Cycling ☼Rose Cycling☼ | Online | New: None | Moving: None


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2016
100% (9) +
Rose Cycling
Status: Online!


please no running in my town!
please no wandering around my town! I'll take you to the villager's house myself.
please no digging/picking up items!
all payments should be left in front of the train station.

any repeated violations and i will turn off my wifi.

reservation fees are 10 TBT.
if you wanna reserve, PM me or post in the thread!
if your reserved villager is in boxes, i'll PM you! i'll only keep a reserved villager in boxes for twenty four hours before i revoke the reservation.
if anything goes wrong with your reserve, (ex. wifi cutting out too often or villager accidentally moving) i'll refund you.

lurking is totally permitted!
please only lurk for one villager at a time. don't ask for more than one!
i'll PM you if the villager you're lurking for is in my town and i will reserve them for you. If you do not PM me back within twelve hours, I will unreserve the villager.

please PM me or post in thread if you want a villager in boxes!
if multiple people want the same villager, the villager will go to the highest bidder.
any tier five that is not claimed after thirty minutes will be voided.
feel free to ask to lurk or to reserve when i'm offline!
i am at school until about 3 PM PST. I may be a bit slow during the week because of this.

tier 1 - 1 million+ IGB/100 TBT
tier 2 - 500k+ IGB/75 TBT
tier 3 - 250k+ IGB/50 TBT
tier 4 - 100k+ IGB/25 TBT
tier 5 - free!

tier 1 - 10 million IGB/300 TBT
tier 2 - 5 million IGB/200 TBT
tier 3 - 2 million IGB/150 TBT
tier 4 - 1 million IGB/100 TBT
tier 5 - free! first come first served!


Fauna (fosterfarms)

lovely coco drawing made by sunny-sundaes!
my other thread is here!
Last edited:
Decided to leave my old thread open for a few more days before transferring things here. I'll begin to start cycling tomorrow, but feel free to leave reserves and lurks!
Rory the jock lion is moving!
Rory (アーサー, Arthur?) is a jock lion villager in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. His English name references the sound lions make. He appears on the album cover for K.K. Rally
Rory is a tier five villager. He will be voided in thirty minutes.