Yes, the production values should be soooo much better than they are for Pokemon games. Sure, Pokemon games sell regardless. We get it. Pretty sure Zelda and Animal Crossing would, as well (Zelda was falling behind in sells before BOTW, but I sincerely doubt it was the graphics that made BOTW sell really well), yet the care and money is put into making those games regardless.
Usually I wouldn't rag on the graphics themselves, but when you go into Wild Area it's too hard to ignore. Most of the game seems to be about GCN/Wii level (aside from the character and Pokemon models, which are great), but Wild Area just drops even worse at times. Many joked about the OOT trees when Wild Area was first shown, but now it isn't a joke. The trees are really that bad. And the general textures? Sure they are better than N64 level, but they are very low quality, and not even lighted properly (when it is thunderstorming, go in front of one of the towns' outer walls and see how badly oversaturated the grass/ground texture is compared to the wall).
With that said, Wild Area was a great step and I don't want to take away from that. GF needs to keep on building from this foundation... But, I know darn well, the franchise deserves better production values than this. What is TPC doing with all of the money they get from Pokemon? Is it sitting somewhere in a vault that they all go and sit on throwing it around like in a cartoon?