Quality of Life updates you want?


AroAce, ASD, and Proud ^^
Oct 31, 2015
Toy Duck Plush
User Title Color Change
What are some QoL updates that have yet to make it in the game that you would like to see in a feature update? Remember, these are things to make playing the game more convenient.

Also, feel free to state why you agree (or disagree) with other forumers about their wishes.

These are mine:
1. Bulk crafting (this will be especially handy for crafting fishing bait)
2. Being able to craft items with the materials in your storage, so we are not taking up space in our pockets. Or Nintendo can add like a supply shed for storing items and we can be able to craft items from it, if that would be easier for Nintendo to program.
3. A tool box, so our tools can only take up one slot.
4. A Dodo Airlines app for our NookPhone.
5. Unbreakable tools
1. tbh i complain about this everytime i buy customization kits, but they need to improve the bulk buying option in the cabinet at nooks so it's like in pokemon games, where u can select the number of items u want and buy maybe 100 in one go

i just get really annoyed with buying 5 at a time because i use them so often and i'm constantly having to go back and forth between my house and nooks

2. material items should all be 99 per stack like weeds

3. this one is more of me just being really picky and i doubt they will add this, but there are so many amazing villagers in this game and u can only choose 10 for ur island
so u should be able to have up to 15 villagers but u also don't have to, u just have the option to get more if u want

also i totally agree with all the ones u said especially being able to craft with materials from ur storage, that would be so helpful
A few:

1. Being able to craft with materials from storage
2. Crafting in bulk
3. Most importantly... more slots for patterns. Please.
I have a few!
  1. Bulk crafting
  2. Crafting from storage/having a separate storage just for materials.
  3. Materials being in stacks of 99 like weeds.
  4. Toolbox for our tools (I loved this so much from your list that I took it!)
  5. On that same note for number 4, a separate closet for clothes...
  6. Being able to buy quantities of items by number, instead of just 5 or whatever.
  7. Being able to move buildings just a TINY bit over without having to move the building twice.
I would have said being able to sit/do yoga or whatever with our villagers (I've wanted to do this since I got the game) but thankfully for this next update I don't have to wish for this anymore!
Crafting and buying in bulk would be so helpful especially someone who just buys tools to go collect materials around my island. I hate having to always buy them one at a time. And as the above user has said yes more design slots would be amazing as well
1. tbh i complain about this everytime i buy customization kits, but they need to improve the bulk buying option in the cabinet at nooks so it's like in pokemon games, where u can select the number of items u want and buy maybe 100 in one go

i just get really annoyed with buying 5 at a time because i use them so often and i'm constantly having to go back and forth between my house and nooks

2. material items should all be 99 per stack like weeds

3. this one is more of me just being really picky and i doubt they will add this, but there are so many amazing villagers in this game and u can only choose 10 for ur island
so u should be able to have up to 15 villagers but u also don't have to, u just have the option to get more if u want

also i totally agree with all the ones u said especially being able to craft with materials from ur storage, that would be so helpful
I totally agree with the 99 stacks, I have so many pumpkins but with them in stacks of 10 each it takes up so much space! Its kinda infuriating that even common ones like wood is only to 30. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Also with customization kits and plants, it can just peeves me since we need so many, why can't we buy so many! 5 doesn't eve customize anything big!

As for my own desires-
I would still love to see more bulk crafting! Let me make 10 of an item if I want T.T
- Being able to customize items without having to back out of the crafting mechanism.

Other ideas have already been mentioned.
• bulk crafting and purchasing would be incredible; i’d love to feel more inclined to craft fish bait and buy things from the able sisters but with how tedious those tasks feel atm, i can’t be bothered ;u;
• more custom design slots,, please,,
• being able to put diy cards into storage,, there’s honestly no reason why we can’t lmao
Honestly, only really would like two things:

1. Slightly faster text navigation for the Airport.
2. Special "bulk" DIYs for stack-able items (medicine, bait, etc).
I want to be able to:

