have long hair; I think the last time I had short hair was when I was 5 lol
my hair grows super fast so I can't even have short hair for a long time even if I wanted to :(
I'm a girl with long hair and I don't think I'd ever go short again. The last time I had short hair I was 8 and it didn't last very long. I think long hair suits me.
My hair was originally at medium length, but it ended up bothering me and got a pixie cut. Short hair suits me more, I would think!
I originally had really long hair (past my waist) but it was really really curly and would always get tangled and knotted, so one day I just cut off 3/4 of it and now I have a chin length bob. I pretty much just lop off a few inches every time it touches my shoulders. I like it a lot better than long hair--its much easier to deal with and I think it suits me better.