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Looks like the leakers were Nintenja'd
I guess we'll have to wait for the real datamine
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No, that's the middle evo. Regarding Sprig...the original leaker Khu said the final stands on two legs so...🙏🙏🙏
x legs fortunately isn't too bad for me. i've always quite liked blaziken and incineroar's final evos, for example. it really just depends on the design itself.
Trailer coming this week!
Hopefully they will finally reveal the mid and final starter evos...
I haven't been following the pokemon news all that closely, mostly because I know I won't be getting this game, but I decided to take a peek on Serebii to see what I have missed for new pokemon, and...
------------------------------ AHHH!*

How can you not love that? I find him pretty comical. I just wish he had some contrasting colors going on to make him look more interesting. Like some blue somewhere. Maybe a big hook claw or something. But he is still cool.
But beyond that, I really like Pawmi and Farigiraf.
Koraidon is way better than Miraidon impo, even though they both look weird. I would want to know more about the starters before I would actually choose one, if I were to play the game. I am a little surprised they haven't revealed more about them. I wonder if they will show off the mid stage this weekend.

edit unlinking serebii page ref for fear that it is considered a blog website. unclear.
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I haven't been following the pokemon news all that closely, mostly because I know I won't be getting this game, but I decided to take a peek on Serebii to see what I have missed for new pokemon, and...
------------------------------ AHHH!*

How can you not love that? I find him pretty comical. I just wish he had some contrasting colors going on to make him look more interesting. Like some blue somewhere. Maybe a big hook claw or something. But he is still cool.
But beyond that, I really like Pawmi and Farigiraf.
Koraidon is way better than Miraidon impo, even though they both look weird. I would want to know more about the starters before I would actually choose one, if I were to play the game. I am a little surprised they haven't revealed more about them. I wonder if they will show off the mid stage this weekend.
to be fair, i don't think they ever officially revealed the final evolutions of the PLA starters until some time after release. i know we got silhouettes of them, but i think it was either day of release or just after, and it was literally just silhouettes. pretty annoying; i personally don't get why they're so secretive about it, especially when a lot of people like to know what their starter is ultimately going to look like. e.g. based on the leaks, i would be super annoyed if i'd picked the fire starter based on what it's mid-evolution alone looks like. i'm still a little nervous about sprigatito, but if the speculation is anything to go by, it should be alright depending on how they style it? but pokemon has a slight habit of 'ruining' cute starters lmao where they beef them up them for no reason asdfghjk. (see blaziken and incineroar. designs i do like, but they feel highkey antithetical to torchic and litten asdfghj.) anyway, it's always just been so weird to me that they reveal the legendaries pretty quickly but act like the starters are top secret lol. frustratingly, i also haven't seen a lot of official transparency regarding which 'mons are version exclusive. (obviously the legendaries and the two armor pokemon, but otherwise-)

then again, i've always been over the idea of "two games that are identical outside of very minor differences" and found it kind of scummy. genuinely don't know why the fandom hasn't pushed back against that yet, but i suppose it's not like gf would listen rip.
to be fair, i don't think they ever officially revealed the final evolutions of the PLA starters until some time after release. i know we got silhouettes of them, but i think it was either day of release or just after, and it was literally just silhouettes. pretty annoying; i personally don't get why they're so secretive about it, especially when a lot of people like to know what their starter is ultimately going to look like. e.g. based on the leaks, i would be super annoyed if i'd picked the fire starter based on what it's mid-evolution alone looks like. i'm still a little nervous about sprigatito, but if the speculation is anything to go by, it should be alright depending on how they style it? but pokemon has a slight habit of 'ruining' cute starters lmao where they beef them up them for no reason asdfghjk. (see blaziken and incineroar. designs i do like, but they feel highkey antithetical to torchic and litten asdfghj.) anyway, it's always just been so weird to me that they reveal the legendaries pretty quickly but act like the starters are top secret lol. frustratingly, i also haven't seen a lot of official transparency regarding which 'mons are version exclusive. (obviously the legendaries and the two armor pokemon, but otherwise-)

