Pokémon Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield General Discussion

Charizard is an awesome pokemon, i'm very happy he's in the game. He's badass. I love squirtle and bulbasaur but their evos are underwhelming at best. Hating on Charizard just makes you look butt hurt as many others have said, i agree they should at least include all starters from a generation and not just pick one, but srsly hating on Charizard, which is some people's favourite, is very annoying and just creates more reason for fights and negativity. This is the company's fault, not a matter of whether you like Charizard or not :)
Good for you guys if you like Charizard, I never liked that Pokemon to begin with, as it was never appealing to me and I just find it overrated but that's my opinion. I do blame Game Freak here for their silly decision and will never understand why they do what they do but whatever.
Let's be honest here, it's not surprising that people hating Charizard and being "butt hurt" over the fact that
Game Freak prefers their new favorite mascot over all the other Starters and even Bulbasaur and Squirtle. It
is pretty unfair and also ridiculous, you rather give every Starter a pass, at least all three from one Gen or no one. Picking one because out of popularity and left the others in the shadows is a trashy move here. Don't care if I sound like another butt hurt Charizard hater now, but I'm really not amused of what Game Freak did.
Ohhhh okay but Pikachu is literally everywhere. Pikachu is an exception! :rolleyes:

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Still a pretty crappy move lol
lots of crappy moves have been made the past three gens. Gamefreak is losing it
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If the leaks are real, looks like I'll be going with Scorbunny afterall!
The game actually looks pretty polished UI-wise. I don't like the Gigantamax mechanic but Grookey looks pretty cool and I might end up picking this game up.
I usually get pokemon games based on how much I like the new pokemon they introduce and how "serious" (though the series isn't really serious) the game is. I'm not the biggest fan of the art style and roundness/flatness/perfectness (they lack texture that older pokes had (granted, in low definition games)) of the new pokes so don't know if I'll be picking up one of these two games. I really want a gen 4 remake for switch though, that I'd buy for sure
Ohhhh okay but Pikachu is literally everywhere. Pikachu is an exception! :rolleyes:
Yeah, nowhere did I said that that yellow mouse is an exception, lol what are you saying. Sorry that I don't stan that orange dragon like the majority does and that I'm not really happy over GF's obsession for certain Pokemon and giving them more advantages which cause the fact that others getting less attention, but whatever. :rolleyes:
I wasn't planning purchasing the game on release but all these leaks have me hype, this generation looks a lot more promising than the Alolan pokemon which didn't really excite me. Still don't know whether I'm buying sword or shield though.

Also Grookey was the best from the beginning, I'm glad everyone saw the light!
I don't know why everyone is surprised that Charizard gets all the special treatment. It's been happening since gen 1. Though I'm not a HUGE fan of him, I don't care if he's in the game. A lot of other Pokemon got cut; that's what we should be all raging about imo.
Yeah, nowhere did I said that that yellow mouse is an exception, lol what are you saying. Sorry that I don't stan that orange dragon like the majority does and that I'm not really happy over GF's obsession for certain Pokemon and giving them more advantages which cause the fact that others getting less attention, but whatever. :rolleyes:
oh, I know you didn't. Referring to the pikachu fans saying it elsewhere.
I don’t think the problem is that Charizard IS in the game and getting pandered to it’s that all other starters aren’t... Like it’s nice you like Charizard but there is 20 other starters they could give a new form to rather than giving Charizard like his 5th or something
I don’t think the problem is that Charizard IS in the game and getting pandered to it’s that all other starters aren’t... Like it’s nice you like Charizard but there is 20 other starters they could give a new form to rather than giving Charizard like his 5th or something
Aside from being a starter, it's been one of the most popuar poke and used as a mascot itself for many years. Maybe they could have thrown in Bulbasaur's an Squirtle's line in there, but then more gen 1. Still, in terms of forms and such it's been mostly gen 1 again and again.
Aside from being a starter, it's been one of the most popuar poke and used as a mascot itself for many years. Maybe they could have thrown in Bulbasaur's an Squirtle's line in there, but then more gen 1. Still, in terms of forms and such it's been mostly gen 1 again and again.

You're so right. Gen 1 has been exhausted. Couldn't we give the other generations a try?
Ohhhh okay but Pikachu is literally everywhere. Pikachu is an exception! :rolleyes:
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lots of crappy moves have been made the past three gens. Gamefreak is losing it

The only reason I would say Pikachu is an exception is because he's the face of the entire series, and he's very recognizable. Charizard, yeah maybe fans will day he's the best starter but he's nowhere near as popular as Pikachu.

Also I agree, I think gamefreak really is losing it. Cutting out every starter except Charmander makes no sense, unless they solely did it based on balanced battle mechanics. Even in that sense, it seems like a stupid move.

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If the leaks are real, looks like I'll be going with Scorbunny afterall!

Same lol I love Cinderace ♡
Looks like they've started to crack down on the leaks. Serebii has received legal notice and is removing anyone from the forums who posts leaks. As well as killing off all leak discussion threads. Too little too late in my opinion so many leaks have already spread around the internet at this point. Oh well.

On the bright side only one more week until the release date!
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Looks like they've started to crack down on the leaks. Serebii has received legal notice and is removing anyone from the forums who posts leaks. As well as killing off all leak discussion threads. Too little too late in my opinion so many leaks have already spread around the internet at this point. Oh well.

On the bright side only one more week until the release date!

Wow! It's crazy how hard they're cracking down at this one!