Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

Because I’m over all this and want to go out with a bang, I could have set a trap for someone to CC me on Day 3 but I doubted it.

Regardless it’s either mafia kills myself or Watcher tonight, with roleblocker and framer they counteract both mine and the watcher anyway with how small the player count is.
First point - it was not once. And it is partially connected to volt.

And there was one more that felt that way later. 1, pfft. More than 1, i ask questions. Ribbit answered, said they were joking. Fine. But!

Very important! Geoni did a couple of similar "jokes" last game, and ended up maf.

But who fell for those jokes and believed geoni town? Volt. So when volt says open wolf jokes are NOT a possible wolf tell, after geoni did that very thing to volt - i thought it was weird.

And even more important - ribbit confronted volt on why they thought ribbit was sus. What were all of the specific reasons. Volt (finally) answered with this-

So - jokes.

And yet volt pressed the hell outta me for digging into ribbits jokes. Wth?
this geoni point is literally so random geoni was afk for 80% of the game
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what is even your point? ribbit WAS town so doesn't that argument of yours that joking on the first page is an open wolfing indicative falls apart? im pressed on it because you keep using this argument to say im wolf even though 1. what's even my wolf agenda for bringing this up? im not pushing on you 2. even if i was, why is pointing out that an argument makes NO SENSE AT ALL a wolf tell?
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like i have clearly killed annika over geoni because geoni was so unbelievably hilarious that he had to be town. not because annika looked super partnered with jacob, who's the real mvp of that game, not geoni (he even said that himself)
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Because I’m over all this and want to go out with a bang, I could have set a trap for someone to CC me on Day 3 but I doubted it.

Regardless it’s either mafia kills myself or Watcher tonight, with roleblocker and framer they counteract both mine and the watcher anyway with how small the player count is.
setup mafia sided af, sorry tn4u
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I'm not. The quote you posted was cut off. You only included the first part. You left out the punchline. Why did you leave out the fabulous peppy popstar personality punchline? It was a pretty good punchline.

I dont care about people not thinking I'm town. I care about people being inaccurate in representing things i say or do. Because that is usually a maf tactic to set up a sus.

I've already stated why i think ribbit died, i think when responding to a doo comment. Ribbit was a strong player who was actively solving and had convinced several people they were town. My frame comment came later after i reread eod and saw ribbits post on ness. I mentioned it because imo it looked like a frame job, setting up a potential town ness for miselim.

Doo is new, and posted a thing wondering about ness which was really wifom. So i responded with an explanation of wifom and a comment that that kind of wifom seems really town, because doo was questioning the motives of someone towards themself.

Ok i dont understand this at all. Frosty, are you tryna set me up for miselim d3?

Are you saying that if maf uses a specific tactic to win a game you are in, and you see someone doing that in a future game, it would be short sighted to sus, question, and press that person on why they were doing that very same thing? Because maf doesn't have a rulebook?

I'd like to dig a little deeper into your thought process on this. Because imo this is very non town frosty. If you meant it differently, please explain.

Yep I've already explained in a response to this exact question from you.
(And after i responded to you, volt said wtf why are you even talking about this).

The recap - i pressed volt hard, had a good campaign going. But only 2 people were interested. Nobody was going there with me.

I was sad, but i said to myself - "self, that's ok. The other proposals are also worth flipping, and we can worry about volt later if we're still alive. Ribbit is so town rn, and ribbit is good at this game. Let's follow ribbit."

Explained. Several times over.

In the post you are referring to (if we are talking about the same thing, 4ish, eod), i actually mentioned that if the thread stayed quiet etc, I'd think we were on the wrong track. Because that is the point where i was starting to think - crap, this is too quiet, too easy, it can't be right. Ribbit was the one who showed up after that.

I've got a new campaign! It's extremely risky because of the numbers, but if there are confident strong town players who think they could solve this thing if they knew my alignment - worth it.

Boot Betsy! Cut Cookie! I dunno if i can vote for myself, but i want the miselim of myself to be completely off the table for d3. I would be the last free miselim, so you would have to get it 100% right tomorrow or we'd lose.

I cannot see us winning this if im alive d3. If today is a miselim, with the new rules, it would be extremely easy for 2 maf to achieve a miselim of myself.

I think it's possible (pfft, definite) early town/town susses are being used to set people up for miselim. It's why i fight so hard against inaccuracies -makes it harder for maf, they have to be more careful. I dont know if maf jumped on a town tunnel, or started the tunnel. Usually i think maf joins an already established tunnel.

So - right now, i find it extremely town that some people, even though they think its me, are still looking at other possible targets and analyzing the game. I think if I'm out of the game, my flip would help those town solve the game.

