Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

I don’t mind the curry camping returning, I kind of enjoy that at times, but why would they remove the daycare center? That’s a bummer.
I also don't mind the camping feature, just the egg method. I think they removed daycare centers because its open world and they know players wouldnt want to remain in a fixed location all the time.
Oh, we don’t even know if there’s character customization? That’s what I’m hoping for.
They showed that you could change your hair and face at a salon, but nothing about clothes. It's starting to seem like you can't change out of the school uniform cus this would've been the perfect time to show off a clothing store too :/
Oh, we don’t even know if there’s character customization? That’s what I’m hoping for.
There is character customisation...just not for the clothing. Looks like you can customise your physical features (hair, hair colour, eyebrows, eyes, etc) more in this game though.

Too bad we're stuck with the uniforms because we're "students" 😒
Looking at pre-release screenshots I think there will be some outfit customization at least. Remains to be seen if all the outfits will be school-esque though.

I think it's a bit early to say there isn't going to be a daycare or clothing.


Ooooh, Girafarig FINALLY got an evolution I see. Maybe Dunsparce will finally get an evolution too? (I hope) Maybe give some other pokes an evolution that desperately could use one.

Also, what do you all think about Tera forms and types? Not so sure I'm crazy about them.
Looks like we have another "non-reveal" of new mons
View attachment 462992

We have two mice, a green bird, and a...salt mushroom?
Got confirmation also that the Rookidee line is in the game.
At first glance, I thought that the mice were just placeholders to represent the general idea of pokémon, lol. They’re pretty cute and I bet they’ll be normal types. I like the bird, it’s a nice color and zooming in it kinda looks like it has a pompadour or some kinda hair curl. The salt mushroom looks more like a dropped item than a pokémon…it’s gonna be so weird to see it in action!
*Looks at the ham on the picnic table* Lechonk IS THAT YOU??? 😱 seriously that wowed me the most out of everything shown in the trailer LOL like, real world food in Pokémon is always so weird but in a good way! Slowpoketail is a delicacy, so why not a gourmet pig Pokémon, too?

But for real though, Girafarig got an evolution! Seeing that made me happy 😊 they kept its naming theme of being a palindrome, nice! Its new abilities are both pretty useful in battle, but negating priority moves can definitely make the difference in battle.

I keep hoping these trailers will officially reveal the starter evolutions some way, somehow but I guess not yet! I can only imagine that derpy Fuecoco face turning mean and spicy 🤭 and I'm really tempted to add Greedent to my team because I skipped SwSh so now's my chance!
Looking at pre-release screenshots I think there will be some outfit customization at least. Remains to be seen if all the outfits will be school-esque though.

I think it's a bit early to say there isn't going to be a daycare or clothing.


I have to agree and support your claims. Anyways, most of what was shown was a recap, but there are some interesting new features in my view.
At first glance, I thought that the mice were just placeholders to represent the general idea of pokémon, lol. They’re pretty cute and I bet they’ll be normal types
Yes, the mice look pretty...normal, don't they? It would be funny if their ability is Parental Bond considering they are a couple. Normal type is looking good in this gen so far.

I like the bird, it’s a nice color and zooming in it kinda looks like it has a pompadour or some kinda hair curl.
I didn't notice the pompadour! I wonder what its theme might be? Maybe its another Furfrou-like mon and you can change its hairstyle.

The salt mushroom looks more like a dropped item than a pokémon…it’s gonna be so weird to see it in action!
The salt mushroom reminded me of the power up mushrooms from Mario. I'm guessing its going to be Rock type like Klawf. GF love making mushroom mons every odd generation so I expected another mushroom.

Its weird to me why TPCi would release trailers with mons that don't end up getting official confirmed names, typings, etc. Like, we know the engine mon exists for a while now and they still haven't confirmed it.
Looking at pre-release screenshots I think there will be some outfit customization at least. Remains to be seen if all the outfits will be school-esque though.

I think it's a bit early to say there isn't going to be a daycare or clothing.



