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pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

Oh, I've got one—creative "do's and don't's" where neither option is actually bad or incorrect, they just convey different things, or come down to a matter of personal preference. Stuff like "always use bright colorful palettes, not desaturated ones!" (or vice versa) in art, for instance. It does more to hinder than help aspiring creatives, and often feels like the creator is just desperate to push out content.
Yeah and I'd say this for a lot of art related things. That one list doesn't work for everyone etc.
Sleeping with people who snore, the sound of slurping, seeing people drink foods (i.e. soup or broth), the sound of sand or flour in people's or my hands, seeing people eat ice cream, specially if it is not in a tub, the sound it makes when someone rubs their dry hands...
I hate when people say “oh x is coming out in fall” online because I live in the southern hemisphere and I can’t help but feel like a lot of people just make up their own definition for what the seasons are, in real life it’s ok but online is so US-centric I just have to look up what the heck people mean anyway, and look at the release month/remind myself what the official months are. The only one I can remember is that October is fall, because it’s really associated with Halloween. Nobody debates that October is a Fall month in America. One of my exes said Summer was still September. Even I know that isn’t right. ”x is coming out in y season” is needlessly confusing for me.
The US-centric attitude of the Internet is annoying in general, but that’s another topic and I bet for Americans it’s great.

Fun fact, they estimate down here we won’t even have Winter anymore in the future. Our current summer will become New Summer, and our current winter will be more like current summer. Which sounds pretty awful, because summer is miserable here.

Also forgetting I’m 23 and thinking I’m 22. It’s easy enough to remember my age when I was born in 1999 because that’s pretty close to just being able to look and see 20xx but I feel so old when I have to do the math and I still don’t feel like I’m 22 sometimes.
One thing which is so silly but makes me furious is having to look up every chararacter's name to post here or to even understand people 😭 I know english is the international language but I hate that it is.

Many characters have super different names and the nuances that I love about them in my native language just disappear in english. I have been able to memorise Tucker (Pirolo in spanish), Deli (Cana in Spanish) and Rocket (Gloria) because I talk about them a lot but I can't memorise anything else. It specially bothers me that NPC have different names.... my Blathers is called Socrates, which makes a lot of sense and could be the same in english so I keep forgetting that is not his english name. Same goes with his sister, whose name in english is Celeste or something like that and in spanish is Estela, which is almost the same in meaning yet not the same in shape. K.K Slider is to me a HORRIBLE name I hate it 😭😭😭 and I hate that songs in english are called K.K whatever. In spanish he is Totakeke and songs are tota-whatever. And the pidgeon oh my god I can't even bother to look his name up again, I always have a lot of trouble typing it, Brewster or something like that, he is Figaro here which makes perfect sense and I love it :(. The other day I had someone over in my island and I had to say "you can talk to the rug camel" because I have no clue what Alcatifa's name is in english 😭😭😭

Do you also prefer names in you language? I guess this is a really common thing. It makes me sad that only native english speakers can create international communities in their native languages.
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I hate when people say “oh x is coming out in fall” online because I live in the southern hemisphere and I can’t help but feel like a lot of people just make up their own definition for what the seasons are, in real life it’s ok but online is so US-centric I just have to look up what the heck people mean anyway, and look at the release month/remind myself what the official months are. The only one I can remember is that October is fall, because it’s really associated with Halloween. Nobody debates that October is a Fall month in America. One of my exes said Summer was still September. Even I know that isn’t right. ”x is coming out in y season” is needlessly confusing for me.
The US-centric attitude of the Internet is annoying in general, but that’s another topic and I bet for Americans it’s great.

Fun fact, they estimate down here we won’t even have Winter anymore in the future. Our current summer will become New Summer, and our current winter will be more like current summer. Which sounds pretty awful, because summer is miserable here.

Also forgetting I’m 23 and thinking I’m 22. It’s easy enough to remember my age when I was born in 1999 because that’s pretty close to just being able to look and see 20xx but I feel so old when I have to do the math and I still don’t feel like I’m 22 sometimes.
You are so right about US centrism... it doesn't affect me that much because I am form the northern hemisphere but is so obvious people from the US act as what they are: the center of the world.

