Two of the biggest Trump supporters I know are Hispanic female immigrants. As a latina immigrant myself I just don't get it.
I'll try to help.
1) LEGAL immigration. If you are a legal immigrant, went through a long and arduous process, and you see a bunch of people coming in illegally and still getting benefits, and you get to pick between a candidate that proposes to allow more/do nothing about illegal immigrants / streamline illegal immigrant citizenship process, between a candidate that wants to stop illegal immigration, I know I would pick the latter.
2) Corruption. I think everyone, or mostly everyone, would like a government free of most corruption. The Clinton foundation is one of the most corrupt organisations ever. See Wikileaks. It goes so far and the Podesta/DNC emails cover so little of this crazy machine.
3) Healthcare. You can't deny Obamacare rates are going up way too high. I actually think Trump's healthcare plan is quite sound.
4) Economy. A lot of Chinese immigrants that I know highly admire Trump for this aspect. Yes, his businesses went bankrupt, but everyone fails some point in their life. They admire that he got back up, that he kept fighting, that he grew the company so much.
5) Research. There are so many stories of Trump doing good deeds that the media never talks about. I have a friend, who said that her uncle worked as a janitor at Trump Tower (they are Hispanic). Trump treated her uncle and other workers to dinner and her uncle said Trump was one of the most down to earth businessmen he had ever met. This is years ago, by the way.
6) Consistency. On most policies, Trump has been saying the same thing for the past 30 years.
Those are a few reasons. I'm sure there are many others.