I actually really like Klawf

its official art just reminds me so much of a frog, and it looks so derpy! I also like how its design and gimmick alludes to other mons who I like to call, "lookalikes" such as Sudowoodo being a Rock-type yet looks like a tree, and Lurantis being a Grass-type yet looks like a bug. Anyone seeing them at first glance think, "Oh, that's a bug type!" but surprise surprise you get hit with a STAB Solar Blade lol
One would think that Klawf is a Water-type because it's based on a crab, but it's actually a Rock-type, and a pure Rock-type at that. Also, it looks robotic which to me makes it look like a Sonic enemy, since a lot of Sonic enemies are robots and the whole ordeal with the old games is that you're trying to save animals from becoming robots. Unfortunately, looks like it's already too late for Klawf lol