This is a silly annecdote but the other day I was talking here about something which implied villagers refer to you in either masculine or feminine depending on what you select you are in the game and people were telling me characters don't speak to you in the third person...english is not the only language in the world !!!! Many languages have gendered words !!! That is exactly what I was talking about !
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I hate when people say “oh x is coming out in fall” online because I live in the southern hemisphere and I can’t help but feel like a lot of people just make up their own definition for what the seasons are, in real life it’s ok but online is so US-centric I just have to look up what the heck people mean anyway, and look at the release month/remind myself what the official months are. The only one I can remember is that October is fall, because it’s really associated with Halloween. Nobody debates that October is a Fall month in America. One of my exes said Summer was still September. Even I know that isn’t right. ”x is coming out in y season” is needlessly confusing for me.
The US-centric attitude of the Internet is annoying in general, but that’s another topic and I bet for Americans it’s great.

Fun fact, they estimate down here we won’t even have Winter anymore in the future. Our current summer will become New Summer, and our current winter will be more like current summer. Which sounds pretty awful, because summer is miserable here.

Also forgetting I’m 23 and thinking I’m 22. It’s easy enough to remember my age when I was born in 1999 because that’s pretty close to just being able to look and see 20xx but I feel so old when I have to do the math and I still don’t feel like I’m 22 sometimes.
I'm in the northern hemisphere so I don't get all confused with the seasons but the assuming everyone's from the US thing is annoying for sure. Half the time I see prices listed in dollars. Like.. is that USD or CAD or what? It obviously it USD the majority of the time.
Or people listing American only stores to buy certain products from. I know they're trying to be helpful and don't know maybe that those stores don't exist outside the US but it's not helpful for those who live outside it lol.
CD cases where the plastic piece in the middle of the tray doesn't actually push down/in, so the CD itself is super difficult to remove safely. Also when the case has two CDs, and they're on either side of the same tray—like, please just make the case a little bigger and include two disc trays so I don't have to worry about putting too much pressure on one side asdklfjsgs
I recently dealt with a CD case that had both of these little annoyances and I actually managed to bruise my thumb trying to remove the CDs without breaking them. ;A; Took me over ten minutes too; I was so nervous the whole time.
Oof, I hate when people step on the back of my shoe while I’m walking! I know a few people who love to walk super close to the person in front of them and that always annoys me. ㅠㅠ
This girl I used to go to school with who bullied the heck out of me posts a ton of **** about anti-bullying and standing up to bullies. Excuse me while I go die of laughter. It’s always the people who bully who post things like that. They just love to contradict themselves…
when people say 'these days' in relation to something. idk how to explain it but I really dislike it and I would also call it an ick for me. i think I connect it to mansplainers complaining about something progressive. even if the person isn't complaining about that kind of thing, I just don't like it.
I hate it when I’m walking in an urban area and the smell from the sewer leaks out for some reason. It’s just disgusting.
I can’t stand those community posts on YouTube that say “sub or you’re an idiot” or “sub if you’re not ugly.” It’s very condescending and I’m very tempted to comment on one of them saying “oh, well I don’t want to be an idiot so I’m subbing.” That would be sarcasm, but that’s exactly how I feel seeing this crap.
I don’t like it when people are nasty when others have different religious/philosophical beliefs than them. I was called an idiot in high school so many times simply for being agnostic.
Dang. Was that at a religious school? Either way, it’s still pretty screwed up.

I don’t like immature people trying to get you involved in their immature activities. No, I will not record a TikTok for you at work. I swear, some of these kids don’t even want to work.
Examples of my most petty of peeves are:
- having Iced tea that isn't properly Iced (its called ICED tea for a reason!)
- drinking room temp water (basically, I like my drinks cold!)
- talking on the phone (when you can text instead) <- yes, I'm a product of this generation, but I'm also very shy
- anyone mentioning the obvious (ie. a stranger commenting "you have a lot of kids there" as I struggle with my kiddos in public... like I didn't know that! I gave birth to all of them! 🙄)
I don’t like it when people are nasty when others have different religious/philosophical beliefs than them. I was called an idiot in high school so many times simply for being agnostic.
Heck you don't even need to have touchy topic beliefs anymore. Check out Twitter. Any post, no matter how inconsequential, is met by some form of hostility. You could simply say I enjoy ice-cream, or I enjoyed this game, or so forth. It's so insane how idiotic these people are that they have nothing better in their life than to make drama.

My cat licking his butt, sitting, rolling and sleeping on my keyboard.
Well where else should he lick his behind?
People going to superior/boss directly instead of approaching me with their issue when it's a) clearly concerning me directly and b) it could have been solved on spot. Like do you benefit more from making me look dumb or do you have some non-outspoken policy about doing that instead of talking to me or?