• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Productivity & Accountability Thread

For this week (08/05 - 08/11) I must:

- Play Ring Fit Adventure at least twice (tuesday & saturday would be optimal)
- Write a letter to a friend
- Declutter cardboard boxes that are piling up in my room.
- Try to finish my Magnificent Memories piece.
Managed to write 15 thousand words for the rough draft of my manuscript in less than two weeks! I'll definitely have to go back and add more dialogue and descriptions to the scenes I'm writing later, but so far I'm happy with how it's turning out.
Gonna try and focus on the colouring activity and adding more to my rough arts for canvas crossing
While also trying to get some work search done.
Feeling a lil sick thinking about it all but that may be because I haven't had anything to eat for breakfast
Need to start logging my study hours per day in terms of my lecture videos.

Sept 10 - 7 hours
Sept 11 - 6.5 hours
Sept 12 - 8 hours

Tomorrow I will be pretty busy with Splatfest + irl events, but I'm hoping to get maybe 4-6 hours of lecture video at least depending on how hard Pharma is. Saturday I actually won't be able to study at all, maybe 1-2 hours tops but I doubt. Sunday I'll squeeze in 4 hours at the very least, maybe 6 hours if I'm feeling motivated by the end of the day.
School's getting into full swing, and my grades actually matter this year, so here's what I need to do so far:
  • Finish QoL comparison
  • Finish identity collage + written piece
  • Research Hamilton-Burr duel
  • Learn basic drawing skills
  • Finish career sheet
  • Organize binder
  • Do math sheets
  • Get school supplies I forgot + new binder (???)
  • Study for learner's license (not for the faint of heart, one of my friends failed 3 times before they passed)
  • Get lyrics for drama project
  • Finish The Sun and the Star so I can get started on my literacy book
  • CLEAN MY GOD FORSAKEN ROOM (I genuinely can't remember the last time I cleaned, I should seek help)
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School's getting into full swing, and my grades actually matter this year, so here's what I need to do so far:
  • Finish QoL comparison
  • Finish identity collage + written piece
  • Research Hamilton-Burr duel
  • Learn basic drawing skills
  • Finish career sheet
  • Organize binder
  • Do math sheets
  • Get school supplies I forgot + new binder (???)
  • Study for learner's license (not for the faint of heart, one of my friends failed 3 times before they passed)
  • Get lyrics for drama project
  • Finish The Sun and the Star so I can get started on my literacy book
  • CLEAN MY GOD FORSAKEN ROOM (I genuinely can't remember the last time I cleaned, I should seek help)
You can do it!!!! I know it seems like a lot but later on it'll be so worth it. Also I love the Sun and the Star, I have a signed copy. :)
Is this where people post their schedules and stuff?

Pretty interesting. I thought this was going to be about discussing productivity habits and how to improve on them. Speaking of which, I popped in to say that I can be pretty terrible at that. ^^;

I am a notorious procrastinator and I often wait until late at night to start my homework. I usually end up finishing before the due date, though. My autism and overstimulation by noise are major factors in making me overwhelmed by the school environment, which contributes to my lousy productivity.

There are moments where I feel productive, though. A while ago, I went to the library after school and finished my math homework before my sister came and picked me up to go home.