Place your random thoughts.

Good news: my dad didn’t make fun of me. Now, I’m worried just about my entry since these sets are all the legos I have and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to use them as my entry. I’m probably overthinking the “arrange them differently” and probably will be able to. I messaged a mod, but I’m kinda nervous
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I want to see someone irl doing double jumps and yelling "AY! YAH!" if I ever see someone irl capable of doing double jumps I will LMAO 😂😂😂 just double jumping all over the place. I can't even finish typing this post without cracking up 😂😂😂 WHY DO I FIND WEIRD THINGS FUNNY
My little brother… God I want to punch a hole in a wall so badly right now…

I’ll definitely be fine later but right now I don’t want to be within 10 feet of him. Moments like this make me wish I had my own room that I didn’t have to share with him.
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So today I mentioned a thing that happened during my book writing process on a Discord server and I learned that it’s common for your characters to turn out differently in some ways from how you planned. In my case I’ve been writing an aromantic main character the whole time and didn’t realize it until just today at 10,000 words into my rough draft. I’m not even aromantic myself, they just turned out that way.
i wish photoshop/adobe products were more accessible to the average person and not ten-kajillion dollars a year. (i know im being over dramatic)
We painted the rec room in our house today. I never realized how much a different coat of paint can really give it a more modern look. The old paint looked neon and ugly at times! 😅
Living things are just organic robots
Well I guess that means we're apparently the smartest machines in the world.

Anyway, I came here to say that I have reached an ungodly amount of TBT today.
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My cat is a snorer. Should I be worried? All I know is that when she starts snoring and body twitching, she will wake up super meowy/talkative and purr louder than ever. So cuddly!
I finished Duck Life yesterday. It only took about 50 minutes.

I hope Flash Games will be preserved properly. Some of them are pretty good.

They had a brutal and unceremonious end. But as a kid who grew up without that much money for new games, flash games always gave me something to do.

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In South Park’s 20th Season, one of the characters can figure out some user by emoji analysis. She’ll probably identify me easily since I’m the one who likes to use apples. 🍎