Pokémon Pokemon General

I like them, but I guess other's don't. I'd say buying 1 is completely fine, but I've bought at least 5. :p
I got the colorful ACLN one because it matches my 3DS, but I bought the chibi pokemon one today and really like it. I like the AC music better if those are the 2 you're choosing between.
Or you can get both and put them on shuffle.
I have so many themes that I can't fit them all on the shuffle anymore. I regret buying some of the more simpler ones, like Onemuri Pikachu. I'm also more careful with it now, but I do want the Pokemon Hanafuda and B/W themes. Mega Rayquaza is basically the same as the Primal Groudon/Kyogre theme which I'm also kinda disappointed in.
Building a team in Pokemon Y to transfer and use in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire so I can have a decent team w/traded EXP bonus.

So far this is what I have:

Magnemite - Electric/Steel
Fletchling - Fire/Flying
Meditite - Psychic/Fighting
Barboach - Water/Ground

Need 2 more Pokemon, ideally dual-types with typing I do not already have in my party. Any suggestions?
Building a team in Pokemon Y to transfer and use in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire so I can have a decent team w/traded EXP bonus.

So far this is what I have:

Magnemite - Electric/Steel
Fletchling - Fire/Flying
Meditite - Psychic/Fighting
Barboach - Water/Ground

Need 2 more Pokemon, ideally dual-types with typing I do not already have in my party. Any suggestions?

how aobut Amaura and deino?
there should be a new type like magma or air bcuz cmon... rock and ground??? please, at least stay consistent with sub-like typings
Rock and Ground I get confused a lot. It's either Rock Slide or Earthquake. I can't think of any more types I'd like, tbh. Adding fairy kinda threw off my game.
Not sure if anyone has seen this but I found it interesting.


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Do type match-ups bother anyone else?

Fairy is OP because it's only weak to Steel and Poison...but why? I mean, why is Fairy weak to Steel? So weird.

Also, Dark is weak to Bug...that's stupid.
Also, Dark is weak to Bug...that's stupid.
Well if bug doesn't hit super effective, it'll be resisted since almost every type resists it. Bug needs a bit of an edge.

So fairy should be weak to bug, not be another type to resist it.
At this point I'd rather have them do a complete overhaul on everything. It might take a while before they're able to fully do it, but it would hopefully balance out the game better. Pokemon has never had a good balance.
Do type match-ups bother anyone else?

Fairy is OP because it's only weak to Steel and Poison...but why? I mean, why is Fairy weak to Steel? So weird.

Also, Dark is weak to Bug...that's stupid.

fairy is weak to poison and steel because fairy = fairy tale, which are usually dominated/focused around a sword (steel) or some type of potion (poison)

bug is weak to dark because bugs come out at night
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I can buy the fairy-type I guess but still, I don't think Dark being weak to Bug makes sense. However, I understand Bug is somewhat useless if it doesn't super effect something.
I don't think Dark being weak to Bug makes sense

have you ever been outside in the dark and walked into a spider web or had a bug fly into your face because i have and then compare that to how many times that happens to you in the day time