Mysteries of the Monolith - Ended!

I wouldn't have guessed Niko never played any of the Happy Home spin-off series.
My top guesses were Ness jumping up with the baseball bat, or C.J. jumping up and swinging his fishing rod.

Among a bunch of wild guesses like Dr. Shrunk on the mic stand, a bunch of the characters from Splatoons and ARMS cause the ears could have been twisted arms or long pig tails... like Toadette's buns.
At first I was seeing a Pokemon bug, then I spotted the ear, so I thought it was a koala, then a cub, a squirrel, a fairy.... and while I was wondering what kind of fairy it was, I finally saw it.
Never heard of that character before. I think I may tap out on these last three ones. Missing six tickets isn't a huge deal for me at this point. I hope everyone has fun solving them!
see, i knew it was a nintendo character, and yet my brain was convinced it was a fnaf character. 🤣 then i thought i was seeing wardell/wendall for some reason, then zipper t. bunny lmao.

this mirror wasn’t too bad, but i am... Very Much So scared for wednesday’s lol.
I thought it was an elephant.
I spent several minutes googling elephant Nintendo characters.
I know so much about elephants in Nintendo franchises now.

I'm still recovering from the emotions I felt when I finally saw Niko.
just wanna give photoshop a huge shout-out for carrying me through mirrors... could Not have done it without levels and curves!
the way i spent a solid 20 mins going “oh it’s gotta be pikachu” even though it wouldn’t redeem pikachu 💀
Those round ears and that smile were easily recognizable 😂 no matter how badly drawn, you can't disguise that li'l cutie Niko 💖

That being said, I bet Wednesday's puzzle is going to be death 😬
DANG IT. I spelled it with a C not a K. Akxbxjsnxjakxmxkd


Nico Goldstein from the Devil May Cry series says hi.
Before I rotated the image, I traced the outline and thought I was looking at some sort of spiky dragon/dinosaur thing with three claws on its arms. 😂 I tried about every single Pokémon (and a few other Nintendo characters) that even vaguely matched that description. I was about to just give up when I tried rotating the image as a last resort, and then I saw Niko right away.

...So uh, I'm praying for mercy come tomorrow. 🙏
Lol round 5. I kept seeing a bear. Well I never guessed niko. Idk how anyone saw that. I saw no hat. Your eyes are better than mine lol.
Rip teddiursa getting a spotlight.
(Also, why Nintendo character when it was ac... There's tons of characters in ac. I feel confident I still wouldn't have guessed niko.
I knew it was a monkey or some elf-like thing (the ears looked pointy to me lol). But I looked through all the AC monkeys and didn't think they matched. I should have just tried anyways. 🤦‍♀️
see, i knew it was a nintendo character, and yet my brain was convinced it was a fnaf character. 🤣 then i thought i was seeing wardell/wendall for some reason, then zipper t. bunny lmao.
We do not talk about Zipper.

I ran that image through greyscale editing so many times to get the outline. I was thinking Porter, but then something clicked. Rest up for Wednesday, everyone!
Before I rotated the image, I traced the outline and thought I was looking at some sort of spiky dragon/dinosaur thing with three claws on its arms. 😂 I tried about every single Pokémon (and a few other Nintendo characters) that even vaguely matched that description. I was about to just give up when I tried rotating the image as a last resort, and then I saw Niko right away.

...So uh, I'm praying for mercy come tomorrow. 🙏
This... this is literally me
I was convinced it was some kind of reptile at first and my stupid brain thought it was Bowser/Bowser Jr. 💀
I tried so many characters while tracing it and I even flipped while tracing it and didn't see anything
it was only then when I was gonna delete the file from my computer and quit this one I found a rotate button and I flipped it and then rotated it right-side up and I was like wait I see a face! A hat! A tail- if this isn't Niko I'm gonna scream
yes! It's Niko finally lol 😂