As a user brought up, the cards were required to be
Animal Crossing themed so unfortunately a number of entries could not be accepted. I have tried to be as lenient as possible by accepting ones where a clear AC influence was evident. One entry that was previously accepted has also had its status changed, which is down to me mistaking the subjects for realistic versions of AC villagers and one of their later posts clarifying that this was not actually the case. Sorry for the mix up!
The following users may resubmit an entry that meets the theme of this event if they still wish to participate. Upon request I can grant each of you a 24hr extension after the deadline to make up for me not being online yesterday to inform you sooner.
I think that was everyone. If I haven't accepted your entry and you are not on this list please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Onto the questions:
Fonts are absolutely fine!
First and last time I'll ever draw Rodney.
Our team are indeed all over 18. But don't worry, we all understand that any addressed to us would be strictly platonic!
Yes, the Pavé Purple Feather will be tradable.
If I missed your question let me know!