then again, i've always been over the idea of "two games that are identical outside of very minor differences" and found it kind of scummy. genuinely don't know why the fandom hasn't pushed back against that yet, but i suppose it's not like gf would listen rip.
Maybe the fandom will get lucky this time and there will be two possible outcomes to each starter depended on some item. I mean, I doubt it, because it would just be yet another design they would have to make that would also have to be designed well enough to be "mascoty" but I still think it would be a neat little gimmick. I actually like Blaziken :lemon: I think he looks cool, but I know what you mean. One thing I liked about digimon is the possible choices you have with just one monster, However I am afraid we won't get that with pokemon unless they go down the fusion rabbit hole which is a pretty controversial path.
This particular game I feel like they really downplayed the role of legendary pokemon. Like to me, they feel more like a tool like the rotom dex. However I suspect there is going to be a legendary that just isn't talked about that has to do with the story. It will just be the same one in both games I bet.
On a separate note, I would love to see Nintendo take a MMO path with Pokemon. That would have to end up being a mobile phone game, or a pc game though, I think... but they could just continually just add on to the game instead of remaking the game over and over and adding even more pokemon to fill roles that older pokemon could fill just fine. However some people may not be too keen on the microtransactions, but if it is a free to play game, they may be ok with it. Depends how they do it really. Some free to play games are scummy. And honestly I feel like Nintendo is moving towards microtransaction games anyway. And with an MMO game, there could be limited time events with prizes you can only get during certain events such as holidays or whatever.
Maybe the fandom will get lucky this time and there will be two possible outcomes to each starter depended on some item. I mean, I doubt it, because it would just be yet another design they would have to make that would also have to be designed well enough to be "mascoty" but I still think it would be a neat little gimmick. I actually like Blaziken :lemon: I think he looks cool, but I know what you mean. One thing I liked about digimon is the possible choices you have with just one monster, However I am afraid we won't get that with pokemon unless they go down the fusion rabbit hole which is a pretty controversial path.
This particular game I feel like they really downplayed the role of legendary pokemon. Like to me, they feel more like a tool like the rotom dex. However I suspect there is going to be a legendary that just isn't talked about that has to do with the story. It will just be the same one in both games I bet.
On a separate note, I would love to see Nintendo take a MMO path with Pokemon. That would have to end up being a mobile phone game, or a pc game though, I think... but they could just continually just add on to the game instead of remaking the game over and over and adding even more pokemon to fill roles that older pokemon could fill just fine. However some people may not be too keen on the microtransactions, but if it is a free to play game, they may be ok with it. Depends how they do it really. Some free to play games are scummy. And honestly I feel like Nintendo is moving towards microtransaction games anyway. And with an MMO game, there could be limited time events with prizes you can only get during certain events such as holidays or whatever.
yeah, having the legendaries be the travel pokemon does feel a little stupid to me. i know they want this game to be completely open-world, but the lack of level-scaling already makes that somewhat impossible, so i would've just preferred if it had been various other pokemon similarly to PLA. (and to keep it open-world, you could be able to go and gather all of those pokemon immediately if you so chose.) it also makes it feel like the legendaries were designed specifically to be ride pokemon, which does at least explain the (imo) awful designs, but the other way around would've perhaps been more creative. instead, they just genuinely slapped actual motorbike wheels on a creature 😭 and it doesn't even zoom !! it runs !! i'm team bring-back-actual-bikes personally. i highkey miss those, and ngl, i think i would prefer to see our character using an actual glider or rock-climbing equipment than relying so heavily on pokemon, but perhaps that's just me. it was nice having it seemingly alternate between games with ride 'mons in USUM, the bike in SWSH, and then ride 'mons again in PLA; following that, we should've been back on bikes, but alas 😞
Looks like the leakers were Nintenja'd
I guess we'll have to wait for the real datamine
I have heard they just temporarily deactivated their account to avoid getting snipped, the previous leaker did that when they went to sleep/work and people advised the new ones to do the same ^^

