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Nintendo Direct: E3 2018

I honestly kept my expectations low for this event, so I was not too displeased. I was actually astounded by how amazing Smash Bros. Ultimate looked, but I could most definitely see how this event rubbed people the wrong way. I mean, they did not even talk about Yoshi, a game that was mentioned LAST E3! But whatever, you can't have it all I guess.

And for those worried about Animal Crossing, don't be. It is one of Nintendo's biggest sellers, and I'm sure that they'll announce it eventually. Though a small teaser would have been appreciated...
If it makes you feel any better, we went about six years without a new 3D Zelda game before Breath of the Wild came out. And we went 15 years without a proper 3D Mario title until Super Mario Odyssey came out (I don't think the gravity mechanic and linearity count as proper). But they get new games every year, just like Animal Crossing did within the last three years (HHD, aF, Wa, PC). The longest drought in AC games in my opinion (good AC games) was almost eight years, not five years. I bet you they will release one next spring or even next summer.
If it makes you feel any better, we went about six years without a new 3D Zelda game before Breath of the Wild came out. And we went 15 years without a proper 3D Mario title until Super Mario Odyssey came out (I don't think the gravity mechanic and linearity count as proper). But they get new games every year, just like Animal Crossing did within the last three years (HHD, aF, Wa, PC). The longest drought in AC games in my opinion (good AC games) was almost eight years, not five years. I bet you they will release one next spring or even next summer.

Yeah but atleast we knew BOTW was coming and in development. We literally have ZERO proof or evidence about anything ac

So, are we going to talk about the fact Ridley was allowed to exist in the world for less than a minute before Bayonetta destroyed him? My girl has still got it.
the twitch chat was hilarious when Waluigi came out of an assist trophy, best part of the whole presentation for me
It was really sad not to see anything Animal Crossing related. I guess this just gives me more time on New Leaf to keep developing my town.

Maybe we might see something on a Nintendo Direct later through the year. We can hope. T^T

So, are we going to talk about the fact Ridley was allowed to exist in the world for less than a minute before Bayonetta destroyed him? My girl has still got it.

smh bayo is still disgustingly unbalanced

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Don't act like you're better than everyone because you're not voicing displeasure about the Direct. The whole point of this thread is to discuss what we do and don't like about Nintendo's presentation. So if you don't want to see people complaining about Nintendo on a thread revolving around Nintendo, then get off of the thread and "do something more productive".

Yeah but atleast we knew BOTW was coming and in development. We literally have ZERO proof or evidence about anything ac

I think that's what bums me the most, there's no evidence of one, no buzz. :(

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Maybe New Leaf was their final installment. They are just not interested in continuing the series. Would explain why there is ZERO information about a new AC game. Maybe they are content with a few spin offs and the mobile game.

Don?t get me wrong, I love this game. But I do wonder if they are just done.

And I'm wondering the same thing myself. Maybe they feel like spinoffs are enough. For me they are a nice diversion, but they don't hold my interest long. :(
Well at least I won't be spending all that money on a switch. As good as Smash looks, as well as Mario Kart and Splatoon look plus BOTW and Oddessy, I won't be buying a Switch until Animal Crossing or and actual Pokemon game.
Does anyone remember that this E3 Direct was focusing only on games releasing in 2018? Well, 2 games were revealed in this direct, and they are coming in 2019.

I'm not saying that Nintendo had a chance to announce AC Switch, i'm just pointing that out.

Like I said, AC Switch will be announced, maybe even out of the blue. But i'd hate it if they don't announce AC at all this year. There was a reason why they didn't announce AC Switch in 2016 and 2017. They were working on the AC:NL Update and Pocket Camp. Now that those two games are out of the way, they'll be working on AC Switch.

I do believe Nintendo was planning on announcing AC Switch at E3, but 1: They had no room for other extra games. 2: Its a popular game, as to with Smash Bros. 3: It was focused on Smash Bros content. And finally: 4. There will be more hype for AC Switch than to Smash Bros Switch.

In Conclusion: There is a best bet for Animal Crossing Switch to be announced on its own. Quite possibly as a teaser trailer that will be announced at a random date, and maybe in late Fall, they'll show a direct focusing on Animal Crossing Switch. So, if this is all true, you'll know why AC Switch wasn't announced at E3. And don't forget that no news for AC:NL was revealed at E3 in 2012, but there was new corocoro info and AC:NL info on a Nintendo Direct on 10/25/12. So, there is still hope for Animal Crossing Switch. Believe in AC Switch!