Order more than 5 things a day from my catalog
More custom design slots
Put DIYs in storage
Buy different colors of the same clothing item in ables at once
Fly from island to island villager hunting instead of having to fly back home and restart the dodo dialogue
Kick out individual people who are visiting my island, instead of having to end session for everyone
Honestly, the thing that's top of the list for me is Isabelle's complain mechanic being actually useful. I just want to reset wardrobes and an option for removing items from villager's homes.
1. make gold tools unbreakable
2. bulk buying option, especially for nook mile tickets
3. shopping bag or something in the clothes closet so you can buy multiple of the same type of clothes at once
4. if crafting in your house you don't have to pull stuff out of your storage to craft with it
sure these have all been said and i've probably forgotten some but:

  1. unbreakable gold tools, preferably with their NL buffs back. i.e. the golden slingshot being able to shoot three pellets at once, golden net having a bigger catch radius etc.
  2. bulk buying + crafting, for faster fish bait crafting if nothing else.
  3. manilla clams stacking. not sure why this isn't already a thing since everything other than furniture/clothes, flowers and creatures (none of which they are) does.
  4. better able sisters shopping. as someone who's lowkey trying to complete the catalogue, going in and out is /so/ painstakingly annoying. i'd also love if your own able sisters acted more like the one in someone else's town, where you can have the new clothes go into your inventory instead of only your house storage ?? or replacing your current outfit ?? correct me if it already does that though.
  5. being able to move buildings by only one or two squares instead of having to move them to another place entirely first which both costs more and requires a longer waiting time.
  6. being able to access crafting materials from crafting tables instead of running back and forth to your house. i have an outdoor DIY area so it isn't as big an issue for me but honestly i wouldn't mind being able to use that space for something else in future and i can't fit every material (clay, bamboo, seasonal) in that area anyway.
  7. being able to release sea creatures from your inventory while in the water instead of having to swim all the way to shore. if you can put them in your pocket while swimming then surely you can throw them back out too or decide initially whether you want to catch/release them.
  8. bulk NMT printing. the speed it takes to do this is one of the main reasons i don't trade and i highkey dread when it's time to hunt for a new villager because i need to print out dozens and it takes f o r e v e r.
Here are improvements I want.
  • I want bulk actions. (This includes crafting and buying.)
  • I want unlimited expandable storage. (As a hoarder, this is a must!)
  • I want unlimited ordering from my catalog.
  • I want to standardise the item stacking system. Why does everything have different stack limits? Can we also have stacks for similar items and furniture?
Here are improvements I want.
  • I want bulk actions. (This includes crafting and buying.)
  • I want unlimited expandable storage. (As a hoarder, this is a must!)
  • I want unlimited ordering from my catalog.
  • I want to standardise the item stacking system. Why does everything have different stack limits? Can we also have stacks for similar items and furniture?
Yeah no reason we shouldn’t be able to have like a 10,000 limit storage. I’m glad they’re expanding it at least though
sure these have all been said and i've probably forgotten some but:

  1. unbreakable gold tools, preferably with their NL buffs back. i.e. the golden slingshot being able to shoot three pellets at once, golden net having a bigger catch radius etc.
  2. bulk buying + crafting, for faster fish bait crafting if nothing else.
  3. manilla clams stacking. not sure why this isn't already a thing since everything other than furniture/clothes, flowers and creatures (none of which they are) does.
  4. better able sisters shopping. as someone who's lowkey trying to complete the catalogue, going in and out is /so/ painstakingly annoying. i'd also love if your own able sisters acted more like the one in someone else's town, where you can have the new clothes go into your inventory instead of only your house storage ?? or replacing your current outfit ?? correct me if it already does that though.
  5. being able to move buildings by only one or two squares instead of having to move them to another place entirely first which both costs more and requires a longer waiting time.
  6. being able to access crafting materials from crafting tables instead of running back and forth to your house. i have an outdoor DIY area so it isn't as big an issue for me but honestly i wouldn't mind being able to use that space for something else in future and i can't fit every material (clay, bamboo, seasonal) in that area anyway.
  7. being able to release sea creatures from your inventory while in the water instead of having to swim all the way to shore. if you can put them in your pocket while swimming then surely you can throw them back out too or decide initially whether you want to catch/release them.
  8. bulk NMT printing. the speed it takes to do this is one of the main reasons i don't trade and i highkey dread when it's time to hunt for a new villager because i need to print out dozens and it takes f o r e v e r.
In addition to this, it would be awesome if we can go from island to island without having to go back home first. (of course we would still need a NMT for each tour).