Pokémon Pokemon Go General Discussion

I was walking around with my friend and a Charmeleon came up on our nearby list but we couldn't find it anywhere, just kept jumping up and down the list and even when it was #1 we couldn't get it. We checked PokeVision and it had literally spawned at a ferry terminal - after the security checkpoint and ticket barrier, so it was on everybody's list but basically only people who were getting on a ferry had a good shot at getting it:


So we walked to the terminal, and there were about 30 people all hanging over the ticket barrier trying to catch it, security was just laughing at everyone. My friend managed to get it but it wouldn't appear for me... I'm still upset
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Caught a 641 Starmie when I was with my brother. He even pulled over into a gas station till I was able to catch it. Lol.
I was getting a ride from work and I left my Pokemon Go app opened so I could see the stops and gyms in town to see if it'd be worth it to go to town for a day or something and OH MY GOD right as we were pulling out of the front there was a Squirtle with a really high CP but we were already driving too fast to catch it. I crai evrytim

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ALSO someone posted a thing about how Pokemon Go is going to have ads now, but it's just going to be businesses paying them to make their business gyms and stops to get business so I mean, it's just adding more stops and gyms I don't know why people are complaining. We all know they're clearing the field selling coins and they don't even need money from ads, but I would honestly only be upset if it just had pop-up ads every 2 seconds like all normal free apps.
i have a srs lack of pok?balls because i'm in the middle of nowhere, so there are very few pok?stops around rip.

but!! i managed to take over my 2nd gym yesterday (lame ik but i'm Weak my max cp is at 500) and i still have it!!! ayye!! ok i've had it for, like 14 hours and it has been night most of the time But still!!! B^)

also im crying i saw a bulbausaur yesterday (i don't have any okay) but i ran out of pok?balls because i only had like 3 and it kept escaping...... rip
It's this website, it shows you the Pokemon that are suppose to be around you.


Ha, it showed me exactly what I already knew... there is literally nothing around my house XD oh, wait no, there was a weedle... ; - ;

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Also, forgot to mention that my sister and I took over a gym yesterday! :D She's done it before, but I had never joined a gym to help defend it. I think we had it for about an hour and then it was taken. BEST HOUR EVER :cool:
It's this website, it shows you the Pokemon that are suppose to be around you.

are you freaking serious, no pokemon at all even in a 10km range around me? this cant be real
i was just gonna go out with pokemon go for the first time but this is seriously destroying my hopes
it only shows some pokemon in the next city which is 15km away ;-;
oh well wish me luck lmao
are you freaking serious, no pokemon at all even in a 10km range around me? this cant be real
i was just gonna go out with pokemon go for the first time but this is seriously destroying my hopes
it only shows some pokemon in the next city which is 15km away ;-;
oh well wish me luck lmao

Mine doesn't show much either. So I don't find it useful for me. I still just go out and look.
Mine doesn't show much either. So I don't find it useful for me. I still just go out and look.

I really wish they would fix the 3-step glitch. I want to go out and look but it's pretty much useless (unless I know it's a hotspot)!
Was planning on going out today and chill at the park for a bit. But it is really hot and I don't want to drag my kid and dog out in this heat. So I'm still with out balls and really close to level 15. So I'm sitting at home playing Pokemon Omega Ruby. ^^b
I really wish they would fix the 3-step glitch. I want to go out and look but it's pretty much useless (unless I know it's a hotspot)!

I heard that it's not a glitch. They developers changed it to stable servers and stuff until they can figure out how to control server over-loads.
I heard that it's not a glitch. They developers changed it to stable servers and stuff until they can figure out how to control server over-loads.

Oh no, really? So, it's like that indefinitely :( ah, boo. Better get my walking shoes on and not feel stupid about walking in circles lol!

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Was planning on going out today and chill at the park for a bit. But it is really hot and I don't want to drag my kid and dog out in this heat. So I'm still with out balls and really close to level 15. So I'm sitting at home playing Pokemon Omega Ruby. ^^b

That reminds me, I never finished that game! Whoops! XD
it's really fun!! There is more around my area than I thought that there would be!! pokevision wasn't accurate..
I hope I can get my friend to make a 1 day trip to the next city with me for a pkmn journey through town xD
it's really fun!! There is more around my area than I thought that there would be!! pokevision wasn't accurate..
I hope I can get my friend to make a 1 day trip to the next city with me for a pkmn journey through town xD

Ahhh, I'm so glad people continue to find and enjoy this game! I feel like this thread died down but it's still really fun for me! :D what's the favorite Pokemon that you've caught so far?

Also, I saw that a guy in NY I think? caught all available Pokemon already!
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Mine doesn't show much either. So I don't find it useful for me. I still just go out and look.

yeah for a 15 min walk around the next block it's not worth it, but if you dedicate a bit more time and are seriously riding around in search for pkmns it's a lot fun I think c: besides I do hope that the publishers are gonna tweak a few things or add more user-based features in the near future to make it more appealing for people like us living in nowhere