Place your random thoughts.

The big-name YouTuber who reported on that Chinese mukbanger death hoax as if it were real is concerning. The only media outlets covering it were the Daily Mail and “clickbait” sites rather than news ones. At first I believed it, but something about it felt…off.

I wish she did her homework.

If you reverse image search all the “pictures”, they are all of the different women (I could even tell looking at them.) and one is even of a Korean influencer who used to do mukbangs but has switched to fitness videos. The Daily Mail has even stolen her photos in the past. It’s unfortunate, but that’s The Daily Mail for you. I don’t see the point of these hoaxes, but oh well.

The amount of people commenting as if the hoax was real is odd. I thought we were more curious, more skeptical as people. I guess not.
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After learning that the Mollycord admins were still mad at me for what I did months ago, I had to reflect what I did that they didn’t like. I previously refused acknowledge an error, but to be truthful, neither I nor the server admins were in the right. They were indeed strict and harsh, and extremely biased. However, I wasn’t making the situation any better either, as I violated common sense and continued making problematic posts (even though I was being compliant with the rules). And whatever I called “off-server drama” in an old WBY post was a rude DM towards one of the members for being rude to me on the server. My response to my ban wasn’t appropriate either.

In some way, it makes sense to keep people off your server or site if they are problematic, even if they don’t break the rules. My beliefs on moderation are based on blind justice rather than special cases. But the fact that I’m kicked off the official fan server for The Ghost and Molly McGee really hurts, as there’s not too many places to discuss it.

These awful soulless Ai-ware in the Nintendo eshop.
Also who's going to tell them, that these two are only from the Disney movies.

Edit: I forgot, this whole 'story' is just the Disney characters. The picture after this one is literally Ariel from the old movie. (One of my favorites too, how dare they.)
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Watched some clips of “What Would You Do?” on YouTube. That show has always been my guilty pleasure, but I feel bad for some of the random people who get involved.

In case you don’t know, the show hires actors who behave openly racist/homophobic/ableist/etc. in public to other actors and see how bystanders react. For example, there was one where a lady in a restaurant (actress) criticizes a white woman (also actress) for adopting a Black daughter. Another lady overheard and called the racist out, and then she burst into tears. She later admitted she was a child during the 1960s in the Deep South and being deeply affected by white people’s treatment of her Black neighbors. Honestly…I see what the show attempts to accomplish, but why play with people’s feelings like that?! I also worry about the child actors in it who have to get called fat or stupid, or discriminated against due to race. I know it’s just a show, but it’s concerning at times.
EDIT: In some of the situations with kids (like the adopted daughter) they are wearing headphones, but still…they’re gonna figure out what people were saying one day. Also, in others they have an actress playing a mom and calling the kid fat to their face. John Quinones says “she’s prepared for hurtful remarks” but Idk…it still feels uncomfortable.

Also, some of the bystanders have kids with them who are Black/Muslim/etc. and they must feel affected by the actors’ bigotry too….
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Ngl, lowkey forgot that there’s a restaurant called Friendly’s until today. I’ve literally had it before but I just forgot that it was a place.
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*laughs in kid that spent hours looking at globes and maps every day*
have you ever seen that old Leapfrog interactive globe that you would tap with an attached stylus? I never had one, but a cousin of mine in Indiana did, and when I visited their house I would always play with it. I loved the Eureka challenges hehehe.

this is the specific one that they had:
I heard that heat waves were really bad this year. Yet, I must’ve been missing out. But that’s probably because I was experiencing rainy weather in my area.
I was working on moving some of the pillows that are on our outdoor furniture set in the backyard when it started pouring suddenly. Would that count as a second shower?
have you ever seen that old Leapfrog interactive globe that you would tap with an attached stylus? I never had one, but a cousin of mine in Indiana did, and when I visited their house I would always play with it. I loved the Eureka challenges hehehe.

this is the specific one that they had:
View attachment 573587
That sounds so fun! I have a globe that lights up in the dark and shows the constellations ^^
I don't know why or how, but I seem to recall a user on the forums whose icon was an irritated Jibanyan from Yo-Kai Watch, and their user title said, "What's a Pokémon?" I don't know if they're still active or they are but they changed their icon and title to something different.