pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

I hate when people say "we're just gonna have to agree to disagree" after being brutally proven wrong

Same, this is so annoying, especially when people act like this online. It's basically like,

"Hey, the sky is blue."

"No, the sky is red."

"But it is LITERALLY blue if you look up."

"Well... we're just going to have to agree to disagree."

Like no you aren't. Just admit that you were wrong and that you learned something new already. 💀
When the recommended videos on my YouTube fyp has nothing to do with what I actually like to watch. I would be scrolling on my YouTube feed to see videos recommended to me that don't even interest me at all. Even if I click "not interested," these type of videos will still show up on my feed anyways.
Sometimes YouTube says "continue watching" on videos I've never seen in my entire life. And its often something wierd
Images you download off the web that end up being .webp files.
Absolutely, I was just thinking about this. NOTHING supports .webp
When the recommended videos on my YouTube fyp has nothing to do with what I actually like to watch. I would be scrolling on my YouTube feed to see videos recommended to me that don't even interest me at all. Even if I click "not interested," these type of videos will still show up on my feed anyways.
Something that seems to run hand-in-hand with this, for me: watching a single video from one channel, and YouTube filling my homepage with seemingly every video every published by that channel in response. My homepage is constantly a big mess of things I've already watched, things I have no interest in, and a dozen or more videos from one channel that I don't necessarily want to tell the algorithm not to recommend (as I usually do like the channel enough), but wish it would be less overzealous in recommending.
The length of some events in Pocket Camp Complete, especially with how quickly you can complete the quests now.

And… eating food with TikTok on one end and TV on the other. Both of which I’m not watching now, but I’m forced to overhear anyway.

And… sexual jokes. That’s all.
I've almost never watched anime so I decided to give Death Note a try.

I haven't looked up anything about this show and I'm watching without knowing anything either. All I've done is open the show on Netflix. Then I go on YouTube and it's throwing spoilers into my homepage.

At least I can close them quick enough, but that's very very annoying.
When I blow my nose so loud it sounds like a fart, and then I wonder if people think I’m blasting mad farts in the bathroom. 😂

Also, lamps on during a sunny day…UGH!
When the recommended videos on my YouTube fyp has nothing to do with what I actually like to watch. I would be scrolling on my YouTube feed to see videos recommended to me that don't even interest me at all. Even if I click "not interested," these type of videos will still show up on my feed anyways.
Twitter does the same thing. I think it's just trying to push a certain algorithm on to you. Especially if it's going to cause outrage because what's being suggested is deplorable/hurtful in some way. I used to have some code that I put into YouTube that caused the recommended videos to be hidden. They were never what would actually interest me and usually something that I wouldn't like to see.

I've almost never watched anime so I decided to give Death Note a try.

I haven't looked up anything about this show and I'm watching without knowing anything either. All I've done is open the show on Netflix. Then I go on YouTube and it's throwing spoilers into my homepage.

At least I can close them quick enough, but that's very very annoying.
Ugh I hate that. I've been spoiled so much by TV shows or movies that interested me because of that. Time to find that YouTube code again.

Same, this is so annoying, especially when people act like this online. It's basically like,

"Hey, the sky is blue."

"No, the sky is red."

"But it is LITERALLY blue if you look up."

"Well... we're just going to have to agree to disagree."

Like no you aren't. Just admit that you were wrong and that you learned something new already. 💀
B-but admitting that is a weakness I can't afford! Time to double down and look like a 🫏
My favorite nature station just started playing a lullaby, “Mockingbird” 😭. If you know me and lullabies, I literally have tears in my eyes and had to blow my nose lol.
Youtubers overhyping things. "I hatched over 1000 EGGS for this ONE SHINY!1!11" yes, that's how it works. Everyone who uses the Masuda Method (or not) to breed shiny Pokémon ends up hatching a lot of eggs sooner or later.

It's like going "I walked for TEN MINUTES to go to ONE BUS STOP today!1!1" like?? Yeah, and?
A lot of ASMR videos feel inappropriate to me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the wooden soup stuff, as well as anything paper/writing related. But the ones where the women are role-playing feel a bit…off. (So-and-so does your makeup, etc.) Like, how am I going to fall asleep to this? I watched one where a woman pretended to be Marilyn Monroe and she was all “hello, darling” and putting a crown on her head.

I cannot watch any eating ones. One time I tried and the lady was all like “MMMM” and it drove me crazy. Plus loud chewing and close-ups of a mouth full of food are gross. (unless some people like it)

Maybe I’m ignorant of this ASMR stuff, but that’s how it feels.
But the ones where the women are role-playing feel a bit…off.
A lot of those are satire I think
I cannot watch any eating ones. One time I tried and the lady was all like “MMMM” and it drove me crazy. Plus loud chewing and close-ups of a mouth full of food are gross. (unless some people like it)
Those unfortunately aren't ☹️
Not all romance books are like those spicy novels that social media like to gush over and the weirdos on YouTube won't shut up about.(videos that are basically misogynistic towards women for reading them or at least this one video with the gross thumbnails I seen.)

Matter of fact, I don't even read those type of books; everything I read is in the clean and wholesome department. I guess AKA boring.
The stories I write are also in the same department.

I really like the cheesy stuff (first date, hand holding, getting to know one another, buying flowers and chocolate etc)
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When my phone lags and I accidentally follow someone, like/downvote a comment I didn't want to, post a comment prematurely, or (specifically on TBT) when I accidentally hit the celebrate react instead of the hug. It bugs me so much when that happens that most of the time my eye visibly twitches.

When people say "oh, have you heard about this? But wait, what if you haven't heard and I end up telling you something you weren't supposed to know? Hmm, you're pretty smart so you probably already know, but then again... Wait, do you know?" Like please. Either tell me what you want to say or don't. Don't try bait me into spilling the secrets I've been told by trying to get me to say what I think you might be trying to say. It's really frustrating.
1. The lack of thicc boys on the Pit Crew in Drag Race is quite annoying. Maybe they wouldn’t use some of my boys, but how hard is it to find a guy with muscular arms and a belly? 😍 You know, even a man built like Joe Hendry?

2. There’s an older headline— but I still see it circulating on Instagram —that some actress is 40 and “still” hasn’t been intimate with anyone.

Why is this a headline?!

First of all, no one should be asking ANY one— famous or not —about their history like that. It’s creepy. Second of all, it feels like the media is shaming this woman. As if women don’t get scrutinized enough…!

3. Now, for a completely different topic…I saw on Reddit people calling a 19-year-old girl who lived with her parents as a “failure-to-launch” situation. Oooh, if those people would have seen ME at that age! 😾 (2015) I literally had a mental breakdown and couldn’t go to college for a while. (I’m also on the autism spectrum— not sure if that has anything to do with it.) I was physically sick as well. I was also VERY angry at how mean the world was, and some “friends” were posting homophobic stuff online— and likely wouldn’t accept me as bi. It was rough. So…maybe the age of 19 is a big trigger for me. I have a soft spot for that age, as it’s not easy.
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