For me is both, As sometimes. I'm having a hard time playing Splatoon with entirely motion controls.
Which is your preference in controller playstyle when playing Splatoon?
When I first started playing I only used stick controls with an ink brush or roller because I didn't know better and thought the gyro would give me motion sickness. About a month into the game I switched to motion controls and never looked back. I had to practice a lot to get used to it but it didn't give me motion sickness like I thought. I do use the stick to make minor camera adjustments but I always use motion to aim!
I always use motion as it's faster and smoother than just using stick controls. Plus you can still you the stick on top of using motion to fine tune your aim which is super handy.
I use a mix of both. In other games (where the option is available), I don't generally use motion controls to aim. I still prefer the traditional right stick aiming. In Splatoon, I normally use the stick to aim horizontally then motion controls, vertically or sometimes, I just do both without following a set rule, maybe case to case (depends on the weapon I'm using) or whatever feels comfortable at the moment.
no hate but i'm always shocked when people say they only use analog stick controls but console aiming in general has always been rough for me to use. splatoon's motion controls are honestly amazing and probably feeling-wise the closest console could get to mouse aiming imo.
personally, i like using the motion controls to aim up/down and i use high sensitivity on the right control stick to adjust the camera left/right.
It depends, most of the time I’d like analog but if I’m playing something with VR, I think motion control is pretty fun. I also always thought motion control in Mario Kart was fun! As for splatoon, I only use analog, I’m not very good at it motion control wise.
I tried to use analog controls once and I felt physical pain from it. Idk how you guys can do it. Though, Splatoon is the only game I really use it for, other than Mario Kart Wii. I'll always be a filthy Wii Wheeler.
I always use motion in almost everything. I use motion in Mario Kart and many more! I think motion is more fun to me as I like moving around and feel like its faster! Please play however you find fun though! I understand also that alot of people literally cannot play motion because of room size!
Normally I prefer analog stick controls over motion controls when available, but for this game 100% motion controls. It is much easier to whip ink everywhere. I've tried the analog controls and my brain really struggled for this game.
I feel like a chucklehead for not realizing what forum this thread was posted on before voting, since I've never played any of the Splatoon games. Still, even if I did, I got a pretty good inkling I'd chose to have both, anyway. Players with both will obviously have an advantage over those who stick to one or the other.
I use motion controls, they're not too sensitive but the other comments in this thread make me want to play a bit of splatoon again with higher motion controls.