. Rarity .
Eighteen 🌌💎
What I like in these games, are the battles that you grind for (Because I love grinding,) and yes it's very rewarding to complete the story, and then compete against the champion,
However, one reason Im such a fan of Sword, X/Y, Alpha Sapphire/Ruby, is because of the side options the game offers, and what I hope they carry into this new game:
Is the option to do other things, and get to know your Pokemon. Which is why I love Y and AS, because you could bond, play games, and enjoy your Pokemon's company, and also max them out in mini games. Which adds some verity. Plus friendship benefits, and your Pokemon tend to dodge more frequently.
Now Sword took that to the next level. Because of camping, though some people find it a bit tiring, its very fun, and relaxing. Where you get to bond with your Pokemon, and play with them, all while making them stronger.
So you could technically raise a verity of species, and feel more like a breeder rather then a gym challenger. Which is kinda cool. Playing with a verity, raising all kinds of Pokemon, evolving them to their final forms?? That excites me the most.
I am up to playing Arceus, stunning, looks really interesting. But Ive never been a collector, so that's kinda boring to just go around collecting. But I do like other aspects from what Ive seen.
So now I'm really hopeful that they will carry friendship into this new game, and maybe inhance it more, and you can bet Im spending time with those Seviper.
But if they carry on either in a traditional fashion, or into a different story, I kinda like the new verity, because it opens new possibilities. Id love to see what the game offers, what you can do, and I hope they offer another friendship mechanic.
If I can walk around with a Seviper, I will be sooo happy. Because Seviper is my baby. I like the attention to detail, but graphics don't matter for me, its the other goodies that do.
So Im hoping I will be able to play with my mons, or raise them in a different fashion.
Anyway, my opinion on my favorite aspect of recent games,
Also its 2022 Nintendo. Give the boys long hair, or a ponytail option. Ive only been to two hair salons in sword, so if some I havent gone to, do give out long hair, thats real cool.
However, one reason Im such a fan of Sword, X/Y, Alpha Sapphire/Ruby, is because of the side options the game offers, and what I hope they carry into this new game:
Is the option to do other things, and get to know your Pokemon. Which is why I love Y and AS, because you could bond, play games, and enjoy your Pokemon's company, and also max them out in mini games. Which adds some verity. Plus friendship benefits, and your Pokemon tend to dodge more frequently.
Now Sword took that to the next level. Because of camping, though some people find it a bit tiring, its very fun, and relaxing. Where you get to bond with your Pokemon, and play with them, all while making them stronger.
So you could technically raise a verity of species, and feel more like a breeder rather then a gym challenger. Which is kinda cool. Playing with a verity, raising all kinds of Pokemon, evolving them to their final forms?? That excites me the most.
I am up to playing Arceus, stunning, looks really interesting. But Ive never been a collector, so that's kinda boring to just go around collecting. But I do like other aspects from what Ive seen.
So now I'm really hopeful that they will carry friendship into this new game, and maybe inhance it more, and you can bet Im spending time with those Seviper.
But if they carry on either in a traditional fashion, or into a different story, I kinda like the new verity, because it opens new possibilities. Id love to see what the game offers, what you can do, and I hope they offer another friendship mechanic.
If I can walk around with a Seviper, I will be sooo happy. Because Seviper is my baby. I like the attention to detail, but graphics don't matter for me, its the other goodies that do.
So Im hoping I will be able to play with my mons, or raise them in a different fashion.
Anyway, my opinion on my favorite aspect of recent games,
Also its 2022 Nintendo. Give the boys long hair, or a ponytail option. Ive only been to two hair salons in sword, so if some I havent gone to, do give out long hair, thats real cool.
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