Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

We got the "present" form of Koraidon and Miraidon today!

We got new information today relating to how competitive battling, a new Pokémon being revealed, and what I believe are the new player characters’ names.
Did they mention if Cyclizar can also go in to bike mode? It looks a bit like it could?
No all they showed was Shed Tail, probably an exlcusive move for Cyclizar, which allows the user to set up a substitute and switch out for the next mon. It showed the substitute being passed onto the Magnezone in the trailer.

My favourite thing in this trailer is the Mirror Herb and the Ghost terastalizing crown, which is my favourite crown so far. Terastal will be a fun gimmick this time around because I really, really hated Dynamax.
Nvm I said it could but it can't, it can be ridden but probably can't go bike mode!

Also whew that Shed Tail move? I'm so so so hyped about what this gen will bring for strategy! The new objects seem so cool aswell!

Thank you for the tip! I'm guessing this form exist to avoid giving us legendaries right at the start. I definitely prefer this to having a legendary early game.

Posting the bike/ride form screenshot here for others too:

Nvm I said it could but it can't, it can be ridden but probably can't go bike mode!

Also whew that Shed Tail move? I'm so so so hyped about what this gen will bring for strategy! The new objects seem so cool aswell!
I feel Terastal is more of a balanced gimmick that actually helps the metagame. I really hope it doesnt stay exclusive for ScarVio
Apparently there's also a new move called Tera Blast which is normal type and transforms in to your pokemons tera type. It attacks based on whichever of your offensive stats is higher. I'm guessing this is to give every pokemon a strong STAB move without changing move pools too much? The description makes it sound like a high base power move at least.

Source: https://scarletviolet.pokemon.com/en-us/news/master_terastal/
Apparently there's also a new move called Tera Blast which is normal type and transforms in to your pokemons tera type. It attacks based on whichever of your offensive stats is higher. I'm guessing this is to give every pokemon a strong STAB move without changing move pools too much? The description makes it sound like a high base power move at least.

Source: https://scarletviolet.pokemon.com/en-us/news/master_terastal/
I really like that Tera Blast uses the mon's highest Attack or Sp.Attack.

Thank you for the tip! I'm guessing this form exist to avoid giving us legendaries right at the start. I definitely prefer this to having a legendary early game.

Posting the bike/ride form screenshot here for others too:


We are given Koraidon / Miraidon at the start of the game BUT its technically not ours until we complete all 3 "stories" so we cant use them in any battles. They probably function the same way PokeRides did in Gen7 and Legends Arceus. Cyclizar is just the regular form of Koraidon and Miraidon.

Here's a spoiler from the leaks in case youre curious. Koraidon and Miraidon are "past" and "future" forms of Cyclizar. They will probably showcase the so-called "Paradox Pokemon" sometime before release to pump sales
After thinking about what I saw in today's trailer, the Terastal mechanic may be the best gimmick out of every gimmick thus far. In the trailer Coalossal not only took that Hydro Pump without super effective damage, but it was also "not very effective". It also activated Steam Engine so this gimmick is not only offensive but defensive as well. Coalossal sacrificing its dual-typing to trap the opponent and potentially turning the tide of the battle. Tyranitar used ghost Tera Blast on a Gallade that tried using Close Combat. I love the Ghost terastal (reminds me of Gen 1 ghost spirite) but I feel that T-tar might be stuck in a postition that it loses out of taking advantage of its Rock typing for Sand Stream. So, even though this gimmick is interesting it could have some negatives competitive-wise.
I plan on preordering both games (something I have never done before because usually, I am very broke!) I'm trying to accomplish a similar goal with Scarlet and Violet like I did with X and Y - not spoiling myself with new Pokemon designs and letting myself be surprised when I see them in game for the first time! It's... not going great so far, but it could be going worse!
So does the green guy turn into either the red or purple guy depending on the version you get I am guessing?
If so, I feel like it would have done better as a gimmick pokemon that became the box art rather than legendary.
So does the green guy turn into either the red or purple guy depending on the version you get I am guessing?
If so, I feel like it would have done better as a gimmick pokemon that became the box art rather than legendary.
No, Cyclizar is a stand alone Pokemon. If you don't want to be spoiled I guess you can wait for the next trailer to find out why.
The time I finally have enough money, but the steelbook bundle is out of stock ;_;
A new Pokémon reveal very soon!

What type do you think Grafaiai will be?