Real talk: does anyone actually like Monkeys?

i used to hate the monkey species but only because monkeys in real life freak me out. the ones in animal crossing though aren't as terrifying as the real deal. i like the one with the boots, shari i think is her name.
I love them, actually! Elise was one of my favorite villagers in the previous games and I also really like Deli, Simon, Monty and Nana. Pretty much all of them lol.
I'm not a big fan. The only one I'd actually want in my town is Nana.
To me, they're a species that feels cheap to me. Like chickens and ostriches - no matter the design I'll never enjoy seeing them in Animal Crossing. The only exception is Porter, but I only include monkeys because I do dislike all of their designs. I just don't like the Animal Crossing version for these animals.
The monkeys are fine by me. I had Tammi in CF and she was fine. Don't like real monkeys but the cartoon ones can be cute.

The gorillas, on the other hand, please remove from the game and never return. If my game has me on that plane with a gorilla to my new island I am restarting.
The monkeys are fine by me. I had Tammi in CF and she was fine. Don't like real monkeys but the cartoon ones can be cute.

The gorillas, on the other hand, please remove from the game and never return. If my game has me on that plane with a gorilla to my new island I am restarting.

Oh my god absolutely.

I hate the gorillas so much more than monkeys.
Huh, I see nothing offensive about the monkey designs, they're perfectly fine. Is it just a distaste for real life monkeys bleeding into AC for everyone here? I think Nana and Tammi are my faves, if they moved in I'd be okay with it.

Partly that, and partly because they look too close to human that when they have wide eyes or vacant beady ones, it looks really creepy. Like someone staring at you crazy-eyed. Like charles manson.
I like the monkeys! I think they are cute. I like them a lot more than the cows or sheep.
Does anyone like hippos? I don't really like them Bertha's cute though...
I don't really like the chicken apart from Rhoda...

They're my favorite animals actually haha. Idk if I've seen anyone share the same feelings though. Rocco, Bubbles, and Biff are my favorites in game.
I never thought of monkeys as scary, lol. I like their designs some of my favorites are Champ, Nana, Deli and Flip. I probably wouldn't choose any of them over other animal characters, like say Merengue or Zucker, but I would still consider them a favorite, since I wouldn't be in any rush to get them to move out if any ever moved into my New Leaf town. The only way I could get any of them to move into my town in Wild World was through hacking, since I'd never be able to, otherwise, legitimately. If we're talking scary encounters, try having Coco sneak up on you at night from behind a tree. Now that's scary! She reminds me of the Redead from Ocarina of Time. I had a mini heart attack every time I'd see her at night in Animal Crossing GCN.
I'm not too fond of the monkey villagers either, but I don't necessarily hate them or anything. If we did replace the monkey villagers, I am in agreement with you on other dogs, cats, and birds to use. There is so many varieties of dogs, cats, and birds. One type of bird that would be cool to see would be blue jays. If there was blue jay villagers, maybe each of them could be different colors of blue? Like a couple would be a light blue or some sorts and another couple could be dark blue? Just an idea of mine. :)
I think the monkeys are cute, they are probably in the top quarter of my species rankings at least
I'm hoping they add a monkey villager I can love!

I hope they add a golden lion tamarin NPC one day.


I think that'd be quite lovable! :)