Pokémon Pokemon General

So I just found out about Serena's new anime design.

Why couldn't this of just been her normal design? Its clearly superior.
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Because the scene where she cut off her hair was one of the most powerful parts of the whole of XY. It was really well done.

Fennekin tripped over her ribbon in the tripokalon and serena lost the first round.

It was to signify New Hair, New starts.
If you say so.

I don't give a crap about the anime, though what you said sounds more lulzy if anything.

Just make this the Z design please, Gamefreak.
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That looks pretty cool. It's not much of a new design though, it's pretty much the "short" option from the hairdresser in X/Y. It's more of an interesting way of advertising/reflecting the customization in the games, I'd say.
She has new clothes aswell

- - - Post Merge - - -

I like her new look, yet at the same time I miss her old one. Makes me wonder if anyone else (if she will again) will get a major redesign. Or if this is her new design for X2Y2/Z? (Assuming there will be one, which would be easy money and would follow the trend in Gen III and IV)
So I'm almost done redoing my team with "pentagon" pokemon. I hope I will never have to redo my shiny competitive team ever again.

Ugh I wish I was fine with hacking and pokesaving. But who knows the people who gave me these pokemon probably did anyway
Pok?mon Shuffle features a variety of Pok?mon to be captured. Only 158 Pok?mon are available within this game, including multiple forms of the Pok?mon, and their Mega Evolution.

>721 pokemon exist (720 officially confirmed)
>only put 158 in

Genius Sonority, please. Even Pokemon Link: Battle! had all Pokemon from all generations. Sure, it didn't have Mega Evolution, but how hard can it be to just mod PLB to make Pokemon Shuffle without removing a whole bunch of stuff?

If this somehow figures into their micro-transaction plans then I hope they feel ashamed. And I hope nobody buys packs especially to unlock certain Pokemon.
Makes me laugh whenever you see new spin off games with not even a quarter of the total pokemon count.

If this somehow figures into their micro-transaction plans then I hope they feel ashamed. And I hope nobody buys packs especially to unlock certain Pokemon.

I would be much more likely to buy packs with additional pokemon available. There's no way in hell I'll pay to play this game instead of waiting 30 minutes for more hearts.
*laughs at Pokemon Shuffle prices*

$81.50NZD for 75 jewels, that's a bargain!
For the lazy bums and who can't wait half an hour.
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