Pokémon Pokemon Go General Discussion

wild wartortle, dragonair, and so many weak pokemon just run from me all the time now.. i waste so many pokeballs just trying to catch simple pokemon to power level but they just run :(
Been playing Pokemon Go since I got back to HK, soooo many Pokestops here. Also caught a Clefairy and a Golduck
wild wartortle, dragonair, and so many weak pokemon just run from me all the time now.. i waste so many pokeballs just trying to catch simple pokemon to power level but they just run :(

I hate it when they run away. ESPECIALLY the low level ones. It's like wow you think you're too good for me??? I'm also running out of pokeballs too so that doesn't help either.>>
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I ran out of pokeballs and my parents won't let me go to a pokestop because of predators when there aren't none .-.
I hate it when they run away. ESPECIALLY the low level ones. It's like wow you think you're too good for me??? I'm also running out of pokeballs too so that doesn't help either.>>

Ha! I feel you. I wasted like, 7 balls on a less than CP 2O Weedle that kept escaping the ball and then it ran away. SMH.
Anyone else have a problem where their phone doesn't charge with this app open? I've plugged it in to multiple sources, but the battery just keeps going down while I play.
I have a 10 hour drive to go through, and my dad is going to set up a hotspot in the car so I'm going to play Pokemon Go, hopefully for most of the time XD. (I don't have data)
I took over a gym for the first time today, I used Vaporeon since he's my highest right now at 1301, someone else took it over after an hour or so. I feel like it's impossible to keep a gym for a long period of time - especially in busy areas. Has anyone managed to hold a gym for a few days?

a few others and i kept the gym for about 5 days. this gym is at a park, and i was babysitting my little brother, so i decided to do something "productive" with my time. i stuck one of my pokemon in there and leveled it up to a level 10 gym so 9 other people could just drop off their pokemon while driving by. it was filled before we left. that gym was a monster but im surprised it didnt get taken over sooner.

also that vaporeon is huge, thats awesome! mine is only 800cp, but it does the job.
a few others and i kept the gym for about 5 days. this gym is at a park, and i was babysitting my little brother, so i decided to do something "productive" with my time. i stuck one of my pokemon in there and leveled it up to a level 10 gym so 9 other people could just drop off their pokemon while driving by. it was filled before we left. that gym was a monster but im surprised it didnt get taken over sooner.

also that vaporeon is huge, thats awesome! mine is only 800cp, but it does the job.
yeah, to get a gym to last for a while you need it to be a high level. i saw a valor gym by a church that was level 7 and had a bunch of pok?mon with over 1000 combat power. they had the gym for like 4 days maybe? it was really powerful, but it wasn't a super busy area. still, often when we drove by i could see someone battling the gym sso !!! it wasn't,, like, unchallenged.
I took over a gym with my sis backing me a few hours ago and we still have it! It's a record! Haha XD
15 heheh ik it's kinda low but i've been staying at a rly isolated place w/ no pok?mon nearby and no close stops sso i've only been able to play when we went out w/ the car and stuff ;w;

You're kidding? My goodness, I need to start getting out of the house more! Lol.
Hitmonchan? More like Hitmonran away from me. ; (

Second rare runaway this week including a Raichu on Thursday.
My sister and I have taken over three gyms today lol. Bummed because there was Starmie nearby but we never did find it ; v ; also close to hatching my 10km egg pray for me
A 580 CP Scyther ran from me, after I wasted like 15 poke/great balls on it.

Catching Porygon on the first throw made up for that though.
i'm finally at home, like real home, now and !!! it's wayyy better for catching pok?mon. there are two stops on my street and one gym at the end of it. there's also a five minute walk to two other gyms and several other stops :0
i'm rly excited aaahh !! went out and got some pok?stops and my sister and i put a pok?mon into the closest gym each :>