Place your random thoughts.

My washing machine is such a liar. At 9:11PM, it claimed it would be done in 45 minutes. Go through after 10PM and it still says 23 minutes to go. 😒
I probably should’ve waited for people to reply before tting to merry’s birthday 😅. I’ll tt back and work on something else while I wait.
I probably should’ve waited for people to reply before tting to merry’s birthday 😅. I’ll tt back and work on something else while I wait.
Remember the new events won’t get you your tickets before the prize release. Have you done count inside the bottle and the last puzzle? I can’t think of what else is left
Remember the new events won’t get you your tickets before the prize release. Have you done count inside the bottle and the last puzzle? I can’t think of what else is left
ah shoot. i forgot. thanks for the reminder 🙂

yep. I don’t know how I’m missing tickets. This round I did everything 🤔
Out of all the games as part of Super Mario 3D All Stars, Super Mario 64 is the one I played the most. Super Mario Galaxy is the one I played the least.
I've noticed my mental health is at it's best during Fall/Winter and worse in the Spring and Summer. Obviously there are years that are exceptions, but that's generally the pattern. Maybe I need to move somewhere cooler.
I've noticed my mental health is at it's best during Fall/Winter and worse in the Spring and Summer. Obviously there are years that are exceptions, but that's generally the pattern. Maybe I need to move somewhere cooler.
Or maybe it’s more about the time of the year than climate. Hot or cold, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day are still going to occur in the fall/winter months. But if you don’t care about the holidays, then maybe it is the climate.

To add more to my perspective, the most festive holidays in the spring and summer are Easter and 4th of July, and even they aren’t as exciting as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day. Additionally, 4th of July is now just as controversial as Columbus Day, and Easter hardly has any activities that appeal to those over the age of 18.
I submitted my drawing for Cordial Invitations and highkey forgot that the rad balloon exists lmaooo

Did anyone else play these in elementary school music class? After a while searching for the name and image of them, I found them. They’re called tonechimes and I have a very pleasant memory of them. I was in 1st or 2nd grade and my dad had recently gotten us a wii so I was obsessed playing tennis and bowling in wii sports, and those two sports in general. When we started playing them you kinda had to swing your arms forward or something, and I thought “it’s kinda like i’m bowling!” Then the teacher read my mind (or my movements) and she was like “guys, do it gently, we’re not bowling” XD still fun though!
I've browse Youtube for stuff related to gaming. I've seen video titles like "Why is my indie game not successful?" Or "how to make money out of game development"

To me, they basically miss the point in general game development. Thing is, even it's your passion project, it might end up looking the same and feeling the same with all of those "pixel" indie games flooding the market and oversaturating it.

Game industry is an intensely competitive market just like the food industry

Game development is hard but you have to put some effort in adding a dash to uniqueness. And public attention is basically a lightning in a bottle. At least try to appeal to people you're making a game for.

Game development takes a lot of time and sometimes it needs refinements overtime and stuff that doesn't work needs to be scrapped or redo into something that works. I'm no game developer by any means, but I can tell you that they needed a bit of flare, style, and appeal in order to catch publicity. Art style and visual presentation is one of the vital things that either makes or breaks the game.

Again, it's just my opinion on the matter.
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My experience with escitaloprám medication has been okay aside from memory loss.

I have the short term memory of a goldfish on this thing. It was already bad and this makes it worse.

I weighed on is it worth the decreased anxiety...the answer to me is yes. It just means I have to write more things down to recall them.
A random thought about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory:

As someone who likes the first movie over the second, here’s another thing I felt the first movie did a better job on - the tour’s end, at least right as soon as Mike Teavee got into the transporter that shrank him. The first movie, the next scene was the last scene of the movie, as Wonka says that the tour was over since all of the kids (except Charlie) disappeared. The second movie, there were still a few scenes afterwards. The Oompa Loompa song about TV obsession also had more of an ending vibe in the first movie than the second movie. While just another repetitive Oompa Loompa song, the scale switch and the slower ending lyrics adds more drama, indicating that it’s all over. Whereas in the second movie, it didn’t feel like the movie is coming to an end, and the song came before Mike was taken to the Taffy Puller.