{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting

"Zed." He said, not looking down at her as they approached the end of the desert, feeling the warm forest greet them.
"Get's so cold during the night, don't you agree?" He said, the red eyes of the mask glaring at her, however under the mask his expression was sincere.
(Rainbow,quit lurking and post already!xD)

A tear fell from his eye,but he quickly wiped it away."We have to come together and stop fighting.If anything ever happens,we'll all be dead.."
(*hands up* Well that part of the roleplay escalated quickly XD)
"That was.... random."
I say, blurting out the first thing that came to mind.
"Um- I mean... Are you all right?"
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"Yeah,why wouldn't I be?"Lance raises an eyebrow.'Wow she really pays attention to stuff...'
- - - - TERRA
"Definitely. I spend most nights freezing my *ss off." Terra shivered at the thought. She couldn't blame anyone but herself for getting cold easily though, by the way she dressed. "At least it isn't cold during the day." Terra stared at his mask's glowing red eyes. She liked how vivid they were, it reminded her of her own red eyes. Red was her favorite color.
"Weren't we talking about Zed's b*********?"Lance laughs.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Ahri,thinking of making a new character.Ks a wish granting power too much?xD)
- - - - TERRA
"Definitely. I spend most nights freezing my *ss off." Terra shivered at the thought. She couldn't blame anyone but herself for getting cold easily though, by the way she dressed. "At least it isn't cold during the day." Terra stared at his mask's glowing red eyes. She liked how vivid they were, it reminded her of her own red eyes. Red was her favorite color.

"Yeah, it's too humid during the day." He said, almost walking into a tree branch because of his height so he got annoyed, growling and then the blades shot out from the armor. He sliced the branch off of the tree in frustration.
"I get angry easily."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Weren't we talking about Zed's b*********?"Lance laughs.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Ahri,thinking of making a new character.Ks a wish granting power too much?xD)

no just use your common sense of whats too much
- - - - TERRA
"That's okay, so do I." Terra weaved through the branches easily, her feet lightly crunching the ground below her.
She used her own saw to slice some low branches though, not wishing for her hair to get caught.
Zed let out a small laugh, the brisk sound echoing from the mask.
"Seems like all of the Shurimans are either preachers or aggressive. I sort of find it funny that that guy tried to stand up to me earlier." He said quietly.
- - - - TERRA
"Agreed." Terra puffed.
"Did he honestly think he could win a fight? How pathetic." She couldn't help but laugh at this, that other Shuriman would've never stood a chance. Even from just standing by and watching the two, Terra felt like there would have been a huge difference in strength.
Shuriman Form


Ethnicity: Shuriman
Personality:Extremely bubbly and peppy.She is humble and kind to others.Iris sees the best in everyone,and makes an effort to bring out that part of them.Iris isn't very sensitive.Iris rarely gets upset.
Powers (NO SHIFTERS, physical based powers):Can use her lyre to cast curses and enchantments.
Weapon:Magical Lyre
Talents:Good muscision,great singer
Flaws:Too trusting,pushy
Other:Trys to hide her aggressive personality.She was born into the shuriman nation,and couldn't leave it.
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Zed couldn't help but let out a laugh.
"Yeah, I agree. So, were you born in Shurima or did you just decide to live here?"
Iris layed in a branch,playing her lyre.She tried to drain out the noise from below,coming from two other shuriman talking and bragging about a fight from before.