Pokémon Pokemon General

Since confusion is done on Attack stat yeah. Not sure it matters too much though.
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I decided to just go with one of the 31/x/31/31/31/31 ones I bred. I don't think it would really really matter overall. :)
Some girl challenged me and I wrecked her team immediately. Then she challenged me with a fun team of legends. Halfway through, I had five Pokemon and she was down to two legends. Then, she DC'd. Hope she learned she can't hide behind legends.
Just had an intense 1 on 1 tank sylveon vs tank lugia showdown it was awesome and lasted about 32 turns. Shadow ball's sp def decrease saved the day for me...
I beat a Wonderlocke challenge today. Did it in AS and I'm actually happy, since this is the first Nuzlocke-related challenge I've beaten. (I came close to beating a Nuzlocke in Soul Silver but I forgot to grind and lost the challenge...from then on I learned to always grind in a 'Locke.)
Charizard - Level 65
- Fly
- Slash
- Dragon Pulse
- Flamethrower

Garchomp - Level 63
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Cut

Forretress - Level 64
- Mirror Shot
- Strength
- Spikes
- Bug Bite

Venusaur - Level 63
- Poison Powder
- Petal Dance
- Razor Leaf
- Leech Seed

Blastoise - Level 63
- Surf
- Hydro Pump
- Rain Dance
- Dark Pulse

Jolteon - Level 72
- Volt Switch
- Discharge
- Thunder
- Thunder Wave
I'm doing a Wonder Wedlocke on Y atm.

Its beginning to get tougher but atm I've only had 3 deaths and I'm on my way to Clemont.

I have-
Milotic and Sudowoodo
Dustox and Crustle
Duosion and Luxray.

Milotic, Sudowoodo and Dustox are the original 3. Dustox is doing zurprisingly well
Man, I really like that Exp. Share in ORAS just gets to you rather than these delivery annoyances...
Trade locally/with friends (GTS doesn't work for "proper" ones though hacked ones could be traded on GTS).

Or wait for an event to come out which could be never or in years.
The platinum ones can be sent to GTS iirc since you catch them in-game and they dont have the ribbon.

but yeah it's easy enough to get hacks on there.
I just booted up My Pokemon Ranch for the first time in forever. Hayley says "Long time no see! I haven't seen you for 2 year(s)!"

hearing people talk about pokemon at school is painful for me
"hey guys didyo u kno...... in double battle if u have flhying type u can use EQ w/o hittng ur pokemon....."
"the metal-type champion..."
"my mega lucario knows bullet punch, close combat, and dragon pulse so i can kill dragons w/ it...."
"i use hydro cannon frenzy plant and blast burn"
"my venusaur is OP it survived a fire blast from a charizard"
Idk seems that Trading topic is dead so gonna ask. Anyone have a crapton of Umbreons to trade (or other (shiny) eeveelutions)?