Mysterious Masterpieces [Final round revealed!]

Well, at least I wasn't way off with geno...after all mario and splatoon might be linked.
Though geno looks kind of like flow...View attachment 395115
I can kind of see it with the yellow hat ribbon. I didn't know as I never really played Splatoon. So I made a wild guess with an Octorok from Zelda. The middle of the face kind of looked like their mouth/nose where they shoot the rocks.
Oh, I was too hasty guessing Annie... Maybe on this next round I should make sure I get it right instead of focusing on being first, haha.
Yep, another I haven't heard of. I've seen a bit of Splatoon 2 but somehow missed this character.
Oh nice! I've never heard of that character before. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who guessed a Pokemon lol.
🌚 Masterpiece #6 🌚
Which Nintendo character is this?


Submission Checklist 🌚

Before submitting your guess, make sure you:
✅ Selected "Mysterious Masterpieces" as the Event/Contest Name
✅ Set the Event Round # to 6
✅ Wrote your answer in the Your Guess field​

How to Answer 🌚

To participate in the event and submit your answer, create a thread in the Private Contest and Event Submission Board with the following data:
  • Event/Contest Name: Select "Mysterious Masterpieces"
  • Event Round #: Enter the current Masterpiece #, listed above each challenge.
  • Your Guess: Enter your answer to the current Masterpiece.
You may use anything as your thread title and message: we will only be looking at your text entry for the answer. If you provide an answer in the title or message and not the text entry, your submission will not count!

Rules & Guidelines 🌚

  • Enter your answer in your submission thread's 'Your Guess' field as specified above. Answers not included in the Your Guess field will not be counted or accepted!
  • It's generally best to be specific as possible in your answer, just in case. You're more likely to miss out by being too vague.
  • Answers/submissions are final and may not be changed or edited. Your submission will be disqualified if the answer has been modified.
  • Do not share the answer or provide hints to others. You may be disqualified, including removal of tokens or items if you do. Forum infractions or suspensions are possible as well for the worst offenders.
  • When submissions have closed, rules on sharing answers are still in effect until the answer is officially posted. Wait for the proper announcement out of respect for the event!