To build off that, the Smash fan base is HUGE the Animal Crossing fan base is HUGE so it actually makes sense not to announce both at same time when you look at it from a financial stand point. If they had two MAJOR games come out close to the same time that will greatly hurt their sales. Those two fan bases cross paths at a high rate so if they were to release both around the same time the majority would pick one or the other - not both.

So financially it makes a lot of sense for them to space them out and when it comes down to the wire this is a company so they are going to do whats best financially. There's obviously going to be a direct very soon. There was no mention of a lot of games for example Yoshi which is announced at last years E3. Nothing about anything coming to the DS systems, it was very lack luster but I think it was catered towards Smash and they will cover the rest soon.

I was looking forward to Yoshi the most so I'm upset about that just getting pushed to the side. It was given a 2018 release and here we are 6 months in and no new news about it so thats a little annoying. I'm still pretty hopeful there's no doubt about AC coming to the Switch just a matter of when.
And I'm wondering the same thing myself. Maybe they feel like spinoffs are enough. For me they are a nice diversion, but they don't hold my interest long. :(

There's absolutely no reason for New Leaf to be the last game in the series. Please listen, you are going to get depressed for nothing here. New Leaf was a big hit. You know just how big of a hit it was? It spawned a couple of spin-offs (which is a sign that Nintendo's wanting to expand the franchise, not kill it off), and even one of Nintendo's first ventures into the mobile platform. In addition, they released that Welcome Amiibo update years after New Leaf was released.

Plus, Pocket Camp was announced with the promise that it would link to a future console title, was it not?
No Animal Crossing Switch and Waluigi still isn't a fighter in Smash, Nintendo has betrayed me once again!
To build off that, the Smash fan base is HUGE the Animal Crossing fan base is HUGE so it actually makes sense not to announce both at same time when you look at it from a financial stand point. If they had two MAJOR games come out close to the same time that will greatly hurt their sales. Those two fan bases cross paths at a high rate so if they were to release both around the same time the majority would pick one or the other - not both.

As much as this sounds plausible, the financial data proves that the timing of release have little to no incidence to the sales figures, if any.

For example, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii were released in early 2008. As of March 31st 2018, the lifetime sales for each title are about 13 and 37 millions units respectively. Even within a timeframe of 1 to 3 months, Mario Kart Wii still managed to outsell more than twice what Brawl did.

If we also look at the lifetime sales of Nintendo-published 3DS titles, Mario Kart 7 sold 17 millions units, around 12 millions for New Leaf, and finally 9 millions for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS.

I dare Nintendo to sell Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and the next installment of Animal Crossing a couple of weeks apart, and then watch the latter will likely sell more if they're giving the same marketing treatment.

Source 1: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/software/wii.html
Source 2: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/software/3ds.html
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RIP animal crossing switch its never coming

i know its coming but im just in a salty mood

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It would've been cooler if it was Goku who died.

Also can we talk about how the new Fire Emblem Lord's name is Edelgard (edgelord)?????
My favourite part about E3 was not E3 itself. One of my 'predictions' came true in that Bandai Namco did confirm an Asian/English language options for Taiko no Tatsujin a few days prior to it.
No Mother, but WORK X WORK is releasing in September ... so that's some pretty awesome news.
GUST is releasing an Atelier spinoff featuring most of their prior alchemists.
Level-5 has some announcements soon regarding Yokai Watch 4 and new IP.

I am unfortunately not quite interested in Fire Emblem yet. Going to wait to see if Kocho's going to do a few songs.
Disappointed that Hidari is not continuing with the character designs unless IS plans to have him do remakes only.

Good thing I didn't stay past 2am ^^

Maybe Nintendo is considering the competition for Animal Crossing; what with Stardew Valley, Mineko's Night Market, Little Dragons Cafe, Ooblets... etc. Not Animal Crossing, but still interacting with other characters, performing odd jobs, customization at a leisurely pace.
I'm a bit disappointed that there was no announcement for a new ac game but that's about it. I don't have much interest in anything else from nintendo
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Aw man, why is pokeball controller so expensive? I am not really feeling the game because it just looks like a fancy Pok?mon Go to me.

I do love that Snake is in Smash again. It is fun to blow yourself up for no reason.