Nook's Homes Thread

Finally got that white roof I've been looking for thanks to this thread :)
In my nooks homes today:

-blue-brick pavement
-white roof
-red-barn exterior
-zen fence
-arched imperial door
-heavy door
-mermaid mailbox
Today's selection

Today in my town:

- Metal mailbox
- Pink door
- Arched brown door
- Pink mermaid fence
- Garden exterior
- Black roof
- Pink pavement

If you want to visit, please PM me! ^^
Today in Nook Homes, we have:
Yellow Roof
Brown Brick Exterior
Blue Door
Stone Pavement
Light blue mailbox
Arched Green Door
Shanty fence
Today in my town:

- Stainless mailbox
- Beige door
- Arched kiddie door
- Bamboo fence
- Orange exterior
- Black-shingle roof
- Stone pavement

If you want to visit, please PM me! ^^
today in my town:

pink mailbox
astro door
arched pink door
colorful gravel
purple-shingle roof
stone exterior
picket fence
Looking for the following:

-Regal Mailbox
-White Roof
-Beige Arched Door
-Blue exterior
-Fancy Fence
today in my town:

square pavement
shanty roof
cabana exterior
concrete fence
cyan mailbox
fairy-tale door
arched green door
today I have;
light-blue mailbox
astro door
arched fairy-tale door
square pavement
concrete roof
simple exterior
cinder-block wall

this is a great thread idea btw!! I will be checking this thread cause I'm in need of astro themed stuff! ^^
today in my town:

pebble pavement
white roof
blue chalet exterior
fairy-tale fence
cyan mailbox
blue door
arched metal door
today in my town:

brick pavement
uneven stone roof
mermaid exterior
gray-brick fence
blue mailbox
zen door
arched green door

That's in my town today, if anybodys interested. Also, I always sing with Nook. He's turning into a softie, cut him some slack, lol!
Oh ok thanks then what would be good for a sci fi mail box and fence