pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

And literally nothing of interest happens that month except maybe sometimes the Superbowl

The sport that I follow is usually UFC.

The "off season" is a short break from the end of December to late January. Since it's a year round sport it does cause some months to be sluggish. Since the athletes are on constant rotation the less interesting ones might take up a certain part of the year.

February isn't looking great right now so I'm tempted to see what WWE is doing. I'm not caught up with pro wrestling at all though.
Trophy hunting is disgusting. I hate pictures of them, their smug grins next to dead animals. If a trophy hunter dies while trying to shoot a lion or elephant, they had it coming.

Also…the people with exotic pets…why? I know the guy who kept a tiger (Ming of Harlem) said it was an escape from his rough neighborhood, but there are other ways to cope with stress. Why not get a cat?
Trophy hunting is disgusting. I hate pictures of them, their smug grins next to dead animals. If a trophy hunter dies while trying to shoot a lion or elephant, they had it coming.

Also…the people with exotic pets…why? I know the guy who kept a tiger (Ming of Harlem) said it was an escape from his rough neighborhood, but there are other ways to cope with stress. Why not get a cat?

I never liked seeing mounted trophy heads of animals on walls. Such as using deer heads as decoration. I'm glad I never lived in a home with this.

It's just a grim fate to be permanently stuck up on a human wall.
I hate when people just feel the need to comment on just one word I say, it is so passive-aggressive. I am introverted and insecure about anything I say, so this genuinely hurts my feelings.

My mom told a friend about how I may be getting sick, because my nose was running non-stop, and said friend was like, "poor ******", (real name redacted for privacy), and I couldn't find a decent way to respond to her, because I was so embarrassed, and I just ended up blurting, "yeah", and then said friend goes, "she said, "yeah"."
It is really annoying me that my brother keeps texting me updates on this storm. I'm getting the exact same notifications, so what is the point? 😒
I've said it before and I say it again. The inability to be honest with people.

We all act like honesty is this scary thing that ruins relationships, but if people grew a spine and were able to just TALK and TAKE CRITICISM it wouldn't MATTER.

And if someone close to me isn't willing to hear the 100% honest truth from my mouth (or my exact opinion abt smthn cause sometimes I can be misguided) and be willing to talk about it, they aren't worth being around. I make it clear from the get go that if we are close you gotta be willing to hear me out and I've had too many people not believe that until they got called out on their BS.
My dad died in February. We would love to place something on his gravestone although the new owners of the property made a ridiculous rule.

"All decorations sitting out between March and October must be picked up or they will be thrown away".

That's most of the year. What's the point of placing anything?

We had his stone neatly decorated with memorabilia until these new owners came along.

When you enter the cemetery you can see a giant pile of memorabilia that the owners had collected from the gravestones. The cemetery deserves every 1 star review that it's been bombed with.
I hate when I'm ordering something and I'm cut off by ten thousand questions. "Do you want white or whole bread? Will you take mayo or another sauce? Do-" Let me tell you. Stop interrupting me I will tell you.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone make a comment like that? Then again I'm not on social media. There is that quote 'Tragedy is when I cut my finger, comedy is when you fall in a sewer and die.' Not quite the same thing, but it kind of relates. An alarming amount of people lack empathy. Maybe even more so now that we have such horrible people that many look up to as role models.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone make a comment like that? Then again I'm not on social media. There is that quote 'Tragedy is when I cut my finger, comedy is when you fall in a sewer and die.' Not quite the same thing, but it kind of relates. An alarming amount of people lack empathy. Maybe even more so now that we have such horrible people that many look up to as role models.
It kind of reminds me of this one South Park episode of all things where the kids kept comparing not being able to wear pajamas to school to Nazi Germany lmao. 😂
"Insert trivial thing here* is worse than 9/11/The Holocaust/Columbine (or any other tragedy)!"

Like can we stop comparing trivial **** to tragedies? It's really insensitive and disrespectful to the victims and survivors.
It’s also disrespectful to compare smaller-scale tragedies to larger-scale tragedies. You can’t even compare 9/11 to the Holocaust without offending others. Both were very bad (and are larger-scale tragedies), but due to the very nature of the Holocaust, it has more weight than the 9/11 Attacks.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone make a comment like that? Then again I'm not on social media. There is that quote 'Tragedy is when I cut my finger, comedy is when you fall in a sewer and die.' Not quite the same thing, but it kind of relates. An alarming amount of people lack empathy. Maybe even more so now that we have such horrible people that many look up to as role models.
They happen in real-life/offline conversations too, not just on the internet or on social media.
One pet peeve of mine has always been when I buy myself some kind of snack for later, and then someone helps themselves to it without asking. Were they to ask I'd almost always be willing to share, but there was a period of time where family members of mine would help themselves to treats I'd bought for myself to enjoy after a long day at work, and it just made me that much more frustrated when I got back home exhausted and couldn't even enjoy that one little thing.
I cry at the littlest stuff. Lullabies? Check. Little kid songs/shows? Check. Commercials for antidepressants? Check. Commercials with sick pets? Check check check! (OK, the last one is actually sad.)
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People who expect you to have empathy for them when you've already had a bad, stressful, and exhausting day yourself. Like nah, sorry bruh, I gotta take care of myself first before I can help others. It's give and receive, not give give give.

I can understand it if you can use it to relate to each other, but otherwise it's just annoying.
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