I'm surprised both of them picked fuecoco, I thought it was the least popular starter (thanks to its french name, spanish people got a good laugh, so that may be why). I wanted to see the other starters' evos.... I hope they get shown in tomorrow's direct
I have heard they just temporarily deactivated their account to avoid getting snipped, the previous leaker did that when they went to sleep/work and people advised the new ones to do the same ^^

I'm surprised both of them picked fuecoco, I thought it was the least popular starter (thanks to its french name, spanish people got a good laugh, so that may be why). I wanted to see the other starters' evos.... I hope they get shown in tomorrow's direct
Thats good to know. I was worried when their twitter was gone that they got caught. Hopefully they'll resume after the trailer tomorrow. Like you I did find it strange that they both chose Fuecoco. Even though I'm hoping the starter evos get revealed, its probably another new mon just to tease us.
yeah, having the legendaries be the travel pokemon does feel a little stupid to me. i know they want this game to be completely open-world, but the lack of level-scaling already makes that somewhat impossible, so i would've just preferred if it had been various other pokemon similarly to PLA. (and to keep it open-world, you could be able to go and gather all of those pokemon immediately if you so chose.) it also makes it feel like the legendaries were designed specifically to be ride pokemon, which does at least explain the (imo) awful designs, but the other way around would've perhaps been more creative. instead, they just genuinely slapped actual motorbike wheels on a creature 😭 and it doesn't even zoom !! it runs !! i'm team bring-back-actual-bikes personally. i highkey miss those, and ngl, i think i would prefer to see our character using an actual glider or rock-climbing equipment than relying so heavily on pokemon, but perhaps that's just me. it was nice having it seemingly alternate between games with ride 'mons in USUM, the bike in SWSH, and then ride 'mons again in PLA; following that, we should've been back on bikes, but alas 😞

I'm with you all the way on team bring-back-actual bikes. I'm really not a fan of a legendary being foisted on me, and that getting around will require riding around on said legendary. If we had to go around riding on a Pokemon, I'd rather we get a choice of different options, kind of like how it was in Gen 7 (and I guess PLA, but I never played that game so I'm not sure how it was implemented there). It doesn't help that I additionally don't love the designs of these two legendaries, either. Oh well. I hope that after this game, Game Freak can get over open world and maybe Gen 10 will be back to the typical Pokemon format.
Ahh so cringe with the Ed Sheeran song
So disappointing too because now I only have the datamine to look forward to before release.

Best things about the final trailer:

1. Two new Donphans?


Teddiursa got some love in Legends and now its Phanpy's turn? Maybe?

Anyway Arven has a different book according to your version: the Scarlet Book and the Violet Book. Looks like another UB-like huntdown so I hope the hunt downs aren't as crazy looking.

2. Dragon Tera looks awesome

p06_01-2x (1).jpg

Bad things...

1. This Ed Sheeran song

2. No starter evos

3. Charizard is in the game again. Other starters are probably (and unfairly) excluded again.
I normally try not to be overtly negative about things but what was that.

I cannot shake the feeling they hyped this up on twitter just because they got the rights to use an Ed Sheeran song. The pokemon part of the trailer felt so miniscule, just a bunch of stuff we've already seen. I genuinely feel Ionos trailers were better than this.

Oh well.
Ahh so cringe with the Ed Sheeran song
So disappointing too because now I only have the datamine to look forward to before release.

Best things about the final trailer:

1. Two new Donphans?
View attachment 468423
View attachment 468424
Teddiursa got some love in Legends and now its Phanpy's turn? Maybe?

Anyway Arven has a different book according to your version: the Scarlet Book and the Violet Book. Looks like another UB-like huntdown so I hope the hunt downs aren't as crazy looking.

