Pokémon Pokemon Go General Discussion

At long last I have found a ninoran female. I've waited over a week for this glorious moment. All those times she teased me in the nerby tab and vanished before I could see her.

And she ran away.......FU*screen cuts to black*
I have two eggs that are really close to hatching. Was planning on going out to hatch them. But it started to rain.
Dragged the dog with me to walk around the block really quick while it was drizzling. I ended up with a Chansey and a Bellsprout.
I just caught two new pok?mon on the way to my grans, Mankey and Grimer, pretty nice. I'm struggling to level up recently though

- - - Post Merge - - -

Me too. It's super slow-going... I just caught an Electabuzz! It's my lucky day I guess XD

I know, specially not living around many stops, it's slow.. that's cool though! I caught my first and only Electabuzz a few days ago!^
I know, specially not living around many stops, it's slow.. that's cool though! I caught my first and only Electabuzz a few days ago!^

Yes, me too! I only really catch things when I'm in the city for work during the week ; v ; it's so weird because the Electabuzz wasn't even in my nearby it just popped-up!

Also, I caved and bought some pokecoins so I could get the backpack and pokemon storage upgrades. I wish the backpack upgrade was better and/or you could get additional upgrades. 400 slots is still not a lot...

Was still half asleep and turned my phone on and saw this little creeper outside my window. Ate all my berries and half my balls, little PITA kept doing some little dance with a smug smile on his face. But in the end I caught him.
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Was still half asleep and turned my phone on and saw this little creeper outside my window. Ate all my berries and half my balls, little PITA kept doing some little dance with a smug smile on his face. But in the end I caught him.

OMG YAY! I JUST caught one too! My first one! So excited! XD Also, managed to catch a Kadabra, this is seriously my luckiest day in PKGO so far! :D
pokevision helps out so much, my dad caught a persian nearby, he didn't tell me about it tho, sorta bummed
Apparently a park sorta close to me became the new Scyther Nest. My cousin picked me up and we drove there for it. :3 Got two Scythers and we tried hunting around for the Pikachu that showed up on the radar thingy but we couldn't find it.
My dad has my lil brothers account on his phone (because he is too young for a phone) so he's been using the app on his breaks to get pokemon for my brother
So my mom let my daughter use her phone to play Pokemon Go. Which was pretty cool. She gets to level 5 and she's like

Her: "Mommy I'm gonna join Team Mystic like Nynx!(my BF)"
Me: S"Okay sure. Oh hey look, Team Mystic has that gym over there and there is a free spot why don't you go put yours in?"
Her: Really?! I can! *puts in her Pokemon* Can I go ride my bike around to hatch the egg?
Me: Suuuuuuure you can.

She rides off....Annnnnd since I'm Team Valor and feeling slightly betrayed that she wanted to be Team Mystic. I took the gym. When she noticed, she started yelling at me and tried to run me over with her bike. XD

Me: I only did that because I love you, annnnd baby love hurts!

She still had the last laugh though because 15 minutes later Team Mystic took the Gym back and put up a near 2000 CP Snorlax. =(
i caught a wild 1000cp ninetails the other day and i dont have a vulpix yet so thats kinda cool. im also on the grind for pidgeys. give me all of your pidgeys.