Pokémon Pokemon General

aww crap. Was planning on doing a mudkip, chikorita, and charmander team. Also sorry if this is a dumb question but do pokemon evolve in this game?

Nope, they don't. You need to catch each evolution stage separately. The good news is that most of them have different abilities so there still might be a reason to use them. Ex.: Bulbasaur is weaker than Ivysaur but there might be stages where it makes sense to utilize Bulbasaur's ability a instead of Ivysaur.
For those of you in North America who have yet to obtain an Eon Ticket, a new method is coming up. From February 27th to March 2nd, you'll be able to get a serial code on the official site to get the Eon Ticket in your game. This allows you to get Latias in Pok?mon Omega Ruby or Latios in Pok?mon Alpha Sapphire. We'll post the code and/or method as soon as it comes.

I'd totally forgotten about the Eon Ticket. I never even got it, so I hope this comes to yurop.
Come to my house so you can streetpass it, bruh.
If you pay for the transportation, sure.

I'm surprised I haven't gotten it through SP yet. I have gotten a bunch of players into my copy of OR, and there were two places relatively nearby that had events for people to get it right after the release of ORAS. You'd think that in three months it would've spread a bit more.

- - - Post Merge - - -

In other news, the browser exploit that I posted earlier in this thread (to load up Pokemon Red, Blue, etc. into a VC environment) is now being used in XY and ORAS to do "giveaways" of Pokemon like Hoopa, Volcanion, AZ Floette, shiny Victini, etc. There's also a bunch of jokers giving out bad eggs this way.

I'd post one of the QR codes, but it's likely against the rules and also I don't want to be responsible for someone's save getting ****ed.

If you pay for the transportation, sure.

I'm surprised I haven't gotten it through SP yet. I have gotten a bunch of players into my copy of OR, and there were two places relatively nearby that had events for people to get it right after the release of ORAS. You'd think that in three months it would've spread a bit more.
Sure man, I'll go holla for a dolla till I get all that sweet money.
And dang, does suck that it hasn't really spread, though I kinda cheated to get my Eon Ticket huehuehue

Oh also I've got a Tyrunt with their HA, I should probably breed some up with eggmoves and junk.
Oh also I've got a Tyrunt with their HA, I should probably breed some up with eggmoves and junk.

damn i just remembered i never picked up my serperior, nor hav i even redeemed tha other two HA pkmn !!!
primary type
what day of the month were you born?
1. Poison8. Dragon15. Water22. Flying29. Ground
2. Pyschic9. Rock16. Normal23. Fire30. Psychic
3. Bug10. Flying17. Normal24. Dark31. Fairy
4. Ice11. Ground18. Normal25. Steel
5. Fire12. Grass19. Flying26. Electric
6. Poison13. Ghost20. Water27. Bug
7. Fighting14. Water21. Water28. Grass

secondary type
what is your first initial?
A] NormalE] DragonI] FairyM] N/AQ] N/AU] N/AY] N/A
B] GroundF] FireJ] DarkN] SteelR] PsychicV] N/AZ] N/A
C] FlyingG] PoisonK] FightingO] GhostS] WaterW] Ice
D] RockH] ElectricL] N/AP] GrassT] BugX] N/A

given name would give me just water type, preferred name would give me water-rock. noice.
also if you get somethin dumb like bug-bug then you are ULTIMATE BUG


unfort im 4x weak to bug
If you pay for the transportation, sure.

I'm surprised I haven't gotten it through SP yet. I have gotten a bunch of players into my copy of OR, and there were two places relatively nearby that had events for people to get it right after the release of ORAS. You'd think that in three months it would've spread a bit more.

- - - Post Merge - - -

In other news, the browser exploit that I posted earlier in this thread (to load up Pokemon Red, Blue, etc. into a VC environment) is now being used in XY and ORAS to do "giveaways" of Pokemon like Hoopa, Volcanion, AZ Floette, shiny Victini, etc. There's also a bunch of jokers giving out bad eggs this way.

I'd post one of the QR codes, but it's likely against the rules and also I don't want to be responsible for someone's save getting ****ed.


my bro did these last night and got shiny diancie, AZ floette, arceus (cant remember if shiny or not), keldeo, etc etc :0
my bro did these last night and got shiny diancie, AZ floette, arceus (cant remember if shiny or not), keldeo, etc etc :0
I tried it out with a shiny Hoopa and shiny Volcanion, but felt it was unfair. I'd rather wait for an official release of those Pokemon.
I tried it out with a shiny Hoopa and shiny Volcanion, but felt it was unfair. I'd rather wait for an official release of those Pokemon.

okey hav fun waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting
ill wait with u
I'll have to try it myself, just need a Mini SD USB and some file/s right?
okey hav fun waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting
ill wait with u
I know it's easy to do it this way, but I've always tried to get my Pokemon semi-legit. Sometimes I'd ask friends overseas to pick up special distributions, or I'd find a person selling (possibly cloned) event Pokemon. I'd rather wait until Hoopa and Volcanion are officially released, then pick up one of those, instead of using an exploit to get stuff that's not available, and might never be available.

I'll have to try it myself, just need a Mini SD USB and some file/s right?
I'm not sure what they use. Look up one of the threads on /vp/ and ask the distributors. Or do a Google search, because I'm sure Project Pokemon is behind this as well.
I admit to trying this the other day and it was so pathetically easy. I've been against hacking/powersav for a long time but I was so pissed off with Nintendo adding the whole "if your pokemon doesn't have a pentagon you can't use it online" thing that I might find myself getting into it one day. Don't like having to redo my team, especially not shinies, just because people abused previous games.
So long as they don't pull a Gen 4 again and decide no [event here similar to Arceus Flute] again in retaliation I'm 100% fine with waiting. Not a fan of people with hacks and easy mode turned on.
Aw yis, can't wait for all the Sheer Force Totodiles to spread like crazy.
Serena's fennekin has been released as a Japanese event too. Too bad it isn't elsewhere.
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But it's moveset is so rubbish, even for event stardards.

I'm GLAD it's Japanese only lmfao.