Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

I actually really like Klawf 🥰 its official art just reminds me so much of a frog, and it looks so derpy! I also like how its design and gimmick alludes to other mons who I like to call, "lookalikes" such as Sudowoodo being a Rock-type yet looks like a tree, and Lurantis being a Grass-type yet looks like a bug. Anyone seeing them at first glance think, "Oh, that's a bug type!" but surprise surprise you get hit with a STAB Solar Blade lol

One would think that Klawf is a Water-type because it's based on a crab, but it's actually a Rock-type, and a pure Rock-type at that. Also, it looks robotic which to me makes it look like a Sonic enemy, since a lot of Sonic enemies are robots and the whole ordeal with the old games is that you're trying to save animals from becoming robots. Unfortunately, looks like it's already too late for Klawf lol
When I first saw Klawf, I thought it would be Ground or Steel or a combination of the two types. I’m quite glad that not every Pokémon based on a water creature is Water, and I like the creativity of some of these. Eelektross, Malamar, Crabominable, Grapploct, and Pincurchin are all good examples of this. Rock isn’t that bad of a type considering the existence of rock crabs and stone crabs in our world.
When I first saw Klawf, I thought it would be Ground or Steel or a combination of the two types. I’m quite glad that not every Pokémon based on a water creature is Water, and I like the creativity of some of these. Eelektross, Malamar, Crabominable, Grapploct, and Pincurchin are all good examples of this. Rock isn’t that bad of a type considering the existence of rock crabs and stone crabs in our world.
Just like the Hippopotas and Sandile families 🥰 based on animals that spend most of their time in water, but are Ground-type instead. Game Freak likes to mix things up and keep it interesting.
I wish they wouldn't be pumping out a new gen every 2 years, but alas. I am excited for a new birb starter.

After reading the version exclusives, I was initially torn between which to get... I wanted Scarlet bc red is my favorite color, but it seems it's more of a red-orange, which is no bueno D: I think I'll probably pick up Violet because Ceruledge looks so cool :0
I wish they wouldn't be pumping out a new gen every 2 years, but alas. I am excited for a new birb starter.

After reading the version exclusives, I was initially torn between which to get... I wanted Scarlet bc red is my favorite color, but it seems it's more of a red-orange, which is no bueno D: I think I'll probably pick up Violet because Ceruledge looks so cool :0
I think you meant to say “every 3 years” in your first sentence.
I think you meant to say “every 3 years” in your first sentence.
Ah, yeah, it has been a 3 year gap usually, my bad. I guess it feels shorter because of the spin-offs and remakes between generations.
Just found this on twitter lmaooo
I found this cursed image.
Though...I wouldn't mind having these villagers....
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That would be amazing to add! I think the AC community would love them too. Too bad they don't want to add anything more unless... They change their minds later and add to acnh instead of pumping out a new one. I doubt it though since we have hhp (paid).
I'm just amazed Pokemon had the guts to make this guy's design.

Is Brassius evil? I mean, Sabrina had a whip in Gen 1 but so did Team Rocket...
How's everyone's teams looking so far?

Right now I have only Quaxly, Pawmi, Ceruledge and the enginemon.

I was confused at first because I thought for a second the games already released, LOL. It's been a long day.

Anyway, I'm not sure yet, but I'll definitely post again here when I figure that out.
The way I will play my games will be fun. I will plan on playing one of the two games in Spanish as opposed to English (considering the region’s basis and the fact that it is my parent and first language) and I will randomly select different thing among the way using random number generators. This will include starter Pokémon (I’m still undecided on what to pick; do NOT spoil their evolutions, please), which story to progress, which boss in each story to fight, etc. I plan on trying to use Paldean Wooper, Cetitan, maybe Grafaiai, and Armarouge/Ceruledge. I might also use a returning Pokémon or two.
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Grafaiai will 100% be on my team since it feels like gamefreak was targetting me specifically when making that pokemon. I plan to try to get one as soon as possible. Hopefully they spawn in an early route.

Cetitan and Ceruledge are in the maybe category. Both of them rock but if something more appealing pops up they might get replaced. I'm admittedly a bit worried Cetitan specifically will be a late game mon. Ice types are so rarely around the early areas and I'm less likely to pick up new mons for the team if my slots are already full by the time I run in to one.

For my starter I'm thinking fuecoco, though I'm not a 100% on if I'll keep them on my team. Depends on the final evolution.
Cetitan and Ceruledge are in the maybe category. Both of them rock but if something more appealing pops up they might get replaced. I'm admittedly a bit worried Cetitan specifically will be a late game mon. Ice types are so rarely around the early areas and I'm less likely to pick up new mons for the team if my slots are already full by the time I run in to one.

For my starter I'm thinking fuecoco, though I'm not a 100% on if I'll keep them on my team. Depends on the final evolution.
Remember roadblocks like these?
bfb (1).jpg

These don't exist anymore. Now that this is a true open world game there aren't any "early route mons" or "late game mons". Theoretically, you could travel to the snowy mountain without doing any gym challenges before getting there. You could get Cetitan on your team before the challenging the first gym! It certainly would be a little more challenging, but challenge is whats been missing in many Pokemon games so maybe its more fun to do just that.
Remember roadblocks like these?
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These don't exist anymore. Now that this is a true open world game there aren't any "early route mons" or "late game mons". Theoretically, you could travel to the snowy mountain without doing any gym challenges before getting there. You could get Cetitan on your team before the challenging the first gym! It certainly would be a little more challenging, but challenge is whats been missing in many Pokemon games so maybe its more fun to do just that.

I somehow didn't realize the open world aspect would have this effect! Very excited to have mons I like early on. I might have to speedrun finding a grafaiai as my first thing then.
Unless I'm mistaken a "road block" can happen in an open world game. Trees and mountains can block ways and the only way to the other side is an NPC requesting something or wants you to do a quest. The inability to cross a river can happen until you learn a skill, acquire an item, or complete a quest. There could be a gate in a mountianous region that you need a pass in order for a gatekeeper to allow you to the area. A building could be closed for a while.
Unless I'm mistaken a "road block" can happen in an open world game. Trees and mountains can block ways and the only way to the other side is an NPC requesting something or wants you to do a quest. The inability to cross a river can happen until you learn a skill, acquire an item, or complete a quest. There could be a gate in a mountianous region that you need a pass in order for a gatekeeper to allow you to the area. A building could be closed for a while.
The purpose of an open world game, like Skyrim, allows you the opportunity to not have a path dictated solely by the story. You can play at your own leisure. For example, you always start out at the same place in Skyrim but its your choice to follow the story or not. You could follow the story and do the Whiterun quests first...or not, and go to another hold and do different quests. Sure there are dungeons you cant access until you activate certain quests, but I can hardly call that a "roadblock". Those kind of inconveniences pale in comparison to the linear problem of past Pokemon games. The problem with Pokemon roadblocks can be summed up by the picture I posted earlier from B2W2. It is a literal road block. Pokemon playthroughs have been infamous for being too linear, too dictated by the story, too much "hand-holding". The trailers are selling ScarVio as a true open world game and that the path you take is not completely dictated by the story. Granted its GFs first open world game but I'm going to take their word for it until I play the game myself.
They look like garden eels to me. I hope we get more insight on them.

Edit: And what do you know, I was right the whole time. It’s a garden eel according to its species category and its official reveal was today over 30 minutes ago.
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