But it's risky! It would be removing an active town from the game. Normally, no way in heck would i ever do that. But this setting up for miselim is so obv it's ridiculous. And i dont think i could solve it. But my flip might help solve it. My worry - it doesn't help solve. My hope - flipping me leads to reeval of whole game by competent solvers.

I'll be back later with some posts from doo to analyze.

Boot betsy! Cut cookie! 🎉

I'm sorry I left out something irrelevant to the game? Like, look, I walked into this game a day late, to losing doc, I'm a little stressed to be worrying about your constant jokes muddling up and blending into your legit reads. I figured you would be stressed too since you also said we don't have the people to faff around and miselim but IG not. If we're misrepresenting, sure, but why the jokes??? Like it's more distracting than helpful.

Then IDK why you needed to bring up a wifom. You think Ribbit died because they were a good player, but also pull up this one quote and use it to deduce if it was Ness or he was framed. Okay, do you think it's an overlap or a coincidence.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? No? I'm telling you I think it's a flawed way to solve. The same way I told you last game don't x out potential maf because of their partners actions when you and Ribbit said TN couldn't be maf since he was bussed by two partners. Shocking he was maf. (I give you points of credit for realizing he could have been GF tho even if you still didn't want to vote him). But obviously I'm pushing your buttons too much, like it came across with TN so yeesh, I will throw the game by not trying to solve your slot IG. I'm not screaming you're maf, everyone vote with me right now, I'm trying to solve your slot, because I saw Ness's soft and knew he was town (or lying but that was a later worry after your slot) and I wasn't sure if your whole spat earlier was T v T.

In that moment of time it doesn't mean you couldn't have put down a placeover vote, like it was a 2 v 2 tie, you could have made it 3 and if people weren't interested, you could have changed then. Like, I just don't really understand why you didn't vote Volt to kick off/strengthen your campaign and hesitated. Can you not see from someone else's perspective, that you weren't taking your own campaign seriously when you didn't want to vote and went *sigh* it didn't take off?
"town!volt should be hyperaware of a joke on the first page because he had such unbelieve ptsd about losing a random game to geoni that he would never, NEVER let someone joke on his watch. that's why he's mafia."
First point - it was not once. And it is partially connected to volt.

And there was one more that felt that way later. 1, pfft. More than 1, i ask questions. Ribbit answered, said they were joking. Fine. But!

Very important! Geoni did a couple of similar "jokes" last game, and ended up maf.

But who fell for those jokes and believed geoni town? Volt. So when volt says open wolf jokes are NOT a possible wolf tell, after geoni did that very thing to volt - i thought it was weird.

And even more important - ribbit confronted volt on why they thought ribbit was sus. What were all of the specific reasons. Volt (finally) answered with this-

So - jokes.

And yet volt pressed the hell outta me for digging into ribbits jokes. Wth?'ve openly admitted to me you've been making jokes this whole game (about reads lists, posting memes, throwing in alliteration you're mad I'm ignoring) because you were having fun. Why are you town for it and everyone else gets a maf read????? Like, I'm sorry if I'm missing something here but Betsy you're seriously confusing me atm.
2. Myself for voting for Shell

Nope. Not for voting shell. I voted shell. I sussed you for a couple of reasons.

The first, ribbit was really leaning into you eod yesterday. Made plenty of "it's ness" comments and its furret Friday, etc. I trust ribbits read more than my own.

Also - past games, if there are town/town tunnels going on, i have seen several times where maf steps in and says, cmon guys, you're both town, lets stop this and just solve this thing. It gives towncred, and then in the end, we die. You did this when me/volt were interacting.

Also, you were a bit defensive of some of my comments throughout the game.
Example. I said something like, ness tunneling (for the ribbit thing), nothing fishy there.

I meant that. I thought you tunneling was a town ness trait. But then you responded, and i said you seemed a bit defensive. I even mentioned it.

Also - this is both volt/you, I am usually targeted by maf earlier in game, then left alive to be the target. Sometimes it's the first person to target me (which would be dan/volt). Sometimes its the followers (which would be you). So when im trying to figure things out and posting, etc., and someone (dan) says hey its betsy, dino, ness (my trs) and just calls it poe, i think that's sus ah.

Then when you called it a bad read, but then later switched to me, i had to wonder.

I also didnt like how you would put something out, then later backtrack and say -oh i was just getting a reaction. Now that you are revealed as katrina, i can see how you might have been looking for info to see how to use your ability. But i saw it as a way to push, but backtrack if it didnt catch on.

Volt carbon copying dans poe read i also thought was super sus.

And i dont understand why you thought i parked my vote on you and left it? No. I'm trying to look at everything. I also said today in response to volt saying me/ness had figured each other out -
I haven't figured out ness and i don't know if he's figured out me.

