Pokémon Pokemon General

Okay I'll stop the puns.
Pok?mon Shuffle really isn't great and Battle Trozei/Link Battle was just so much better. Spend the extra money and get the much better game. It'll save you money and won't make you rage as much. I can't afford to rage on my 3DS because it's so Delcatty.

You didn't think I'd really stop, would you?
Let's Shiftry into gear and stop these puns.

No, really, please.
:33 < hyogo has entered the pun discussion, expect espurrcially good ones from him
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I would be much more likely to buy packs with additional pokemon available. There's no way in hell I'll pay to play this game instead of waiting 30 minutes for more hearts.
For the one-time payment of 8 bucks, you can get Pokemon Link: Battle!, which contains all 718 Pokemon known of at the time. You also don't have to wait 30 minutes if you fail a stage, or buy crap to be able to play stages faster.

Pokemon Shuffle is literally a watered-down, easier version of previous Pokemon Trozei games, of which you can get the latest for less than a tenner. The Pokemon packs that you would pay for would have been removed from the game just so they could sell them, if that is actually what they're planning.

I understand that F2P games with micro-transactions have been hot **** for years, but I don't understand why they'd release a version of a game that was released less than a year ago and has been modded to be more like Candy Crush Saga. All the potential excitement that was in PLB has been taken out. If they're going to release an F2P game like that, then at least make sure it's at least something different, and not some regurgitated version of something you've already released.

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:33 < hyogo has entered the pun discussion, expect espurrcially good ones from him
please stop
the way you type i mean
youre not in a webcomic
For the one-time payment of 8 bucks, you can get Pokemon Link: Battle!, which contains all 718 Pokemon known of at the time. You also don't have to wait 30 minutes if you fail a stage, or buy crap to be able to play stages faster.

Pokemon Shuffle is literally a watered-down, easier version of previous Pokemon Trozei games, of which you can get the latest for less than a tenner. The Pokemon packs that you would pay for would have been removed from the game just so they could sell them, if that is actually what they're planning.

I understand that F2P games with micro-transactions have been hot **** for years, but I don't understand why they'd release a version of a game that was released less than a year ago and has been modded to be more like Candy Crush Saga. All the potential excitement that was in PLB has been taken out. If they're going to release an F2P game like that, then at least make sure it's at least something different, and not some regurgitated version of something you've already released.

Oh, I know. I have Link Battle too and enjoy it but I think I enjoy the timer-less puzzles a little more. And I don't think I'd actually buy any packs for Shuffle unless they also got rid of the other micro transactions. It's one or the other--I'm not paying for something that'll still put me in timeout for 30 minutes all the time.
Oh, I know. I have Link Battle too and enjoy it but I think I enjoy the timer-less puzzles a little more. And I don't think I'd actually buy any packs for Shuffle unless they also got rid of the other micro transactions. It's one or the other--I'm not paying for something that'll still put me in timeout for 30 minutes all the time.
It's just conjecture at this point. Either way it goes it's still a really bad choice. The base game has just 158 Pokemon, if they introduce packs for new Pokemon or not shouldn't matter. It's disappointing anyway, lol.