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Do any of y’all’s remember when these were all the rage? I remember when I hunted this guy down I actually found a shiny Spearow at random lol
View attachment 328486Do any of y’all’s remember when these were all the rage? I remember when I hunted this guy down I actually found a shiny Spearow at random lol
I remember when dragon type Pokemon were considered the best and everyone and their mom had at least one of the things on their teams. Thank god for Fairy type lol
I remember when dragon type Pokemon were considered the best and everyone and their mom had at least one of the things on their teams. Thank god for Fairy type lol
I was talking about the fabled level 10-12 Salamence (you have to hit a 1/100 chance within a 1/100 chance encounter to get one) but I agree that dragon types are overrated (and the game’s mechanics led to that). Coincidentally my favorite type is the fairy type (I’m a big fan of fairy tales as it is)!
I was talking about the fabled level 10-12 Salamence (you have to hit a 1/100 chance within a 1/100 chance encounter to get one) but I agree that dragon types are overrated (and the game’s mechanics led to that). Coincidentally my favorite type is the fairy type (I’m a big fan of fairy tales as it is)!
Oh whoops lol. That's actually really cool! What game can you get that Salamence?
This is insane, lol. Didn’t even know this happened. Dragon types have been my favorite type since I started playing Pokémon, but I can see why some might find them annoying.

My favorite part of Pokémon is shiny hunting and the wimpy salamence is about equivalent to a shiny so I HAD to go for one eventually! And y’all’s have to stop me I NEED my rare mons in beast balls I’m going to get my shiny Latias in one hopefully

And on dragon types; I don’t entirely dislike the type (Goomy is one of my absolute favorites) but I don’t like how they’re emphasized as one of the most (if not the most) important type in the series.
Who's ready for Crown Tundra tonight? I sure am! Hope everyone has fun with it.
I’m looking forward to it. I still need to breed and raise a couple different dragon type Pokémon for my team, so I may be a bit late experiencing it, but rest assured I’ll be experiencing it as soon as I can.
I haven’t gotten either DLC yet. IoA doesn’t really appeal to me, but CT is mildly interesting. I’ll wait to see how it pans out.
While I've definitely completed the Elite Four multiple times in Diamond, I only just beat the Elite Four in Platinum a few months ago.
It was weird experiencing all the stuff that was new to me, after only reading about the Platinum post-game in the official guidebook.
Yooooo... I just realized recently that Bulbapedia has some incorrect information. It says that Poipole and Naganadel are unobtainable in Pokémon Sword/Shield, but that can’t be true because I just brought over a Poipole and evolved it into a Naganadel using Pokémon Home. I wonder what other information is incorrect for Sword/Shield on there. 😂

Also, some of the new Pokémon with the Crown Tundra update be lookin’ pretty cool. 👀

EDIT: Okay, nevermind. They just haven’t updated their page yet.
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LMAOOOOOO, I can't believe no one had posted in here since October. Just shows how dead things have been, I guess.

The Giratina comic is cute though. c:

I know, right? Folks are pretty finished talking about SwSh. Right now I think fans are waiting for more trailers about the new games. New games always gets Pokémon fans talking. We know that BDSP are nothing but remasters and that Legends Arceus will have new Pokémon and gave us a look at some new features (Pokémon attacking the player, new battle styles, etc) Fans of the original DP, like me, are still on the fence whether the new remasters are worth the money. Fans looking to buy Legends are waiting for more trailers to see if its worth the money. I have a feeling we'll know more about the games on Wednesday during the Nintendo Direct. If not then, then maybe in October.
I know, right? Folks are pretty finished talking about SwSh. Right now I think fans are waiting for more trailers about the new games. New games always gets Pokémon fans talking. We know that BDSP are nothing but remasters and that Legends Arceus will have new Pokémon and gave us a look at some new features (Pokémon attacking the player, new battle styles, etc) Fans of the original DP, like me, are still on the fence whether the new remasters are worth the money. Fans looking to buy Legends are waiting for more trailers to see if its worth the money. I have a feeling we'll know more about the games on Wednesday during the Nintendo Direct. If not then, then maybe in October.

I don't have a Switch, but even if I had... I definitely wouldn't buy any of the remakes :confused: The Gen 4 was absolutely my fave (specially Platinum), but so far, I haven't seen anything appealing in the remakes. They didn't even bother making redesigns for the characters. Yet... considering how much I disliked the redesigns in ORAS, maybe I shouldn't complain about that?

Anyway, if I had a Switch, I'll go with Legends: Arceus. It looks interesting, with a different approach, but nothing so overboard like the Dynamax mechanic was (sorry not sorry to the fans).
Right, so regarding what I said about catching 6IV Dittos in Pokemon Let's Go... not as easy as one might think, especially if you have weak nerves and poor motor functions. lol The trickiest part about this is the risk of Ditto running away, thus ruining your chain-combos very easily. Doesn't help that Ditto keeps HOPPING around to the left and right, giving you an even harder time to catch it. Sure, I know that you could just escape after failing to catch it twice (because that's usually the amount of chances the Pokemon will give you before starting to run away), but one of the Ditto I failed to catch immediately ran away after two failed captures, so it's more like you have to immediately escape after just a single fail capture if you want to keep that chain going.

Seriously, I hate, hate this method of capturing Pokemon in this game. It gives me endless headaches. I miss the old method when your skill at wielding a motion sensor isn't put to the test.

Anyway, I guess I just have to do this the old-fashioned way: capturing Ditto in SwSh at their Ditto den.
I finished playing Platinum the other week for the first time (grew up playing Diamond). I also caught all the legendaries with (surprisingly) little hassle. Aside from Regigigas as I need to replay Emerald first and transfer up the Regis to catch him.

Now I'm playing Yellow again on virtual console. I already have a full living dex, but it was made with gen 6 and newer so I plan on swapping out the older Pokemon with ones from their original generation where possible (I'll be skipping over mythicals though and will just keep my newer ones).
TIL that Ash caught Meltan on Sun & Moon (which I didn't bother to finish). Holy crap. Way to go, Ash. His first mythical Pokémon. So much for being a crappy trainer (it evolved to Melmetal too).
I'm re-watching Diamond and Pearl on the Pokemon TV app on Nintendo Switch in preparation for the remakes. It's been so long that I've forgotten all of the episodes.

I was going to get the Diamond remake but I decided to go with Shining Pearl, mainly because pearl is my birthstone (June), I'll probably eventually get Brilliant Diamond but that will be way in the future, since I'll be spending money on Legends Arceus as well, and I'm trying to save for a Nintendo Switch OLED. When I was a kid I had Pearl and also Platinum