Real talk: does anyone actually like Monkeys?

I hope they add a golden lion tamarin NPC one day.


I think that'd be quite lovable! :)

OMIGOSH! Yes! I love ginger animals they're like a golden ginger colour!
I'm hoping for an Orangutan! Let's hope our dreams come true!
i like maybe two of them!
the gorillas, however..........i don' all.....
save for boone. and maybe hans.
OMIGOSH! Yes! I love ginger animals they're like a golden ginger colour!
I'm hoping for an Orangutan! Let's hope our dreams come true!

Haha! Yes, let's! An orangutan would be pretty cool in the series. :)
I like Tammi because she moved into my CF town and she grew on me, but I don't like any of the others. The species in general just doesn't appeal to me at all.
Please appreciate gorilla butts tho

Actually I love gorillas and some villagers that are monkey.
I love how big and silly the gorillas are, and love it when I see monkeys walk. They're so adorable.<3
I especially love and have AI, Rocket from gorillas, and Nana is my eternal number one normal, along with some other normals<3

Actually I love gorillas and some villagers that are monkey.
I love how big and silly the gorillas are, and love it when I see monkeys walk. They're so adorable.<3
I especially love and have AI, Rocket from gorillas, and Nana is my eternal number one normal, along with some other normals<3

Cesar's mustache deserves respect
Eh, not really a huge fan of them. It's mostly because of their designs, they are not appealing to me. If they may add some new ones with better designs I may give them a chance. Otherwise, I don't care about monkey villagers.
EDIT: I just realized this thread is from 2020. I know mods don't like us participating in old threads and I am sorry. I can't delete the answer myself but feel free to do it.

I love monkeys and they are in my favourities list. My favourite characters are Tucker and Deli. I absolutely love Deli. Right now I only have him and Tiansheng but I am trying to get Nana and Flip too at least. They are nice and cute both in virtual and real life.

I don't find it creepy that they look similar to us in the same way I don't find it weird that dogs and wolves look alike or that I don't find it weird that orangutans and gorillas look alike between them. We are apes too, just like them. It is just the proof we are just animals. I like how us human and non-human primates are visibly related, so to say. ❤🦧🐒🦍🐵
I love Shari because she's adorable but has a lot of sass. (She's sisterly after all-- lol.)
I don't really like monkeys irl (except for a few acceptions like Lemurs) but I honestly think Animal Crossing monkeys are stylized pretty nicely and some can be cute!
Shari is the only monkey I like, and she is my favorite sisterly. I am not sure I would trade in the monkeys for a different species... that's asking me to trade in my favorite sisterly for a new species set that I may nor may not like.
I mean, maybe if there were more sisterly to choose from I would have a different favorite? Maybe, but maybe not.
NH is the first time I ever had a monkey villager, I always wanted one but never had one. My villager was Shari(watched a nl lets play and the guys interactions with her were hilarious). But once I read about the type of monkey she is(I forget atm) and realized the yellow on her hands and feet is pee I just couldn't keep her, it was too gross. I have Deli's amiibo and he's on my hhp island I really like him. I would love to have Niko as a villager though he is so freakin adorable.
NH is the first time I ever had a monkey villager, I always wanted one but never had one. My villager was Shari(watched a nl lets play and the guys interactions with her were hilarious). But once I read about the type of monkey she is(I forget atm) and realized the yellow on her hands and feet is pee I just couldn't keep her, it was too gross. I have Deli's amiibo and he's on my hhp island I really like him. I would love to have Niko as a villager though he is so freakin adorable.
Was this Let's Player jacksepticeye by any chance? His trolling of her had me rolling! :LOL::ROFLMAO:
no it was chuggaaconroy. ill have to check out the guy u mentioned now though
There's some funny compilations of him messing with her. I think he hated her throughout his entire series, but I still love her.
I actually don’t hate the monkeys. Tiansheng and Champ are top notch villagers. Maybe I’m just a fan of jocks. Yeah. That’s probably it.
I believe Nana is the only monkey villager I have EVER had in my own town and that was back in City Folk? It was an older game. Since then, no monkey.