The website says:
Ranging from short sleeves and shorts to warm blazers, the academy has four different kinds of uniforms in total. Additionally, you can collect a wide variety of accessories from boutiques. Wear your favorite items and try out different styles along the way on your adventure!
found here.

I’m hoping there’s plenty in the boutiques, but I’m a bit bummed about getting stuck in pinstriped orange.
The website says:

found here.

I’m hoping there’s plenty in the boutiques, but I’m a bit bummed about getting stuck in pinstriped orange.

Kind of a weird step backwards to drop the catalogue down to 4 shirts. We've not been at that level since before Kalos. They even did DLC clothing in Sw/Sh which makes this extra strange to me.

I'm going to hold out hope that maybe you'll graduate from the academy at some point and unlock more clothes... or that there will be some other unlock system. For what it's worth that's just me trying to not lose hope though. Seriously this is such a weird decision. 💀
Several points I didn't mention before...

It looks like Inner Focus for Girafarig will turn into Cud Chew when it evolves. Early Bird will turn into Armor Tail. Sap Sipper is its HA. Not sure if it will change like the regular abilities, but if Farigiraf's sp.attack is higher than its attack it won't see a lot of usage. After analysing Girafarig, its bst, moves, etc., Farigiraf will be an amazing special attacker. Farigiraf had a Ghost terastal in the trailer, which now that I think about it is really good for it. Ghost negates its Bug weakness and it gains an immunity to Fighting. Girafarig has access to Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball and Nasty Plot which I think will return as Tms.

Speaking of Tms, the TM Machine is an amazing addition. It adds a ton of replayability to the games. Cram-o-matic from SwSh DLC was a really good addition and the TM Machine reminds me of that. I hope a better form of the C-o-M appears in this game. Crafting has potential in the Pokemon games so I really, really hope they improve on that mechanic.

Lets Go is really looking to be fun to use. Max amount of LetsGo mons in TmStar bases looks to be 3. Its nice beating all the grunts at once than individual boring battles, but thats my take. While I was looking back at LetsGo battling I also found this little guy

Looks like the Armarouge/Ceruledge prevo since this is the Fire Squad base. I am wondering how early we can get specific mons. To get our ideal team, we may have to backtrack a lot.

Anyway, on to the November trailer since I don't expect another one this month. I really, really (REALLY) hope the final trailer before release has at least the second stages of the starters.
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The website says:
My hopes and dreams crushed🥲 Thanks for sharing though. In PLA we could easily change out of the survey corps uniform so I don't understand why we're stuck with the uniform for this game. Honestly a huge letdown...
My hopes and dreams crushed🥲 Thanks for sharing though. In PLA we could easily change out of the survey corps uniform so I don't understand why we're stuck with the uniform for this game. Honestly a huge letdown...
I’m guessing because we’re playing as a student the entire game. It is a first for the main series where we have an assigned role other than a kid on an adventure.
I’m guessing because we’re playing as a student the entire game. It is a first for the main series where we have an assigned role other than a kid on an adventure.
That's why I brought up PLA as an example. We were still able to change clothes despite having an assigned role & uniform right?
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That's why I brought up PLA as an example. We were still able to change clothes despite having an assigned role & uniform right?
Yes, we were still able to change clothes in PLA. Not sure why...maybe because Hisui was a wild region with no laws or more importantly...GF had time to make them in time. Maybe in Paldea its law that all students must wear their school clothing. Its a dumb way for GF to be lazy and not have to make many clothing designs plus it would be their version of "world building". They might add some variety in a DLC but I'm not going to get my hopes up. If we can't wear nothing but these uniforms I will be very sad because I hate them. Only Violet is tolerable to me which is another reason why I chose it among many other reasons.
There has to be clothing customizations. I don't know if I can handle being stuck in the school clothes...
We still have about a month wait left, so perhaps Pokemon will do one final Trailer? Hopefully?
There's still so much information we need to know...
There is usually one final trailer a week or two before release. We will probably get another trailer this month as Pokémon games have had at least five before any new games since XY.