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Nintendo Direct: E3 2018

I'm a super casual with Smash, and seeing all the sudden attention towards Lucas and Ness in Smash is making me want to actually get into it. But I don't have a reason to drop 300 on a switch plus games right now, since there's no Pokemon or AC title that interests me.
I was expecting nothing and knew we wouldn't get any ac info but was still let down and felt violated by the dragged out smash details and NOTHING after that..

def the last nintendo e3 direct i'll watch .. won't do that to myself again. :(

I guess that explains it, but doesn't really excuse how one-dimensional their conference was. I can understand something not being ready to show but when you announce a title at E3 people expect to hear at least something the following year.

Still, Smash Ultimate looks decent. I reckon a lot of people will buy a Switch for it. Ridley was a cool surprise. Can't say anything really caught my eye though, the conference was definitely lacking.
So no N64 Classic announced. I would rather not hear any announcement at all than an announcement of the N64 Classic without Pokemon Stadium. So not as disappointed.

And I wasn't counting on Animal Crossing to be announced for E3, because that's something the directs do more.
when i die i want nintendo to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time
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While the E3 Nintendo Direct is light in terms of surprises, all of the 1st party titles the company showed managed to grab my interest in one way or another. The presentation is very well-paced up until the exciting Super Smash Bros. Ultimate took about a huge chunk of time, even for a widely popular game.

I will go further in details about my thoughts about the Nintendo Direct on Blog Tree later, since I've got a lot of things to say about it.
And I wasn't counting on Animal Crossing to be announced for E3, because that's something the directs do more.

Literally every single Nintendo Direct outside of E3 we have been told "Wait for E3, Animal Crossing games are always announced at E3". Excuse me if I can't feel a little annoyed with this comment because it comes off as "No, actually Directs, wait for Directs". Don't take it personally, as I doubt you meant that.

Wild World, City Folk, and New Leaf were all first revealed at E3s. Historically Animal Crossing games are revealed at E3.

In all honesty, I went to look at the releases, and some of them are even old games (lol), and the Octopath Traveler game looks like Fire Emblem with a name that’s similar to Splatoon.
I really like the visuals in Pokemon Let's Go.

True! I do wish they would have showed more Pokemon and less Smash Bros.. I didn't expect an Animal Crossing game, but I at least expected more than just rambling on and on about Smash, at the very least. I may give Pokemon another try with this!

When I saw that Let's Go Pokemon and Pokemon Go will be compatible with each other, I felt as though THAT is what they're waiting to do with Animal Crossing. Release more villagers and furniture through Pocket Camp and then make it compatible with AC Switch like that. But Pocket Camp is too underveloped right now. However, they're starting to move at a faster pace. I'm hopeful that this will become a thing.
I'm super glad Daisy is in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as an Echo Fighter! Hopefully this means Jeanne has a chance of being in the game as well!
smh at ppl over reacting to no ac like go do something more productive lol >_>

I have to admit, if they don't announce a new AC game next E3, then that is when it's going to be a problem. I was more than fine with it not being revealed last year and I'm okay with it not being revealed this year. I just don't feel that the Switch is ready for a new Animal Crossing game yet.

I remember how disappointed many of us were last year when they failed to announce a new AC game for the Switch, and how deeply disappointed when they announced a Wii U spin-off to Animal Crossing in 2015.
I'm looking forward to fallout

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Oops it's a Nintendo thread nvm
I'm looking forward to Pok?mon let's go
Oh well, next year maybe. I can only imagine what kind of travesty they'd do with a new AC game so I really don't care if they announce one or not.
such a let down wtf
smash is literally not even that good (no offence smash fans but come on why focus the whole thing on smash? like there are so many other options)