2. Dragon Tera looks awesome

View attachment 468425

Bad things...

1. This Ed Sheeran song

2. No starter evos

3. Charizard is in the game again. Other starters are probably (and unfairly) excluded again.
ngl, i'm not really loving the futuristic pokemon design. that face on donphan looks hella stupid to me oop- love the prehistoric-esque one though.

also your third bad point is lowkey my issue with dex-it. i understand not having every pokemon in every game, but they obviously play favorites. like, we all know the eeveelutions (as much as i love them), the pikachu and charizard lines are going to make it into every game regardless, including other fan favorites. meanwhile, there are pokemon who didn't make it into swsh OR this game, like (i believe) the poochyena line, which really irks me because that was my first ever non-starter pokemon.
also your third bad point is lowkey my issue with dex-it. i understand not having every pokemon in every game, but they obviously play favorites. like, we all know the eeveelutions (as much as i love them), the pikachu and charizard lines are going to make it into every game regardless, including other fan favorites. meanwhile, there are pokemon who didn't make it into swsh OR this game, like (i believe) the poochyena line, which really irks me because that was my first ever non-starter pokemon.
Poor Kalos starters. Not even in a single Switch game yet.

I get it that they want popular mons in but when they play favourites I get a little triggered. I bet Charizard makes it in but Blastoise and Venusaur don't. That's how predictable GF has become.
Poor Kalos starters. Not even in a single Switch game yet.

I get it that they want popular mons in but when they play favourites I get a little triggered. I bet Charizard makes it in but Blastoise and Venusaur don't. That's how predictable GF has become.
like, at least switch them out? zigzagoon was big in swsh, so have them out of scarvio and mightyena in, like ???? charizard was also big in swsh because of leon, so throw them out and bring in, like, delphox or smth. it's either that or have everything available via home even if it's not in base game, it's just frustrating.
I saw on Serebii's twitter that there is a day 1 patch for the games. How do you guys feel about a day 1 patch of Version 1.0.1 the size of 1GB?
I still remember watching trailers for PLA & genuinely getting hyped for that game. Meanwhile the trailers for this new gen have been... boring. Like I want to be excited, but the way they reveal crumbs of info in these unnecessarily long trailers is just Not It.
I still remember watching trailers for PLA & genuinely getting hyped for that game. Meanwhile the trailers for this new gen have been... boring. Like I want to be excited, but the way they reveal crumbs of info in these unnecessarily long trailers is just Not It.
drip marketing, i believe it's called, and then they wonder why things get leaked so prevalently asdfghjk.
I saw on Serebii's twitter that there is a day 1 patch for the games. How do you guys feel about a day 1 patch of Version 1.0.1 the size of 1GB?
Given the game looks unfinished as it is, this doesn't surprise me.
Ahh so cringe with the Ed Sheeran song
So disappointing too because now I only have the datamine to look forward to before release.

Best things about the final trailer:

1. Two new Donphans?
View attachment 468423
View attachment 468424
Teddiursa got some love in Legends and now its Phanpy's turn? Maybe?

Anyway Arven has a different book according to your version: the Scarlet Book and the Violet Book. Looks like another UB-like huntdown so I hope the hunt downs aren't as crazy looking.

2. Dragon Tera looks awesome

View attachment 468425

Bad things...

1. This Ed Sheeran song

2. No starter evos

3. Charizard is in the game again. Other starters are probably (and unfairly) excluded again.
Nintendo has a new tweet about the forms. I wonder if it's about offense and defense
Nintendo has a new tweet about the forms. I wonder if it's about offense and defense
I believe they are called Great Tusk and Iron Treads or something like that. Another UB situation where their real names will be revealed when you play the games. Great Tusk is Scarlet exclusive and Iron Treads is Violet exclusive. Not sure if its about offence or defence to be honest.