🛌Making the bed🛏️

Do you make your bed?

  • Daily

    Votes: 23 40.4%
  • Once in a while

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Only when company is coming

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • Never

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters
If I wake up after my partner, I make the bed as soon as I get up. Otherwise, I'll wait until later in the morning once he's up and the puppy is settled.

It's a quick & easy thing to make me feel better about myself and the day ahead.
Yes, every morning.

The place where my bed is situated is slightly inconvenient to reach, though, so I take a few shortcuts. For example, not all for corners are properly tucked in, but there's a pillow obscuring the part that isn't. I find that doing this ritual in itself does wonders to preparing one's self to face the challenges of the day. I'm not sure what it is. It gives me the feeling like I'm on top of things, which is a morale boost I desperately need considering how absolutely not on top of things I am at any given moment.
eh, sometimes. most of the time. i don't know. i like a made bed, but i also find it comfy to come back after a long day and crawl back into my nest that i left from the night before lol. sometimes i don't even get in bed, i just fall asleep under some blankets on top of my covers. that makes it easy the next morning lol
I usually don’t make my bed. The only times I do is when I clean the sheets and blankets or when someone is coming over.
I rarely ever make my bed. It wasn’t something that I was ever told or expected to do growing up, and it was something that I only saw other people do on TV, so I never got into the habit of doing it. It still feels silly and like an unnecessary chore to have to do each day, especially since I’m the only one who sleeps in my bed and the only person who goes in my room, but I can appreciate that others do it and that it’s an important part of their routine for them.

I of course tidy up my bed every day or as needed though, if that counts. I just don’t tuck my blanket in or arrange my pillows/plushies in a neat or aesthetic way. For me, tidying up/making my bed entails returning my body pillow and my regular pillow to the position that I like them to be in when I’m resting in bed/going to sleep, making sure my blanket is entirely on my bed and that no part of it is touching the floor, and that all of my plushies are on the side of my bed and that none of them are in the spot that I lay down in or in the space between my bed and the wall. I don’t think doing any of that equates to making my bed, but if it does, I guess I do make my bed LOL

I just don’t see a reason for my bed to look neat and untouched as if it’s a hotel bed or something, especially since like I said, I’m the only one who sleeps in it and the only one who has to look at it. For me, it’s more comforting for me to come home to a bed that looks like it’s been slept in (by me), rather than a bed that looks like I’ve never laid in it. My bed the way I have it and keep it is more familiar and comforting to me. The most important thing to me is that my bedsheet, blanket and pillows are clean, which I ensure that they are. Cleanliness is more important than presentation to me when it comes to my bed.
i dont make my bed because
  • lazy
  • i rot in bed all day anyways
  • cat CAN and WILL mess it up (she hates blankets)
  • lazy (2)
I picked other. I try to make the bed every day, but sometimes I just look at it and think - not today bed.

Growing up, I had to make my bed every day, complete with 'hospital corners' we called them. My army dad made sure we knew how to make them properly, and my mom made sure we got it done. Later, when i was in army training it wasn't a choice, haha, the bed got made.

Now I'm older, and I'm just like, meh. I like having a nice neat bed/room, everything all clean, windows open for a breeze. But sometimes, it's a keep the cave closed, leave everything as it is, and don't stress over it kind of day.
I do make my bed every day, because it feels so nice to wind down at night and crawl into a nicely made bed 😊💕

idk climbing into a bed with blankets n stuff thrown everywhere is a hassle bc then I feel like I have to make it on the spot. people who can climb into a messy bed and not pay any mind are very resilient lol.
I don't make my bed. People don't go into my room and I burrito when I sleep so I don't see the point in making the bed just to purposefully undo it all to get in. My spouse also doesn't care if it is made and doesn't like the blankets tucked when he is sleeping anyway. So if the bed is made, he would have to untuck it all to be comfy, and myself I would have to move everything to be comfy. Also we don't share blankets because I burrito lol. We each have our own on our own side.
i don't bother, i'm just gonna get back in it lol.

plus i don't really mess it up that much, if anything the blanket is just pulled or off kilter a little bit.
I personally make the bed everyday. To me, it helps mentally that you accomplished something (even if it something simple) and it also provides structure in the morning.
I maybe straighten out the blanket a little bit but I don't really think of it as making the bed. Any bed tidying that I end up doing is more for my cat than for me, I just want her to have a nice place to lay during the day.
i NEED my bed to be made or i'm just not happy going to sleep, it doesn't matter if i make it at 8am or 9pm , it brings me peace when i climb in
I used to make my bed daily. Nowadays I lack the energy to do more than the bare minimum. I’m working on fixing that, but it’s difficult.
I tidy the bed every day, but I never make it in the proper sense of the term. Even when I change my sheets, I just put everything on there the way I like it for sleeping. I also get up before my husband on most days, so I usually do my tidying when I get off work. I don't make a mess of the bed, but he does so I have to pull the covers back into place or I won't have any when I go to bed that night.
I tried making my bed a few times but my cat just messes it up, so I gave up. Plus I have a hard time doing work that will be undone within hours.

However, when I visit family and see their perfectly made beds with all the decorative pillows and beautiful blankets, I realize I must be a slob. Or a minimalist at least. They always give me a tour of their homes, but when I have company over, I just close my bedroom door and hope people don't get too nosy and judgemental.
I mostly only make my bed when I change my sheets about once a week. If I'm about to watch a movie or something I like to make my bed extra comfy so I'll tidy up my blankets, but I don't really feel the need to properly make it up every day
I make my bed every day and as soon as I get up. I just don't understand the desire to leave a bed unkept and then climb back into it the following night etc.
Making the bed? I sleep on an air mattress, and I plan on getting a futon when I move. A bed is just too big and unnecessary, in my opinion. A futon is more minimalistic and does what I need it to do.