Pokémon Pokemon General

It's just conjecture at this point. Either way it goes it's still a really bad choice. The base game has just 158 Pokemon, if they introduce packs for new Pokemon or not shouldn't matter. It's disappointing anyway, lol.

Oh yeah. I agree. If anything I wish they had gone with the Rusty's Real Deal Baseball or Sub Wars model for this instead of Candy Crush. There's a reason why that app got deleted off my phone within a few hours...
Just wondering what is the difference between Shuffle and Link Battle besides the micro transactions. I've never played Link Battle.
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Link Battle/Trozei is a match three type of game where you need to get a certain score within a time limit to advance. Plus all pokemon are available. Shuffle is pretty much the same game but with move restrictions instead of time limits, only 160 or so pokemon and micro transactions. I've always thought Link Battle/Trozei was chaotic yet fun. Shuffle, on the other hand, is much much much easier and more relaxed but you have to wait for more turns to generate (or you could pay).
Link Battle/Trozei is a match three type of game where you need to get a certain score within a time limit to advance. Plus all pokemon are available. Shuffle is pretty much the same game but with move restrictions instead of time limits, only 160 or so pokemon and micro transactions. I've always thought Link Battle/Trozei was chaotic yet fun. Shuffle, on the other hand, is much much much easier and more relaxed but you have to wait for more turns to generate (or you could pay).
Thank you.
Pokemon drama woah.

Also I know there was a moving van in Hoenn but since when where there cars and roads in Pokemon?

Next safari zone can we run over pokemon pls and force them to fight us.
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Pokemon drama woah.

Also I know there was a moving van in Hoenn but since when where there cars and roads in Pokemon?

Next safari zone can we run over pokemon pls and force them to fight us.

u want to fight ded pkmn?? okey

our parents dont care for us since we rode in the back of a moving van :'^(
I guess this is the new missingno??? (idk if its real)

I guess this is the new missingno??? (idk if its real)
I like the way the bugged Pokemon look. I remember a guy playing X/Y after its release, catching a shiny Honedge, which evolved into a glitched shiny Doublade. One of the blades was the normal silver/gray color while the other blade was red. It looked really cool.

They don't seem to damage the games either, which was a possibility with all the known pre-G6 glitch Pokemon.
I like the way the bugged Pokemon look. I remember a guy playing X/Y after its release, catching a shiny Honedge, which evolved into a glitched shiny Doublade. One of the blades was the normal silver/gray color while the other blade was red. It looked really cool.
Do you have a link or an image?
Yeah there is a "phenomenon" called monochrome pokemon, google it if you want. Basically just pokemon without colour rendition. I don't think it is permanent.
Pokemon Shuffle update: the Mega Glalie level (number 120?) is absolutely insane. Even when using the disruptor thing I can't get its health down below half. Yikes.
Pokemon Shuffle update: the Mega Glalie level (number 120?) is absolutely insane. Even when using the disruptor thing I can't get its health down below half. Yikes.

How are you there already?!? Also by any chance is there a chikorita you can get in any of those levels?
How are you there already?!? Also by any chance is there a chikorita you can get in any of those levels?

I've pretty much played every 2.5 hours I'm awake and have only lost 2 times up until Glalie (I think). No Chikorita line as of yet but you never know. I think there are 160 levels so I still have a ways to go... if I ever get past this stupid level.
I've pretty much played every 2.5 hours I'm awake and have only lost 2 times up until Glalie (I think). No Chikorita line as of yet but you never know. I think there are 160 levels so I still have a ways to go... if I ever get past this stupid level.

aww crap. Was planning on doing a mudkip, chikorita, and charmander team. Also sorry if this is a dumb question but do pokemon evolve in this game?