And when looking over all the doo stuff today - this was my ultimate conclusion. To a doo post, i said -
The only way i could see you as maf is if you were framing ness. So if ness flipped red, it would mean you're town. If you flipped red, I'd be tr ness. I think you are more town than ness.

So i think a doo/ness team is not a thing.

That was my ultimate conclusion. That a doo/ness wasn't a thing. And that if it were doo, it would be to frame ness. That i felt doo was more town, but if doo flipped red it would clear ness.

And later - i thought it could still be one of ness/volt.
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"town!volt should be hyperaware of a joke on the first page because he had such unbelieve ptsd about losing a random game to geoni that he would never, NEVER let someone joke on his watch. that's why he's mafia."
That's inaccurate. It was a totality. You did not mention the poe or anything else i said.
Do we trust that Ness is Katrina? That role confused me so much, that’s all've openly admitted to me you've been making jokes this whole game (about reads lists, posting memes, throwing in alliteration you're mad I'm ignoring) because you were having fun. Why are you town for it and everyone else gets a maf read????? Like, I'm sorry if I'm missing something here but Betsy you're seriously confusing me atm.

This is so inaccurate i cant even. 😅

It wasnt the fact that it was a joke. It was the fact that i saw open wolfing, which ribbit LATER said were all just jokes.

I love jokes. I dont always get them, but i love them. I do not love open wolfing, even when its just joking, because it CAN be a good maf tactic.

You are also confusing me. I specifically stated it was the open wolfing that bothered me. I don't see how this is being twisted.

Open wolfing = bad!
Jokes = great!
Open wolfing jokes = hmmmm 🧐

How is this so difficult?

Answer - it's not! So, hmmmm...
Still in the process of catching up but in regards to the 24h day that may be a bit challenging for me with my work schedule but I'll try my best.
Predictions of the Future:

Eliminate town!Betsy, NK Ness

Day 3 has…


If Betsy is towns then the team is Dinosaur/Doo, Dinosaur/Frosty or Volt/Doo

Eliminate wolf!Betsy, NK Ness

The last one for priority should go Doo > Dinosaur > Frosty

I’m convinced that Bongo’s reasoning for being suspicious of me is the most town oriented.
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Do we trust that Ness is Katrina? That role confused me so much, that’s all
For the love of god
This is so inaccurate i cant even. 😅

It wasnt the fact that it was a joke. It was the fact that i saw open wolfing, which ribbit LATER said were all just jokes.

I love jokes. I dont always get them, but i love them. I do not love open wolfing, even when its just joking, because it CAN be a good maf tactic.

You are also confusing me. I specifically stated it was the open wolfing that bothered me. I don't see how this is being twisted.

Open wolfing = bad!
Jokes = great!
Open wolfing jokes = hmmmm 🧐

How is this so difficult?

Answer - it's not! So, hmmmm...

We weren't talking about open wolfing in the post I quoted. Betsy can you please remember I just subbed in today and all I have from yesterday is the bits and pieces that stuck when I caught up on 26 pages. I didn't retain 100% of why everyone was pointing fingers. I think being deceptive and putting fake reads and calling it a joke when asked is wolfy behaviour, maybe not open wolfing (considering I had to directly ask you) but whatever.

If you want me to sit back and not solve, fine?????? I'll just sheep Ness like fr, sorry. I'm trying to contribute.

Do we trust that Ness is Katrina? That role confused me so much, that’s all

If Ness gets a CC (counterclaim), sure. But right now I am willing to believe him.
That's inaccurate. It was a totality. You did not mention the poe or anything else i said.
stop saying insane stuff and then going "erm thats not what i meant actually" when called out
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also you say my reads are a carbon copy of dan's when you have yourself said that you confused my reads with dan's. because yk the only thing we had in common was the sus on you, what wasn't even that similar bc dan had dropped that already
I was kinda sure on voting Ness, but them claiming to be Katrina completely threw me off. If we still vote for Ness after this, and they are truthful, it will be a really badly wasted vote. But, if they aren't saying the truth, then...... ahhhh i wish this was simpler
I can share what my powers do exactly if we want to play the game of how trustworthy I am, if mafia made the dumb decision to counterclaim me right now then I can 100% prove that they’re lying.
what doesnt even matter because this point is so dumb, if he was going to be chopped why on earth would dan tell me "hey double down on everything that I said"
I’m convinced that Bongo’s reasoning for being suspicious of me is the most town oriented.
This comment is a bit confusing for me because for the most part Bongo's reasonings are mostly agreeing with what I said Post#654 so I struggle to understand how that makes him town and me mafia?