Place your random thoughts.

Oh I'm sorry I just was trying to be helpful
No need to apologize! I appreciate it šŸ™‚. I should apologize; my comment came off rude even though I didnā€™t mean to be >.<. Iā€™m sorry! Thanks tor the tip šŸ™‚
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My birthday is soon.

I can't think of any place I particularly want to go. I always see a movie on my birthday. My family is also taking me to a concert.

Luckily for me it's before I start Driver's Ed. So I don't have to spend the day in a classroom.
I really hate Rick and Morty especially for how they made that forgotten nugget sauce at McDonaldā€™s popular and made people act like they remembered it even though literally no one even talked about it for nearly 20 years until that episode aired and now they all act like it was amazing and the best tasting thing ever. No it wasnā€™t. In fact I had it once when it was originally released and it was okay at best and I never got it again. And I know that I went to McDonaldā€™s and had the McNugget Happy Meal because I had at least three of the Mulan toys released to promote the movie. It was a cheap Americanized version of what Americans think is Szechuan cuisine. True Szechuan sauces are actually spicier and have loads of garlic in them and very little sugar. I know what authentic Chinese food should be like. My family is from Taiwan and my grandma would cook food from the region and my dad has friends from China. Real Chinese foods donā€™t have very sweet tastes except for this dessert soup that have these really sticky balls of dough and a thick syrup of pure sugar. The Chinese desserts are typically mildly sweet.

No itā€™s literally the exact same thing.
Like I said in a different thread, I had to drive today. My dad just showed me what everything does and then made me drive around. And it wasnā€™t as bad as I thought. Apparently I did pretty good, and also my dad wasnā€™t mad at me most of the time like my mom was when she was showing my sister how to drive. Iā€™m still scared to actually drive on the road with other people and make turns.

Just keep on practicing and doing your best. Eventually, you'll gain more confidence and that fear should dissipate.
Like I said in a different thread, I had to drive today. My dad just showed me what everything does and then made me drive around. And it wasnā€™t as bad as I thought. Apparently I did pretty good, and also my dad wasnā€™t mad at me most of the time like my mom was when she was showing my sister how to drive. Iā€™m still scared to actually drive on the road with other people and make turns.

If it's any consolation, I had a full blown panic attack my first time out the road. Furiously shaking, numb, and everything. Yet it still turned out okay.

A year later and that same road is nothing to me anymore. I can drive down it without a second thought.

We all start somewhere. And starting is usually the most difficult part. Then it seems to get easier.
debating on buying the sims 3 but iā€™m hesitant because iā€™ve never played the sims games before and iā€™m afraid that i might not like it. i donā€™t want to buy sims 4 because people say itā€™s kind of sucky. i should watch more gameplay.
debating on buying the sims 3 but iā€™m hesitant because iā€™ve never played the sims games before and iā€™m afraid that i might not like it. i donā€™t want to buy sims 4 because people say itā€™s kind of sucky. i should watch more gameplay.
Sims 4 is free to download!
I was hanging up laundry today, and I realised I don't actually like most of my clothes.

It might be time to gut my wardrobe and start over. šŸ¤”
Imagine this: you have a new job and youā€™re barely making enough money to survive. You finally get your paycheck and now you can feed your family for today. And then you accidentally make eye contact with a 12 year old and you lose the battle, and the kid youā€™re fighting has an Amulet Coin so you have to give him pretty much all of your money. You lost the battle and your money and youā€™ll probably starve.

ā€¦skill issue lol
I'm crocheting a doll and I'm so excited!! I'm still really early on but making a doll was one of the main things I wanted to learn how to do. That and making a frog.... which I think I'll try and tackle next!! But I need to focus on the doll first. And making her a cute dress and shoes!
Modern movies are sometimes a little too plastic and clean. This does not look like or resemble an actual classroom. It looks like a photo book and screams 'movie set'.

The best and most immersive movies to me look like real lived in worlds.

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