New here and long-time Pok?mon fan ♥
I'm looking forward to Sword and Shield as much as AC, especially because I've liked what they've shown us so far
I remember reading an article that claimed some form of insider knowledge on the starters' final typings a few months ago, but for all I know they were just losely fact-based predictions. Still, if anyone is curious:
Now there's been a new leak claim from this past weekend, so maybe we can see whether either of them got it right come the Direct on Wednesday!
I'm looking forward to Sword and Shield as much as AC, especially because I've liked what they've shown us so far
I remember reading an article that claimed some form of insider knowledge on the starters' final typings a few months ago, but for all I know they were just losely fact-based predictions. Still, if anyone is curious:
Grookey - Grass/Fairy; Scorbunny - Fire/Fighting; Sobble - Water/Ghost